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Fandom Magnolia's Massacre

Adamas...Adamas where are you?...Mom!? Mom come ba- THUNK

Will rubbed his head as he looked around wide eyed, trying to get his bearings and make sense of what happened. Where was he?...guild hall, right. Looking up, he realized he'd slept in the rafters...he couldn't remember for the life of him how he managed that though. Even after the hard landing on the ground, he didn't even feel much pain or soreness, thank god for pain tolerance, it was startling though. Unfortunately, he nearly landed on lily, and he didn't notice until the last moment. Turning his head, he opened his eyes a bit wider, before breaking out in a wide grin after a yawn. "Hey lily! Hope I didn't spook you....or wake anyone up for that matter...What're you doing with all the books though, early morning reading?"
Geozaki Geozaki
Lilly yelped, leaping backwards in surprise as something big just dropped down in front of her, from the roof? The shock caused her to drop all of the books she was carrying, she almost fell over as well but just managed to catch herself before she did. Lilly looked towards the fallen object, her heart pounding in her chest. Before she could quite make out what the heap was, it spoke. "W-Will?" Lilly asked, her voice quivering a little as a result of the adrenaline surging through her body in response to the sudden shock she'd received. Lilly glanced at the books as Will mentioned them. "U-uh yeah... I ju-just wanted something to read." She said uncertainly, glancing at the books that were once again scattered across the floor before returning her attention to Will. "A-are you ok?" She asked worriedly, Will had hit the ground with quite a loud thump after all.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Jax Cyrus

Interactions: Open for interactions!

He absolutely and unequivocally hated this.

The raven-haired male had woken up on the bad side of the bed. Not only did Jax have to waste his precious free time, he had to do it, of all places at Fairy Tail. Jax had nothing against the guild itself or its members (a white lie considering a few members have actually destructed a favoured eatery of his that had to close down for a month). It's just that the fact that he had to spend not even a measly hour there. All he had to do was hand over a receipt of sorts to the guild master.

"For fuck's sake." Jax Cyrus cursed aloud as he made his way down the same cobbled street towards the said guild in Magnolia. Once he pushed open the wooden doors, he realised his mistake of actually arriving early in the morning.

Even Sabertooth members haven't woke up yet at this hour. He noted the presence of two females and a male. All three in which were familiar faces considering he had seen them the day before. However, instead of engaging in conversation with them, Jax decided that waiting out some guild members (and hopefully the guild master) would be a good idea. As such, he slipped onto one of the long wooden benches, awaiting the arrival of a few more guild members to arrive.

Millicent Yoton
Location: FT Main Hall
Tags: Geozaki Geozaki Makomin Makomin

The soft shaking of the ground with minor tremors can be felt around the guild accompanied by the clicking of heels and tapping of wood as Millicent makes her way through the streets towards the guild hall. She keeps a small pouch danging from her belt waist filled with various items for the festival, a warm smile on her face as she opens up the doors to take a glance around at the occupants inside "Good Morning Darlings!... Ready for a festival?!" striding inside and resting a hand on her hip as she looks between each, the man on the floor before slowly squatting down to pick up a few of the scattered books "For example i hope your rest, and somebody wasn't up all night reading...might make them a bit tired for a long day of fun" going to put them down on the table before standing back up and heading to her usual chair, leaning back and crossing her legs over as the staff bobs idly against her arm while the other reaches back to pull out a bottle from behind the counter and take a slow drink once the top was popped.

As she puts her bottle down her attention turns to the new arrival as well "Still holding on to that bill I see Jaxxy or did you just want an excuse to enjoy the festival? maybe enjoy the scenery?" chuckling lightly with a wink towards them along the wooden bench.


Kerberosa Keter
Location: FT Main Hall

Kerberosa herself had spent the night slowly moving her belongings into the dormitories in Fairy Hills, having carried box after box of items containing mostly books and other equipment into her room to the point the end result looked like a cross between a Library and magic shop with all the trinkets, trunks, scrolls, vials and other assorted items around. There didn't even seem to be room for a bed only a desk and chair until it became apparent of a rollable futon secured in the corner. The sun was actually rising by the time she had finished, realising her time for rest had passed she instead goes about her morning routine in the alien environment, slipping into the showers like a ghost before emerging fully dressed in her long cloak like before.

Before long she finds herself slinking back to the guild hall, she had wanted to stay in her room but this festival...She had to at least give it a shot right? maybe it would be better than back home now she thought about it, as long as she kept...."it" under wraps she should be fine, shes got a lot more control so an outburst really isn't likely...right?. She could stay to the background and watch, just listen...they wouldnt want her joining in and spoiling things but observing should be fine, she really was curious what the festival would actually involve with all the work being put into it. Swallowing hard she looks towards the doors finally, creaking them to the side to peek inside at the figures around, several she recognised from the day before but she didn't want to interrupt them.

Rubbing his head, he gave a grin and simply nodded to lily. "Yea, I'm fine! It takes more than a fall to bother me, I'm pretty durable. I actually once fell off the side of a cliff face me and the team were scaling. I got tired, took a nap in an alcove and..." he made a whistling noise as he dropped his hand towards his open palm. "Thunk! Thankfully, I wasn't very far up, and I landed in some tree tops. But still, I would've been fine...probably...maybe...we'll never know!". Looking over to the male who had entered, and Millicent, he gave a smile towards the latter. "I slept well, for my part! I always do though...that's not much of a surprise to people anymore, is it? We've got a big day ahead of us, the parade, the festivities, the food stalls......a possible nap or four....". He trailed off as he recounted his general plans for the day. Geozaki Geozaki PlusUltra PlusUltra
Hayden flicked his hair back as he moved down the street to the guild hall at a leisurely pace. The night before, he’d intended to rent an room at some inn to spend the night, so that he could see why the festival was a cause for such excitement the next day. Unfortunately for him, he’d enjoyed his company with Millicent a little too much, and as a consequence of buying more rounds to keep the conversation going, he had burned through all the money he had brought with him.

Not that it bothered him too much, Hayden never was one for sleeping. A lot of people took surprise at how little he slept, maybe a collective 6 or 7 hours every few days. It used to be that he just couldn’t sleep, every time he closed his eyes and was left alone with his thoughts, he flashed back to the tale of events that led him to Fiore. His troubled past in Isenberg, his parents, his childhood friends, many of whom he had presumed were dead... All of it made it nearly impossible to sleep. And years later, his sleeplessness just became force of habit.

Hayden had spent the night taking in the city, relaxing in whatever spots were open for the night. It was when the tavern asked the tenets to leave for closing down that he remembered the reason he’d decided to stay and so, figured that he’d check back in with his new acquaintances to ask some questions about the festival. Although, he first took a detour to admire the sunrise on a hill at the edge of town.

Hayden was greeted by the sight of the hooded girl from the night before, timidly peeping through the door. Partly to try and bring her into the conversation and partly to point out his own arrival, he ruffled her hair and abrasively announced “Morning... Uhh... Karen, was it? Kabarasa or something?”

He gave her a pat on the back and continued into the hall.

“Well fairies, today’s your big day! Good to see you’re all still kicking. What’s first on the agenda?”
Lilly sighed with relief as Will confirmed that he was ok. "You should really be more careful where you sleep." She half giggled. She then looked up at Millicent as she arrived. "Hiya Millie." She said with a smile, deliberately avoiding the question about sleep, hoping that Millicent was only expecting an answer from Will. As Millicent started gathering books, Lilly remembered what she was in the process of doing when Will had almost squished her. She helped gather the books, placing the few she'd picked up where Millicent had paced the ones she'd gathered.

PlusUltra PlusUltra ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Jax Cyrus

Interactions: PlusUltra PlusUltra

Slowly but surely, the guild hall had fairies flooding in, one by one. Jax Cyrus wasn't a very patient man but he was definitely not mad that the festival's decorations helped in making the hall more vibrant-looking. If that was possible, considering this was Fairy Tail.

Hearing the sound of heels clicking on the wooden floor, he found himself looking up to the same purple-themed lady from the day before. He found himself watching her movements as she reached back and grabbed a drink before taking a swig out of it.

"Pretty early for a drink." He said nonchalantly before leaning his elbows against the wooden table in front of him. He wasn't a type to judge or even care about another's actions but it was definitely a first for him, seeing someone drink this early. Not to mention, from a bottle and not just a glass.

"I hope Master Makarov is in today or else, it'll definitely ruin the festival for me." He commented before frowning visibly, obviously not joking.
Hearing lily tell him to be more careful where he slept, he simply gave a small shrug. "Probably should. I'll try to remember that, promise.". Hearing the blue pegasus member come in and ask what the plans for the day were, he rubbed his eyes and then looked between lily and millicent. "Uhh...I'm still waking up, too early for me to remember. Can you two answer that question?". Standing up and dusting himself off, he rubbed his eyes once more, finally noticing the robed girl from yesterday. Smiling a bit, he started on his way over, planning to at least invite her in and make her comfortable. Stopping for a moment hearing jax, he grinned. "Course gramps is going to be around today, he doesn't miss the festival for the world!.". Giving a quick thumbs up, he stopped short of kerberosa, smiling and jutting a thumb over his shoulder. "Hey, morning! Want to come in and take a seat? Folks will wake up sooner or later, but we can at least chat with you till everyone's up, right?"
Geozaki Geozaki Makomin Makomin PlusUltra PlusUltra Jamey Jamey

Millicent gives a faint nod and smiles towards the sleeper taking another deep drink from the bottle "I mean is it ever a small day around here? but yes sights and sounds abound all around town...d" chuckling to herself at the flowing rhyme before she looks around the room once more, an eye lingering on Lilly for a little longer than the rest before throwing an off-hand comment towards Jax "Oh Master Makrov will be around, and its never too early for a refreshment" raising the bottle with a final sip before putting it down empty and letting out a satisfied sigh.

Letting out a faint nod she turns around to the Blue Pegasus "I think the first will be getting a lay of the land, most stalls will still be opening up so the best time to get a bargain, If the first customer ends in a sale alot of them count it as a good luck on the days trade you know?... as for the actual events will start later today" Leaning her chin atop her hand as the elbow props it up on the bar counter.



Kerberosa Keter
Location: FT Main Hall
Tags: Jamey Jamey ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

Kerberosa looks down at Haydens address, speaking somberly in almost a whisper "Its..Kerberosa..." she really couldn't expect to be remembered after one encounter she supposed, but then again that was a good thing, she was far too used to standing out from the crowd so being forgotten did have a faint comfort to it.

Not sure what to do she remains standing for a while until her attention is drawn by Will, standing like a deer in the headlights before slowly nodding and shuffling within the halls to take a seat off to the side keeping her head down to the ground as she does, her left hand slowly fidgeting with her cloak as she does, she really didnt know how to handle this, she didnt know how to really handle the festival either or where to start. Should she say something? what should she say...what do people normally say?. The deep thought is clear across her face mixed with the timid nervous expression as remains silent.

Hayden nodded over to Millicent,
“Morning Milsy”
He once again invited himself into the guild hall, and plonked himself down at the bar. It almost felt like deja vu.
“Never too early for a refreshment, haha I like that...”
He went to rifle through his pockets for his wallet, he sprung up when he recalled his financial situation.
“Unfortunately for me, it would appear I’m all out of money.”

He turned to the rest of the guild members and let out a hearty laugh, “what was that talk from yesterday I remember about some kind of arena? I’d love to get some money back by beating the snot out of you guys if you’d like to place some wagers.”
He let out a sarcastic snort so the comment seemed somewhat less rude and asked for a water, hoping that they didn’t charge for it.
Jax Cyrus

Interactions: PlusUltra PlusUltra & ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

At the sound of another male giving his thoughts, Jax eyed William before looking back at the wooden table in which he had decided to occupy alongside its bench. He wondered how the lot of them could be so energetic this early in the morning. But then again, he was a bit of a prude.

"The question is, when will he be here?" He replied back to both, Millicent and William before standing up. He figured since it was the day of the festival and Fairy Tail knew almost no bounds that a drink would at least occupy his mind. He made his way closer to the purple-clad woman by the bar before ordering up a drink. Today was going to be quite a day.

"I'm surprised there aren't any fights started yet." Jax Cyrus commented, unsure of what to say in situations like these.
568458 Melody roused slowly, grumbling and blinking against the sunlight shining directly in her face. She lifted her head and looked around blearily, realizing after several minutes that she had fallen asleep sitting on the floor, half-draped over the couch. She must have nodded off while working. In the center of the floor stood a mannequin garbed in a newly finished festival dress. She looked over it carefully, a proud smile on her lips. Dusting herself off, she glanced at the clock and felt her heart jump in her chest. Was it really that late already?!
Now in a state of panic, the violet-haired female rushed around her apartment, tidying up her mess while simultaneously trying to clean herself up. She slipped the gown off the mannequin and folded it up, neatly tucking it into a bag so she could change into it later. Next, she rushed to the bathroom to brush her hair and teeth, and wash her face. Finally, she stopped in the doorway, taking one last second to doublecheck that she hadn't forgotten anything. Satisfied, or at least unable to remember if there was anything else she needed to do, she snatched up her bag and dashed out the door, leaving it to slowly swing shut behind her.

Several minutes later she arrived at the guild, out of breath from running the whole way. As she pushed open the door and stepped inside, she noticed that several others had already arrived, including Will, surprisingly. She released a grateful sigh that she at least wasn't the last to get there.
Will rubbed his eyes once more, before standing up with a stretch. "Right, the stalls! Shoot, I should probably run into town and pick up some food, see if there's a sale going on. I doubt I'll get any good stuff at this point, but maybe I'll find something....long as it's not coal.". At the mention of coal, he visibly gagged a bit, covering his mouth. After a moment of suppressing the urge to gag horribly at the sheer thought he straightened up, looking to hayden. "Yea, we've got an arena of sort's we do each year. The town loves to see us put on a show and go at it, and no one ever get's hurt too badly. I don't really do bets, I'm terrible at it...but if we get matched up, I'll give it my best!". He gave a thumbs up and a grin to him.

Stretching out a bit, he shrugged at jax's comment. "Eh, no one's up yet, and we're all in too good a mood today to get into a fist fight. Well there was that one ti-" he's cut off as he notices melody walk in, a bright grin coming across his face. "Hey! There you are, I didn't know if you'd be showing up or not, usually you're pretty early on the uptake. Trying to outsleep me or something?". He gave a small laugh, before motioning for melody to join them as he took a seat near kerberosa at the table, either intent on trying to lighten her mood or too dense not to realize to leave well enough alone. "Morning there! Can I get you a drink or anything, or you need a buddy to head out to the stalls with today?".

Nox Aeternae Nox Aeternae PlusUltra PlusUltra Makomin Makomin Jamey Jamey


Kerberosa Keter
Location: FT Main Hall
Tags: ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

The girl looks around nervously for a moment murmuring slightly to herself before turning slightly to him "I...I don't want to trouble you...i guess milk? but waters fine too, I really don't know what sort of stalls there is but...i don't want to slow...slow you down, don't feel like...like you need to for me" fidgeting in the seat a little more, taking short glances around the room as she trys to think of what else to say, the entire situation alien to her.

"I'll have you know that Fairy Tail is much more than just a glorified brawl club, despite what the council might have you think," Makarov commented as he walked up to the bar. "Might you be here for the festival?" He inquired as he came to a stop beside Jax.

As everyone else's attention seemed to be taken up by something or someone else, Lilly slipped away from the crowd, gathered the books again and continued her journey back towards the guild's archive so that she could replace the books before she got sidetracked by the events of the day and completely forgot. Lilly replaced the books then made her way back up to the hall. In the few minutes that it took her to put the books back in their places, the guild had become much, much busier.

PlusUltra PlusUltra Makomin Makomin
Jax Cyrus

Interactions: ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

Jax Cyrus was definitely contemplating just leaving the check with someone. He has had missions (if this was even considered one) whereby he had to overnight or show up the next day because of unforeseen circumstances. However, the fact that he had to show up the next day just to hand over a receipt was frustrating at all levels. Though, it seemed like his prayers had been answered with finally, the arrival of Master Makarov.

He almost immediately stood up before reaching his hands into his pocket. He pulled out the envelope before reaching forward, wanting to hand it over to the guild master. The raven-haired male sighed a breath of relief instantly before saying, "Good morning, Master Makarov. I'm from Sabertooth and I'm sure you've heard from my guild master of the monetary compensation we require from the," he paused for a moment, looking at the other fairies before continuing, "-the damage inflicted onto our guild hall."

Though he sounded rather business-like and straight to the point, the male had been contemplating staying in a little more for the festival. After all, he was already here.

"I might take an interest in the festival." He replied before shrugging nonchalantly.
Master Makarov sighed. "Ah, yes... I was aware..." He mumbled. Makarov took the envelope and stowed it in a picked on the inside of his jacket. “Don’t worry, I’ll see to it that you get your money. You have my word.” He said rather solemnly. A moment passed before he suddenly brightened up. “You might as well stick around for the festivities.” He said in response to Jax’s nonchalant comment. “We may be rowdy, but if there’s one thing Fairy Tail knows how to do, it’s how to have a good time.” He said with a chuckle. By this point, the guild hall was a bustling with excitement. Makarov stood up on the bar and cleared his throat. Almost instantly, the chatter died down and most of the guild members looked over towards the master. “Those of you participating in the tournament, I suggest you make your way over to the arena. It’s almost time to begin.” With that, Makarov hopped down from the bar and the noise swiftly returned to the guild hall.

Kiara spotted Will as he sat down at a table and made a beeline for him. “I’m surprised you’re up this early.” She joked as she came within earshot of Will. She then noticed that Will had company. “Hey, Kerberosa!” She chirped. “How are you feeling this morning?” Just then Makarov made his announcement that the tournament would begin soon. Kiara clasped her gloves hands together in excitement. “Are either of you gonna be fighting today?” She asked excitedly.

Jax Jax PlusUltra PlusUltra ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Nox Aeternae Nox Aeternae Jamey Jamey
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Hayden chugged the glass of water that the worker behind the bar had reluctantly served to him. Hyped up and ready to knock some skulls, butted his head into the conversation.
“Which one of you fairies is the most dangerous? I’ve been itching for a fight since yesterday evening!”
He glazed his eyes over the room from left to right, sizing up the different guild members and trying to infer their magic ability.

He turned to the people nearby he had seen the other night, though he didn’t really know them all too well, and truth be told, he wasn’t the most perceptive person, he could tell they were the type to give a good fight. He moved over to Kiara and Will, not paying much attention to their conversation. Hayden stretched and cracked his knuckles, going for a kind of “tough guy” look and said with a signature cocky smile-

“Right, who’s first?”
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Will gave a laugh, rubbing the back of his head. "Techincally, I didn't make the choice to wake up this morning. I fell out of the rafters again, and that woke me up. I will obviously be joining in the tournament as I always do though! It's a good way for me to gauge myself on what I need to improve. General rule is that if someone can bust my defenses, I need to improve somewhere. And you know that I'm proud of my defenses and durability.". He gave a grin before standing up and stretching, looking between kiara and kerebosa. "Well, if either of you join in the tournemant, best of luck to you! And even if you don't fight, you're welcome to the stands as always...well technically everyone's welcome to the stands, but still!". Hearing hayden speak up, he gave a thumbs up and a grin. "As fun as it sounds, we don't choose who we go up against. It's all up to a hat draw, I guess you could say. We'll sign in, and we get paired up. You never know if you're gonna have a fighting chance! Alright, I better head over there before I forget, see you guys!". With that and a quick wave of his hand, he was out the door.

Geozaki Geozaki Jamey Jamey
Jax Cyrus

Interactions: ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles , Jamey Jamey & ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles

It was as though a small weight was lifted off his chest as the envelope he had been keeping for the past two days was finally out of his possession and into the hands in which it belonged to. Jax sighed a breath of relief to himself, fully planning on rushing home before collapsing down on his mattress when the guild master of Fairy Tail suggested that he too, should join in the festivals and its activities. Just at that moment, a tournament was announced.

The raven-haired male's eyes wandered from the entrance door of Fairy Tail to the guild members of Fairy Tail who were each, excited in their own way for the tournament. Well, since I'm already here, he told himself before his attention was caught by three individuals whose attention were also piqued by it.

Jax contemplated his actions for a moment before stuffing his hands into his pocket. He guess it wouldn't hurt to try out for the tournament, if members of other guilds were allowed that is. It has been some time since he had faced off with members of a guild other than his own. The most he had fought with were either some of his wild guild members or set individuals for various missions.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt for me to participate." He spoke up to the three of them before one of the guild members took his leave, mentioning about a draw for decision. It didn't matter to Jax Cyrus. It was, after all, the first time he had met these people. He wondered who'd he be pitted up against. Someone with exceptional magic? He didn't show it but it certainly fuelled him this morning.
"No surprises there then." Kiara giggled as Will explained how he woke up. "Well, if we end up facing each other, don't think I'm gonna go easy on you," Kiara told will with a wink as he started to make his way towards the guild's door. Kiara then turned her attention towards Hayden, Jax and Kerberosa. "I hope I meet one of you at the arena." She said excitedly. "It'll be exciting to face someone that I've never seen fight before." She glanced to the door and stood up with a sigh. "I guess I should make my way over to the arena and prepare, I hope to see you all down there." She waved at the three as she made her way away from the table and out of the guild.

Makomin Makomin PlusUltra PlusUltra ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Nox Aeternae Nox Aeternae Jamey Jamey

The stands surrounding the arena were steadily filling as people flocked in to see the great display. Lilly walked up the stairs to the stands, she took an empty seat close to the front, making sure to pick one that was in a mostly empty area, in the hopes that no one would decide to sit beside her. Though, that was unlikely as the stands were usually packed full. She looked down on the arena. The main arena itself was oval shaped and the floor appeared to be sandy. There were piles of rocks and stones dotted across the arena which had the appearance of stone pillars that had fallen during some great battle, though in reality, they'd just been placed there as another obstacle for the fighters to utilise. At each end of the Arena, there was a large wooden door which was fortified with metal bars. The doors were very similar in appearance to those you might see guarding the entrance of a castle. The arena was surrounded by stands that seemed to go on for miles. The stands were elevated so that everyone would get a decent view of the battles taking place. There was a dome of what appeared to be purple glitter hovering above the arena, this was an enchantment, placed there to contain the battle within the arena. The last thing anyone wanted was for members of the audience to be hit by some over-enthusiastic spell or something of the sorts.

Beneath the stands, there was a small collection of rooms which acted as a place for the participants to get ready for their battles. The rooms were similar, in a way, to dressing rooms. Kiara was in one of one of these said rooms. A bright golden glow filled the room for a moment, as the glow disappeared some neatly folded clothes and arranged armour appeared in her arms. She sighed, she was still struggling with the fact that she couldn't properly requip her armours anymore, but she was determined to regain the ability again someday. Kiara changed into the new outfit, folding the clothes she had been wearing into a neat pile. She placed her hand on the pile and the clothes seemed to disappear into thin air. There was a Lacryma in each of the prep rooms set to flash when the occupant was being called to fight. Kiara looked up as the lacrimal in her room began to blink. She took a deep breath. "Here we go…" She said to herself, trying to keep control of her nerves and excitement.

"Ladies and Gentlemen." Makarov's voice echoed throughout the stands. Everyone in the audience fell silent almost immediately. "Welcome to the Harvest Festival Tournament!" There was a loud cheer before everyone fell silent again. "This year is special, as well as our own Wizards from Fairy Tail some wizards from other guilds will be joining the battle too. So, let's begin!" The crowd cheered again. "First up, one of our own, From Fairy Tail, it's Kiara Li!" The large doors on one side of the arena creaked open and, after a short pause, Kiara came soaring through them and into the arena. She was flying a few centimetres off the ground with the help of two, white feathery wings that appeared to have sprouted from her back. She veered upwards, flying straight up into the air, she did a small loop before she gracefully flew downwards and landed gently on the ground. Kiara's wings folded behind her back, revealing her armour. She was wearing an ornate breastplate which just covered her chest, Her arms were concealed by bracers adorned with a winged design, due to their design and how they sat, it was almost impossible to tell that her arms were actually fashioned from metal themselves. A winged headpiece sat on the front of her head, framing her face. She was wearing long, cloaked leggins, the cloak on which billowed softly in the wind behind her, and she was wearing knee-high boots which were designed in the same fashion as her bracers. Kiara was focused on the door opposite her, she still didn't know who her opponent was going to be. After a short while, the crowd died down and Makarov's voice echoed through the stands once again. "Now, please welcome her opponent, from the Blue Pegasus guild, Hayden Krozits." The crowd started to cheer wildly again as the large doors on the other side of the arena began to open for Hayden.

PlusUltra PlusUltra ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Makomin Makomin Nox Aeternae Nox Aeternae explosiveKitten explosiveKitten Shadeflare123 Shadeflare123 TurboAnalog TurboAnalog Jamey Jamey Melodia Melodia

(I will keep updating Kiara's CS with any Armour/Weapons she uses, so check there if you need more information on them. Or, feel free to ask :) ))
Hayden was truly and thoroughly excited.
He leaned against the wall in his little room, tapping his foot and patiently waiting for his lacrima to light up. He had big plans for his entrance.
His ears perked up as he heard the mention of the name Kiara.
“Well, this is it!” He mummered under his breath.

His lacrima started to blink and Hayden closed his eyes. Concentrating his magic energy he started to form dark snow clouds over the top of his room. Hearing the audience shriek and seeing his door creak open, he strolled out at a leisurely pace, admiring his handiwork as dark storm clouds circles overheard.

“Some May call this a waste of magic power, but I don’t see any problem with a little light show... Blue Pegasus is renowned for being the flashiest guild in Fiore after all...”

Hayden gave a few waves and smiles before positioning himself and sizing up his opponent. He got that they were supposed to be enemies, but—
He waved at Kiara and smiled.
“Good luck! Don’t go down easy!”

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