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Fandom Magnolia's Massacre

Jax Cyrus

Interactions: Geozaki Geozaki & PlusUltra PlusUltra

As the woman in purple introduced her as Millicent, the tanned-skin male nodded in acknowledgement before he found himself looking towards the counter. However, it seemed like the guild master who frequented the location was not there. Jax visibly frowned, obviously disappointed before his attention was turned back to the female.

"A pleasure. My name is Jax." He introduced himself before he found himself reaching forward to shake the hand that was extended. After letting go, he folded his arms together, the envelope in his pocket felt heavy as he wanted to get this errand done with.

He noted the presence of the other younger female who said nothing. He figured she was not much of a talker. He wasn't the overly excited type to befriend people anyways.

"Yes, destruction of Sabertooth property. I have no idea how that could happen, considering no one was even having a fight at the guild itself." He answered before leaning his back against a wall.

Millicent Yoton
Location: FT Main Hall
Tags: Geozaki Geozaki Makomin Makomin

Her grip is firm yet soft as she maintains her curious gaze down at him "You can hand the bill to me, Ill ensure he gets it after the festival as I would much prefer that bit of stress be held until then" turning her hand over as it to receive an item after gesturing to mans pocket then beckoning with a knowing glance "Regardless you would be surprised, but ill see to it that those involved get talked to and the bill paid if names are included in that document" Shifting her position off the stage to stand up fully while offering her free hand to help Lilly down from the stage in gesture.

It seems the other group had company of her own, her eye glancing across the room before locking back on Jax, her staff leaning against the crook of her arm.

He gave a smile, nodding at the situation with the arena. "No one would mess with it, I'm sure. And as much as I want to say no one will do something too big...this is fairy tail, and everyone can get a bit excited, y'know?..But I'm sure we'll be fine, I trust you!" Hearing her talk about dressing up and not owning a dress. "I mean, I don't think it's mandatory but it's kind've in the spirit. The guild takes center stage in the parade, and we may as well look cool while we show off some magic for everyone to enjoy, right? Like I said, it's the only time of the year I look 'presentable'...haven't you noticed that before Akita? And I mean....if you want, we can probably still find you a dress, but if you want to tailor it that'd take either all night, or some magic."

Though he had planned to respond to melody and Kiara, the new pair drew his attention away. Looking at the man, who the others had identified as a member of blue pegasus, will put on a thoughtful look. "Familiar?...so do you. Where have I seen you before....didn't I go flying through a wall near you at one point? You asked if I was okay...I grinned and nodded..then ran back through the hole?...Or are you the guy I fell on when I slipped out of the tree during a nap?...It's one of those two." At his confusion, the thoughtful look disappeared, replaced with a childish grin. "It's magnolia's harvest festival, one of the best times of the year around here! It's a huge thing for the guild, we all get in a parade and show off magic for the town, and all sorts of crazy things! But you and your guild should've been invited, as well as others...did you not hear about that?"

Looking towards the cloak clad woman, he studied her for a moment, before finally noticing the fairy tail mark on her exposed hand, a brighter smile lighting up his face. "Hey! Hey...you're part of the family now huh? I mean...I guess it'd be now, because I haven't seen you around yet. Don't worry, you'll fit right in, take a seat and relax...hey..." He held his hand out, smiling at her. "I'm will. I like long naps and the occasional snooze."

explosiveKitten explosiveKitten PlusUltra PlusUltra Jamey Jamey

Kerberosa simply nods slowly as she peaks out from behind the shorter boy listening as the group converses, the talk of the festival was interesting but really she still felt out of place. The talk of dresses just enforced that further, it's not like she even any use for them given the number of parties she would even be tolerated at, let alone actually using any of her magic outside of practice. Still the talk about the festival and joy of the festival was nice, only to increase her guilt for even being around during it all.

Jumping once more and ducking around the side of the pegasus boy as the attention comes on her once more, before poking out a moment later and soft nod as they sit down. Her good hand has her cloak held tightly as she listens to him, giving a few faint nods before she finally responds with a soft whisper "I....i only just...just joined, erm.....sorry" looking to the others for a second before carrying on, head bowed slightly more not making eye contact "I am...Kerberosa....I....guess i....like to read"

Hayden grinned, happy to see the quiet girl starting to converse some. He gave her a gentle slap on the back.
"Atta girl, not so bad is it? I must say though, I had you pegged as a bookworm the moment I laid eyes on you!"
He motioned with his hand for Kerberosa to come out from behind him, where she was hiding.
His focus changed back to the man in the leather jacket.
"Harvest festival, huh? Guess it rings a bell, I barely ever check my mail, I was actually here for a job but I-" But Hayden trailed off, "wait did you say hole in the wall?" Immediately his mind flashed back to a few months prior-
"That was YOU?" He laughed, reminiscing over the memory he could now associate with his new conversation partner.
"I hope you know that wall belonged to my apartment, and I had to cover the damage." Hayden smiled as a show that he wasn't sore over it, and in actuality he found it very amusing. He could remember it clear as day, he was sitting in his armchair, drink in hand, when suddenly he heard a rumble coming from the street below. He stood up and started to move over to the window to take a look when the young man came crashing through his wall, landing in a heap at Hayden's feet.

Hayden looked down in shock as the man picked himself back up and dusted himself down, lost for words, all he could say was "you good, man?" to which he got a simple nod, and then the man jumped back out of the hole, never to be seen again. Until now at least.
"Would be nice to put a name to the face, or... The jacket I guess." He laughed at his own joke, extending a hand. "I'm Hayden, put it there, leather boy."
As the cloaked woman adjusts her position slightly, Kiara notices the Fairy Tail guild mark on her exposed hand. "it's nice to meet you Kerberosa," Kiara chimes with a gentle smile. "I'm Kiara, Welcome to the family, you don't have to be shy, we won't bite," Kiara spoke softly, not wanting to intimidate the girl any more than she already appeared to be.

Lilly accepted Millicent's offer to help her down from the stage. As she was back on the floor, Lilly stuck as close to Millicent as possible. She took a glance around the guild hall as they mentioned Makarov, she'd seen him a few moments ago, he'd been talking to a man and a cloaked figure, however, she couldn't see him now. The cloaked woman appeared to be speaking with Kiara, Melody, Akita, will and a man who Lilly couldn't identify, however, Makarov and the man he'd been speaking with were both nowhere to be seen. Lilly glanced up towards Jax timidly as he continued his conversation with Millicent.

Jamey Jamey PlusUltra PlusUltra ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Makomin Makomin Nox Aeternae Nox Aeternae
Jax Cyrus

Interactions: Geozaki Geozaki & PlusUltra PlusUltra

Jax debated for a few seconds, wondering whether he really should just hand over the bill to her before going back as soon as possible. He was definitely tempted and was about to do so until he remembered his guild master might be a fool at times, joking around as much as possible but when it came to official business, he had a preference for being actually serious. The raven-haired male was slightly annoyed and sighed loudly. "Thank you for the offer but I think handing it to him myself might be in my best interest. Sabertooth's guild master can be nitpicky when it comes to official business." He said as he watched the smaller female being helped down.

"Are they for the town's decoration or Fairy Tail's own?" He asked before gesturing to the box. Jax wondered whether he should get a beer or something in the meantime. It was the morning but who cares, right? Besides, he was literally taking a smoke ten minutes ago. He would probably die being attacked than a disease so he didn't really care.
Will smiled a bit, rubbing the back of his head. "That was me, yea. I had been on a job in the area a bit off...and I was dealing with a wind mage...who sent me flying for a bit. It didn't really hurt too bad, it was just annoying.". Recounting the tale, he looked at Kiara. "You remember him, right? We went out on a job because he was terrorizing the town...portly guy, big black beard, had an afro?...Sent me flying through a wall?". Whether she remembered or not, he did for once, so that was something. Looking back to hayden, he reached out and grasped his hand, shaking it with a good grip. "I'm will, nice to meet you. When I'm not working, I'm asleep...and when I'm working, I might still be asleep. Sorry about the apartment wall, thanks for not being sore about it though!"

Looking to kerberosa, he gave a nod, smiling a bit. "Well...like I said, welcome to the family. If we can do anything for you, let us know. We take care of eachother here, even if we don't always agree and get along....So, uhm...read any interesting books lately then? I don't tend to read honestly...books put me to sleep...and everyone's quick to tell me I don't need any help with that."

PlusUltra PlusUltra Geozaki Geozaki Jamey Jamey

Millicent Yoton
Location: FT Main Hall
Tags: Geozaki Geozaki Makomin Makomin

She takes her hand back to rest it on her lip, exhaling in a short sigh "I suppose if you must then, though he will be busy in general. At least wait until he's free....just tell your leader it was taking a while and soak in the festival beforehand right?" gesturing around the room with her arm before smiling back to him. The guild leader really did have enough issues to deal with as normal so cutting him some slack now and then was only right, part of her still thinks he would have far more hair if it wasn't the guild destroying something every week, well she was not exactly innocent in that respect but at least she did limit it down for the most part or at least help repair the damage first hand and a few sweet words soothed the sting of anything too bad. Musing to herself for a few moments, now she thinks about it....that's how she started that photoshoot thing, but anyway back to the topic at hand. Looking down to the boy once more she lets go of Lillys hand.

"Well a little bit of both, we are decking the halls and working on the floats...but through the streets? it's the entire towns along with all the festival stalls....we do a lot with all the members but decorating out an entire city is a little much" chuckling to herself a little "Why? would you like someone to show you around darling?"

She keeps her head down as she sits, her good hand in her lap with the bulk to her left facing away from the others as the soft movements of her cloak slow somewhat with only soft nods of her head to the kind words of those around. After several moments she pulls the hood of the cloak back gently showing a young face with bright red eyes looking around the people at the table more closely before landing on will again finally "T...Thank you, I...I dont want to be....a bother, I...ill be fine once....well wherever im going to be sleeping is....sorted out" shaking her head "I don't know how that....all works, but....I....read a few on the way here" nodding again once more "Confronting the Faceless, Sonnets of a Sorcerer....Moste Evel Maleficium, Some books were.....harder to get than others, I don't think many would be here, most are in hard...older languages like Arkashian...they are difficult to read and had to.....search the older book stores keep them more as collectables than anything else"

The majority of them would be alien to most though the sounds like more advanced magical texts she listed away "There was a Kinesiology and Musculoskeletal one....but i had to return it to the library before.....i could finish it"

Kiara sighed as Will brought up the wind mage they'd encountered a short while back. "How could I forget..." She said bluntly, that mage had been more trouble than he was worth. After a moment, she suddenly pieced everything together. "Wait... that house belonged to you?" Kiara asked, obviously a little shocked, the memory of Will being thrown through a wall with great force playing in her mind. At the time she'd been so focused on the wind mage and hoping that Will was still alive, which, thankfully, he had been, that figuring out who's house the wall belonged to had completely slipped her mind. "I don't mind paying off whatever damage we caused..." Kiara offered, reaching for her purse. She wasn't exactly 'rich' not by a long shot, but she still had a little money left from the last job that she, Will and Melody had been on, maybe it would be enough?

Lilly's arm fell limp beside her as Millicent left go of her hand. Lilly's immediate reaction was to cling onto Millicent, but, she decided that she'd probably get in the way and she didn't want to do that. It was clear that Millicent was in the middle of an important conversation with Jax and, as much as Lilly wanted to build up the courage to say something to the man, even if she did, she wasn't really going to be able to contribute much to the conversation anyway. Lilly glanced over towards the table that Will, Kiara, Melody and Akita were sitting at, thinking maybe she'd take Will up on his offer to join them, but then she remembered that there were two people she didn't know sat with them as well. As much as she loved the Harvest Festival, this had always been her least favourite bit, the amount of strangers that were involved. She didn't have anything against them, she was just terrified of them. After a brief pause, Lilly slowly moved away from Jax and Millicent, she felt a little rude just leaving them, but she couldn't bring herself to speak in front of Jax which is why she didn't explain where she was going. Lilly made her way to the guild's archive, she was hoping to find some books on magic before maybe heading outside to do a little training. As she turned into the archive, Lilly had her eyes focused on the floor so she didn't realise that Master Makarov was leaving and she bumped straight into him. "Ah! Sorry, Master." She said, hastily, and very apologetically. Makarov smiled. "Not to worry little one." He replied gently. "So, my child, what brings you down here?"

Jamey Jamey PlusUltra PlusUltra ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Makomin Makomin Nox Aeternae Nox Aeternae
Hayden chuckled and scratched the back of his head.
“Nah, don’t sweat it, I had a friend at the guild piece the wall back together in a few minutes, magic is so crazy right?”
He let out another laugh, and turned to the girl with a cheeky smile.
“Although if you really want to make it up to me how about you let me buy you a drink? Do you have a name?”

He was interrupted by a realisation finally registering in his slightly inebriated mind. He sat upright on the table and turned to face Kerberosa.
"You speak old languages? You know any Isenberg?"
Hayden tried to hide his excitement, he'd never met a foreigner who could speak the language of his homeland, and even though he had no idea whether Kerberosa could speak any or not, his hidden excitement forced him to persue it.
Had he been more sober, he probably would have known better than to try and flirt in a language he barely had any knowledge on for himself. Nevertheless, Hayden's questionable "drunk smarts" were controlling him and he leaned in close to her and whispered some butchered variant of the limited Isenberg he knew, offering to take her out to dinner. He moved back to his original position and frowned at himself as he realised his foolishness.

"Welp, none of you could probably tell but I've had a little bit to drink, probably going to go grab some water and try to sober up."
He jokingly saluted to his new familiars and paced off to the bar again before he could cause any more damage to his reputation.
"Hey, handsome bar-man, water please?"


Kerberosa Keter
Location: FT Main Hall
Tags: Jamey Jamey

Kerberos nods slowly once more, eyes travelling to the pegasus boy once more for a few moments of silence before answering "Isenberg is....a more recent language, it....really isnt a big deal knowing it right?" tilting her head a little confused before looking away in embarrassment of sorts "Sorry, yeah...it....there was a few tomes from the area, mostly related to older thing....there....some of the dialects are old than others but there were books found buried in the ice or......based on ruins up in the mountains"

Jax Cyrus

Interactions: PlusUltra PlusUltra + everyone, I guess?

Jax Cyrus frowned at the idea of being shown around. He didn't have anything against Millicent but needing to pretend he cared about the place was rather troublesome. To those who knew him, they already knew he was a man that blatantly showed how he felt. The raven-haired male doesn't even try to pretend he enjoys something. However, he had to admit he was rather curious as to why Fairy Tail members were known as hooligans and baboons. He could gauge the reasoning from the receipt that was in his pocket but he figured that they had to have a specific feature that stood out to be able to claim one of the best guilds in Fiore. He noticed the young girl that was by the female's side had made her way somewhere. He figured she wasn't interested in engaging with him.

"I might take you up on the offer but I'd like a drink first." He said before making his way to the bar. A group of other guild members, he assumed were engaging in conversation. It seemed like the bartender was also pre-occupied with them as Jax made his way to their group before saying, "Excuse me."

"Beer, as cold as you can make it." He said before maneuvering to taking a seat beside them, leaving a space in between.
“Oh yes, because someone definitely can just magic me a dress that fits and looks decent. Ugh...” Akita looked around at the continuing conversation, finding herself in comfortable silence as she tunes out the conversation. If she was supposed to be dressed up, then she was plum out of luck. She didn’t have a shred of fancy clothe anywhere. Why hadn’t anybody told her about this before?

“... Welp, this has been fun.” She says finally, standing up and looking at the people around her, “But apparently, I need to go... dress shopping.” She shuddered, “so unfortunately, or not unfortunately, I must bid everyone here adieu.”

The little blonde turned and weaved her way out of the crowd, away from the table, and quickly out of the guild hall. She walked away for several feet before suddenly coming to a stop, turning, and returning to guild, at which point she poked her head in and, surprisingly meek, said, “Does uhh... does anyone know where I can buy a dress?”
Listening to kerberosa list off all the books, he visibly looked quite lost. "Those all sound...interesting. And...above what I usually read. I tend to read simple things...or the paper on occasion. Those all sound like I'd fry my brain trying to understand them...and I only know the one language...this one." He gave a small grin, like his lack of knowledge wasn't a big issue to him. "I'd love to hear what they're about some time, if you're free to tell me though. Would be a good reason for us to hang out and get to know each other!"

Waving to akita as she started to head out, smiling. It was only after she came back and asked about shops for a dress. Brightening up, he nodded. "I do actually, yea! There's this place I go every year around festival time, and they've always got some nice outfits and dress's. I can show you, it'll be fun! Think of it as an adventurous outing, a bonding exercise...and an excuse for me to go before something happens and it gets blamed on me!". Standing up, he looked between Kiara and Melody. "Alright if you two need me...just use a communication lacrima to get a hold of me! And just let me know what I can do to help you while I'm out, alright melody!"

Making his way over to akita, he motioned for her to follow him. "Cmon, I know the way like the back of my hand. We'll have you there and back with time to spare.". Turning around for a moment, he waved towards the group at the table. "It was nice meeting the new faces!"

explosiveKitten explosiveKitten Nox Aeternae Nox Aeternae Geozaki Geozaki PlusUltra PlusUltra
Kiara smiled as Hayden mentioned how a friend of his was able to simply piece the destroyed wall back together with relative ease due to their magic. Kiara grew silent for a moment, trying to figure out what kind of magic Hayden's friend might have. There were quite a few types of magic capable of such a feat, Kiara was about to ask Hayden about his friend, out of sheer curiosity, but Hayden started speaking again before she had the chance to speak, Hayden was talking again. When Hayden asked her to allow him to buy her a drink, she all but ignored it as he was still obviously rather intoxicated and he was distracted from the topic rather quickly, however, she did give him her name. "I'm Kiara, it's nice to meet you." She said. She looked as if she was about to extend her hand towards him for a handshake, but she stopped all of a sudden, retreating backwards slightly before clutching one hand in the other. Though she was wearing gloves, she was worried that the blue pegasus Wizard might be unpleasantly surprised should he realise 'what' she was. Kiara's attention was then caught by Akita and Will, "Good luck dress hunting!" She called after them cheerily.

Master Makarov emerged from the Guild Archive only a few minutes after Lilly had entered, though the girl didn't appear to be with him. He made his way towards the bar, ordering a drink before taking a seat on top of the bar, looking out over the commotion within the guild hall.
explosiveKitten explosiveKitten ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Jamey Jamey
c7214f79f39a11361bd1475ceaf6af54 - small.jpg Well, she'd been completely ignored. Melody supposed that was fine, she didn't tend to stand out much in a conversation anyway. Kiara and Will were the talkers, she was more of a faint presence.
While the others continued to chat, Melody's mind began to wander back to the list of tasks still waiting to be completed. If she hurried, she might be able to make it across town, get her shopping done, and still have time to circle back to check on the teams working on the booths and floats. Or she could wait and do her shopping first thing in the morning as soon as the shops opened. If she did that then she would have some extra time to work on her dress before bed.
The young woman was so lost in her thoughts, she didn't come back to reality until a sudden movement in the corner of her eye caught her attention. She looked up to see Will and Akita leaving the table, Will offering to take Akita shopping for a dress. Her mind raced as she tried to calculate how long it would take to create another gown, this one for the female dragonslayer. If she worked through the night she might just be able to finish it before the festival began, but she'd be cutting it very close. Still, if it was for a fellow guildmate, she'd happily put in the extra work.
She opened her mouth to tell the pair to wait, that she would gladly help the girl out, but they were already gone. Melody deflated, disappointed in herself for not speaking up sooner. Ah well.
Back to the task at hand, she exhaled a soft sigh and turned to Kiara.

"Well, I'd best be going too. Take care Kiara, I'll see you tomorrow." She gave the rest of the people at the table a friendly nod, and scurried off.

Millicent Yoton
Location: FT Main Hall
Tags: Geozaki Geozaki Makomin Makomin Jamey Jamey

Watching the girl depart along with the other boy she watches over the guild hall a little more before going to pick up some more of the decorations, a purple spark off to the side before she raises drastically up in height to easily reach the upper roof of the guild hall and start to hang them easily as she listens into the conversations around the halls, large feet with surprisingly light steps as she goes and double checks the various fastenings. Tomorrow was definitely looking up and places seemed to be all sorted before crouching down a little and hailing over to those leaving "Hey you guys want company for the dress fitting or you good?" Watching them head off they shrug and return towards the bar, giving a wave to Melody as she heads off for the night too. Her steps had the small form of Makrov likely shake up and down as she moved, looking back down to her spot and shrinking back down to her normal height and taking up the drink left to the side once more.

"Well everything got sorted and we are all good to go right?!" raising the mug and taking a deep drink "Well unless someone smashes up the place again, got swimsuit ready, dress the whole deal...definitely going bigger for this year it's going to be fantastic"

Oh. Ohh. It’s Will. Ahhhh.. damnit.

She sighed and glanced around, looking for someone, anyone else to accompany her on this arduous mission, but alas, none arose. Kiara simply wished them good luck, to which she threw a withering glare at the woman.

Will had jumped up and stated that he needed an excuse to get out of the guild “before someone blamed him for something”, implying that he had done something wrong already.

She quickly turned back to Will and sighed, “Just don’t fall asleep on the way there, and I suppose everything will be fine. Lead the way, Mister Fancypants.” She said, gesturing off into the city with an extravagant flourish, indicating for him to take the lead.

ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles
Hayden reached into his unexpectedly large pockets and fumbled around, pushing through his apartment keys, wallet, cigar box and the like. Deep down at the bottom of his pocket, he found his little silver case. He quickly glanced over each of his shoulders and made sure nobody was looking. Not that was he was doing was rude, illegal or anything of the sort, he just didn’t like people knowing his secret technique. He held a collection of pills he liked to buy from an alchemy shop in his own town. These pills would sober him up almost instantly.

Hayden generally preferred not to use his special “sobering pills” as he called them for just anything, he mainly just took them before bed sometimes to avoid colossal hangovers. However, he felt it was appropriate to behave himself just a little since he was technically representing his guild as the only Blue Pegasus member around, even if it was the last one he had on him. Not to mention that he could probably be a lot smoother with the guild’s ladies if he was sober.

He dropped the pill into his glass of water and raised his glass.
I’ll have to head to the alchemists shop in the morning to pick up some more of these, if this festival’s really all they’re cracking it up to be, that is!”
He snorted to himself.

Right as he was about to drink, a huge shadow cast over him that made him freeze in place. He wheeled around on his bar stool and looked on in awe at how the purple girl at the bar he’d been eyeing up earlier was now almost as tall as the ceiling. Hayden watched her hang up some kind of decoration and simply shrink back down to size before returning to her drink.

“Well that was something...” he muttered before slogging back the water, he could immediately start to feel the effects of the magic pill and his head seemed to clear.
“Guess I’ve found my new conversation partner.”
With that, he stood up and moved over to where she was sitting, waiting for her to acknowledge his presence.
He gave a small grin, nodding to Akita. "No sleeping on the way there...promise. I'll even sweeten the deal, won't fall asleep on the way back either! It'll be nice...I need to pick up something from the jewelers anyways.". Leading the way out of the guild and towards the town, he stretched out for a moment. "We're going to a shop called 'Sovereign Attire'. I make a habit to stop by every time the festival rolls around, and I always find something to work with.". A soft yawn that he stifled with his hand, before he looked over to akita with a small grin. "I hope you don't find it weird that I'm leading the way on this little journey. Usually Melody or Kiara lead the mission outings, so my navigation skills aren't talked about highly...but I can get you somewhere...provided I know the way before hand."

After a moment, a thought dawned on him, causing him to look over to the diminutive woman once again. "So...what's your favorite part of the festival anyways? The parade, the food, the get together...the fights? I'm curious." explosiveKitten explosiveKitten

Millicent Yoton
Location: FT Main Hall
Tags: Jamey Jamey

She finishes the glass before looking over to the other new face raising a brow in curiosity "Oh? Well well that depends what sort of conversation you talking about" the man's stool seems to start moving closer to the woman, looking down the long staff can be seen having hooked on somehow and is pulling it towards them one-handed until its right next to her.

"Though to be honest its better-done closer, so what's one of the blue pegasus doing in a place like this? Did someone smash up your guild too?...do give names if so and i can make sure they are well aware of the trouble....or we can just chat over a few more drinks" a wry smirk across her lips, looking down to the man as her chin rests in her hand, propping such up on the bar counter.

Hayden gave his signature grin and answered her, trying to sound as confident as possible, even though he was actually kind of intimidated by the sheer size of the girl.
"Came here for a drink while I was in the neighbourhood, but I'm probably going to stick around for this festival everyone's buzzed about."
Hayden turned to the bar and requested "Two more of whatever this fine woman is having!"
He spun back round to her and introduced himself.
"Hayden Krozits," He began, extending his hand to should height so that it matched with the girls.
"Quite an interesting type of magic you were using just there, mind if I ask about it?"

Millicent Yoton
Location: FT Main Hall
Tags: Jamey Jamey

"Well the drink is good along with all the work we put into the event" gesturing widely across the room with their staff with pride in her face, before hefting an equally large mug once more "As for the beverage of choice? Iceberg Dark Reserve....should still be several crates left from last mission I had up there" leaning over to extending downwards to the man "Millicent Yoton" the deep purple of the telltale fairy tail tattoo visible around the left of her collar bone chuckling a bit before leaning back up with a slight bounce and depositing her staff next to the wall "Hmm? and i don't know? Can you?...if so then yes?" resting back on her hand with an amused grin "What would you want to know? I do know it's not exactly a common type and before you ask no I can't teach it, very few have the magical capacity to handle it safely, after all, let alone the amount of research to develop and refine it."

Pre Timeskip
"'Night Melody, sleep well," Kiara replied as Melody left the table. "And actually get some sleep, don't stay up all night again!" Kiara shouted after Melody just as she disappeared from view. Kiara sighed, she glanced through the window of the hall. The moon was now fully visible in the clear, navy blue sky. Magnolia was covered in the pale moonlight and the stars shone brightly in the sky. Kiara finished her drink before standing up from the table. "Good night all." She called out quietly, though still loud enough to just be heard above the absence of the guild, and with that, she made her way to bed.

Lilly had made her way outside, she was standing in a secluded spot behind the guild hall and was fully focused on trying to manifest some sort of magical ability. Beside her was a pile of book that she'd borrowed from the guild's archive. Each of the books held detailed information about one sort of magic or another. She was slowly making her way through each of the books on magic in the archive, hoping that one of them may contain the answers to what her magic might be and how to use it, but so far she hadn't had much luck.

Post Timeskip

The sun rose above the horizon, blanketing Magnolia in a warm orange glow. The sky was almost perfectly clear, with only a few whips, white clouds lazily gliding along with the gentle breeze.

Kiara opened her eyes as the sun streamed in through her window. She sat up and pulled herself out of bed. She had a quick wash, brushed her teeth and got dressed before practically skipping down to the guild hall. It was still quite early, but Kiara couldn't force herself to stay in bed any longer. The excitement was proving too much for her, as it usually did. The guild was a lot quieter than usual as most people didn't seem to be up yet, but soon it would be a bustling hub of excitement, after all, the harvest festival would be in full swing in just a few hours.

Lilly stirred and slowly opened her eyes before immediately closing them again as she found herself looking straight towards the sun. Lilly rubbed her eyes before she leant forwards from her sitting position so that she was on all fours and opened her eyes again. She shivered, even though the sun was already in the sky, the crisp night air hadn't disputed yet. Lilly stood up, realising that she'd fallen asleep outside. She immediately went about gathering all the books that were laying open on the ground. Once she'd collected them all she crept back into the guild, carrying the books in her arms and hoping that no one would notice that she'd been outside all night.

PlusUltra PlusUltra ManofManyRoles ManofManyRoles Makomin Makomin Nox Aeternae Nox Aeternae explosiveKitten explosiveKitten Shadeflare123 Shadeflare123 TurboAnalog TurboAnalog Jamey Jamey Melodia Melodia
(I tagged everyone just to make sure that everyone gets notified (Hopefully) So, fingers crossed, let's get this going again!)

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