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Fantasy Magical Girls Academy (Open!)


Queen Historia Reiss
Dear [insert name here],

Hello and welcome to the Academy for Magical Girls! Here you will train with your fellow magical girls(and boys) to hone in your skills to be able to fight evil! Here at the school, there is the main building, the dorms, and a pool area in the back for the swim club! There are many clubs here that you can join, and have fun in. We look forward to seeing you here, [insert name here]!


Principal Ozaki
The MGA blended perfectly with the September landscape: the brick building and colourful leaves worked in perfect harmony to create a crisp, picturesque landscape. The iron gates swung open as buses and cars appeared, dropping off students from all across the country. Misaki Mori was just one of the plethora of Magical Girls and Boys, her heterochomic eyes and stark white clothing putting her in an odd sort of separation from the others. She kept to herself, holding a leather-bound book close to her chest. And as the students walked towards the looming front doors, the voice of the Principal boomed over the loudspeakers:

"Welcome, boys and girls, to the MGA!"
Elle watched her feet move onto the sidewalk, staring down as she walked. The building loomed over her, with the iron gates that almost intimidated her. She kept walking, keeping a distance from the others, she could feel their wavelengths, excitement, nervousness, and so many she could name so far. She felt a bit awkward with emotions hitting her like a brick wall. A loud booming voice startled her.

"Welcome, boys and girls, to the MGA!"

She kept herself distant with some bumping into her. It was when she felt a memory come along with whoever bumped into her. She could almost hear the sound of bells, they were ringing in her mind. She saw that it was someone's bond. A bond of marriage, maybe somebody's wedding ring? She stared at who passed her. Giving a small smile at seeing the memory. Someone was happy. It was a teacher, and she was happy. Perhaps she had just gotten married. Elle continued walking.
Milah said:
Elle watched her feet move onto the sidewalk, staring down as she walked. The building loomed over her, with the iron gates that almost intimidated her. She kept walking, keeping a distance from the others, she could feel their wavelengths, excitement, nervousness, and so many she could name so far. She felt a bit awkward with emotions hitting her like a brick wall. A loud booming voice startled her.
"Welcome, boys and girls, to the MGA!"

She kept herself distant with some bumping into her. It was when she felt a memory come along with whoever bumped into her. She could almost hear the sound of bells, they were ringing in her mind. She saw that it was someone's bond. A bond of marriage, maybe somebody's wedding ring? She stared at who passed her. Giving a small smile at seeing the memory. Someone was happy. It was a teacher, and she was happy. Perhaps she had just gotten married. Elle continued walking.
Misaki let out a startled squeal as the loudspeakers boomed: "Welcome, boys and girls, to the MGA!". She found herself walking backwards, eyes diliated in fear, and she bumped into someone along the way, stepping on their toes.

"I'm so sorry.." She whispered. "Please excuse me." She continued to walk hastily, her hands shaking.
Catherine stop running as she arrived in front of the gate of MGA. Panting, "Why do I need to attending this school" after she recovered, she stand up properly and entered the academy."Welcome, boys and girls, to the MGA!" She heard a voice coming from the speaker around the school. "Oh .." She cursed "i must be late!" She wanted to run but then there are too many people. 'How about teleporting?' she tried remebering the spell but of course, she didn't. And she was too lazy to get her book in front of these people 'Ugh' she thought, annoyed. But before she can even move, someone bumped her in the right side and stepped on her right toe which made her shout "Ouch!" She turned around and saw a black hair girl


(Excuse any wrong spelling and wrong grammar. I used my phone)
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Sheryl sat on a bench in the academy grounds when she heard the loudspeaker welcoming the students back. She frowned on the cheerful words and continued to play with the little tear she made on the reality. Everyone walked past her, paying her no mind and nor did she pay attention to them. Let them have their joyful start of the year if they want to, let they convey their false feelings to one another. She will be here, perfectly fine.

" It is not too bad being alone... " she murmured to herself as she looked at the bypassers with hidden jealousy in her heart. In truth she also wanted to be a part of this, a part of a great community with many friends looking after one another. But she did not know how.

Friendship. A word so abstract, so impossible that she could do nothing but laugh at the idea of such thing. Never before she had true friends, all of them used her good will and kind heart to eventually turn on her. Slowly but steadily she lost her faith in true friendship and she did not even try to make new ones at the academy. Sure, if someone needed her help she would aid them but nothing more.

She sighed then picked up her stuffs.

" I think it is time to head to the classes. Don"t want to miss anything after all... "

With that she headed to the academy door to join the others.
"... Too early..." Vali sighed as he popped the last of his sixth blueberry energy bar of the morning into his mouth. "Sleepy, sleepy, sleepy..."

Immediately after the words left his mouth, Vali reached into his hoodie's pocket and withdrew a seventh bar, and proceeded to nibble on it as the school which he would be attending came into view, Magical Girl Academy. Even though Vali had made it a point to show up early, despite how his bed had protested, the school gates were already crowded with numerous students flooding in.

"Wow. There's more people than I expected..."

Vali couldn't help but smile a little to himself, with so many people this school should have at least a few interesting people. With one last bite of his seventh blueberry energy bar of the morning, Vali stepped into the throngs of students making their way towards the school.
queenhistoria said:
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" She cried, her hands shaking uncontrollably. She turned to see a girl looking at her, and she instincitvely cringed, a brief clip of memory sliding across her eyes. Tears pooled in her brown and blue eyes, and she shrank back, stumbling into someone else and falling on her knees.
Catherine wanted to scold her but she felt sad when the girl started crying and stumbled. She's not that heartless so she extended her two hands to the black-haired girl, trying to helping her get up.

Misaki looked up at the girl, expecting her to shout something at her or kick her. She was genuinely surprised to find that the girl was holding her hands out to help her up. Gently, and with the utmost caution, she took them and stood up, then wiped her eyes, her cheeks flushed.

@Immortal Pizza
Catherine looked at the girl as she wiped her eyes. "You should be more careful" she said in a soothing voice like a mother's. "And never cry in front of other people." She said "Where are you going anyway?"

Immortal Pizza]Catherine looked at the girl as she wiped her eyes. "You should be more careful" she said in a soothing voice like a mother's. "And never cry in front of other people." She said "Where are you going anyway?" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/12727-queenhistoria/ said:
"I'm sorry…" she mumbled. "I was going to the school, and the loudspeakers scared me. I didn't mean to hurt you, I swear.."
"Oh, it is fine, you didn't do it on purpose anywah" Catherine said "It's not really your fault and f... the speakers for scaring you" she said, trying to cheer her up "Well, I'm sorry for cursing. I have another way to get us out of this crowd, do you want to try it? It might take awhile though"
[QUOTE="Immortal Pizza]"Oh, it is fine, you didn't do it on purpose anywah" Catherine said "It's not really your fault and f... the speakers for scaring you" she said, trying to cheer her up "Well, I'm sorry for cursing. I have another way to get us out of this crowd, do you want to try it? It might take awhile though"

"Another…way?" She asked. Someone bumped into her, and she remained still for a while, before snapping at Catherine.

"I'll be fine, thanks." She spat, turning on her heel and walking off into the crowd.
Just as Vali had begun unwrapping his eighth bar of the morning, he felt someone bump into his back. Even among the crowd of students who push and shove here or there, this felt distinctly like someone falling against him. To add to this conclusion almost immediately afterwards he heard the sound of someone falling onto the ground.

"... Rest in peace, poor food bar...", Vali looks down at the ground with a small amount of sadness, whoever had bumped into him had caused him to drop his food since he was in the midst of unwrapping it. "Oh well, nothing can be done now."

Vali shrugged his shoulders, the lost food already threatening to leave his memory entirely, and turned around to see who had bumped into him. Directly behind him stood two girls, one of whom had brown hair and had visible tears in her eyes, and another with red hair who was attempting to console the crying girl. Vali, assuming that the brown haired girl was the one who had bumped into him, attempted to call out. However, before he got the chance to someone else into the crowd bumped into her, and she suddenly snapped at the girl trying to console her before storming off.

"...? The people at this school are already confusing..." Vali sighed to himself, and with a shrug of his shoulders continued on his merry way inside the grounds.
"Closing Eyes." Noyeh commanded, teleporting to the top of the Academy, a pulsating sound went by when he was teleporting. Putting his hands and feet onto a pipe, he slid down onto the ground, stretching for a moment. Looking over at the crowd. "Closing Eyes, again." He commands another time, teleporting inside the Academy, appearing in the Janitor's closet. "Crap. I just have to get out of here." He opens the door, walking out and trying to adjust his thinking a bit.
"Oh okay" Catherine looked at the girl leave "Aaww just so bad" she whispered. She sighs and remove her backpack from her back and dig for her magic book "Ahah!" She said as she find it. She gets it out, zipped her bag and wear it again. She opened the book and find the page for the teleporting spell. When she found it, she read it a few times (which took her 1 minute by the way) and took a deep breathe and closed her eyes. She never mind the sounds around her and focused a clear space, with a few people passing by. It has a big tree and a few benches. It is just near where she stood, after picturing the place "Ianuae Magicae ad me pro eo quod" she casted the spell and everything went black.
"Wow I can't believe I'm here!" She was so excited she almost jumped out of her skin. "And it's so nice here to." She walked around the school grounds taking a look at everything. "I wonder what we are suppose to do first though." Who knew there were so many people who had powers.
Saluki watched as they drove passed the iron gate into the school. Her driver stopped the car and ran towards her side then opened the door or her. She frowned, "I told you to just drop me off out side of the school gate." The driver kept quiet, making her signed, "tis i why I don't like new drivers." She picked up her backpack and exited the car. She looked around the area for a bit before started walking towards the front door of the academy.
Catherine observed the surroundings using her hearing skills. She can't hear footsteps anymore and it is not so nosy like earlier. She opened her eyes and found out that people are looking at her, she frowned "What? It's like you don't have any powers" she said, annoyed, they all looked away and continued what they were doing. Catherine looked around the place. It is quite fresh here, she thought. She then sit down in the bench, why is she running earlier? Rushing to go to class? Catherine laughed "This school is making me crazy!"
Looking over at the front gate, while being inside the school. "Stealing Eyes." He said quietly, looking at everyone's age, birth place, powers, etc. He shakes his head, walking back into the Janitor's Closet. "Closing Eyes." Kuroha commanded, teleporting outside of the school, looking over at a bench, only seeing one female sitting on it. "If only I could feel the affection of a inanimate object." Walking over to the bench, he sat down, ignoring the female near him. Hell, I can't get why I had to get killed, than sent to the Heat Haze. Ugh!
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Kain leaned against a tree across from the main entrance. He had arrived just before the princable made her annoument. He eatched as the girl from the car walked off. A person of high class he could tell obvioulsy. He turned away before his gaze drew her attention he did not need to be noticed by others just yet. He made his way towerds the school a cold atmosphere resinated off of him. His dark energy seemned to eminate off of him.
Kaori had sprinted through the gates and stopped at the front of the main building before kneeling over to catch her breath. The announcement over the loudspeaker greeting the students startled her and made her immediately sit back up. Still gasping for breath, she grinned at the fact that she actually made it into this academy. "At last..." She sighed happily as she looked up at the school building. "...I made it Magical Girls Academy!!" Kaori would finally be able to learn what it took to become a magical girl and help people in need. With that, she went through the front door and to her first class. She wouldn't want to be late on the first day!

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