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Fantasy Magical Assassins

She narrowed her eyes. She suspected that both those questions would be asked. And, mind her own moral code and conscious, she planned to answer. "Lady Eron," Rosen breathed and rolled her shoulders near her ears. She felt sick. She had interrogated many a person and she didn't imagine it'd feel this disheartening. "She has concluded that you're the reason for the death of her son. As for keeping you alive, we had plans to turn you to the King of Zierf, as he'd pay a fortune for your information. Someone who cowers in the shadows must have a boat load of hidden and obscure secrets." She grinned to herself. If the questions continued like this, she'd be fine. She hadn't a reason to hide these things anymore, even if it did make her ill.

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He nodded, not because he knew this information already but because by her actions he believed her to be telling the truth. His eyes and nostrils both flared at her comment. He aloud the shadows around her ankles to lessen, but in a flash he was up and jerking her by her shirt. "Watch your words. I cower in my shadows as much as you do behind your light. Pathetic demon, at least I know my element. I also know how to face my fears, should I help you with yours? Would you like to see what the shadows really hold?" He asked her menacingly. In the darkness, his words were harsh and pointed jabs at her ego. The shadows around her wrist bound tighter as if to prove a point. "Just because I'd rather not lay hands on you doesn't mean I won't if I have to. Keep pushing buttons, just keep pressing." He shoved her back and dropped her to the ground. "I don't recall any lady Eron, but that isn't saying much. Probably just another notch in my trophy belt." He said aloud as he took a few steps back. "Are you worth anything to your employer? Would she be willing to pay ransom for you? Not that you will be making it back any time soon. I still have to deliver you, but maybe if there's anything left when they're done with you I could get a few extra coins for myself." He said aloud eyeing her in the dark.

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Rosen shot daggers at him as she felt his hand grab her collar and lift her from the ground. She wrinkled her nose the entire way as he spoke, even after he dropped her. She absorbed what he said, but before answering his question, she stomped both her feet against the ground. It was surprisingly loud, due to her left over strength and it rebounding off the stone walls. She scoffed and belted. "Of course I don't know my element! Surely you know that I haven't properly unlocked even myself yet. I haven't horns," she hissed. "I haven't a tail. I can form nor disappear either. You know yours. And, what ever I may say, I do find that commendable." She swallowed, as if saying such things would make her vomit. "That doesn't change the fact that even though I am scared of the dark, I still fought with half the power I should be able to use." Rosen inhaled, doing what she can to relax. "No," she finally answered. "Lady Eron has no care of me. She has many assassins and information brokers at her disposal. She'd act as if she had no knowledge of me."

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"Don't try to butter your way out of this." He said to her, his voice still full of annoyance. He shrugged "That sucks, though I daresay most royals are like that." He said wondering aloud. "You aren't even fully matured yet? And you really thought you had a shot at me? I haven't even used my full arsenal and you're already where I want you." He said with a sigh "Next question, how do we unlock your powers? Where are your horns and tail?" He asked curiously, more shadows from her legs dispersed since she had answered previous questions.

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Her eyes gleamed and pulled back into her dim glow. He wasn't supposed to ask anything like that. This was supposed to be about her country, the King, Lady Eron, even information she had pulled from past assassination would have made more sense than this. She tugged at her legs, just to test the waters, but it still was too strong for her to break free after shooting off so many large stars. "I mean," she began to filibuster, "technically, it should have been clear that my light demon blood hasn't matured. I lived in Zierf after all, they hate any magical beings, so my parents refused to unlock the rest of my power. In fact, they wouldn't even tell me how to do it. So I had to go and travel to find the answer on how it is done. That was one sure adventure. It was the first time in my life I had met another light demon. He was an old guy. Had a lisp whenever he spoke, as if he never swallowed his saliva and --" she continued and continued to speak, but never answered the question directly.

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Aeryn began to listen to her intently, but after a few minutes of her rambling he picked up the syringe once more. He wasn't sure what she could or couldn't see but he knelt down and grabbed her collar. He jostled it and held the syringe closer pressing it to her neck. "Answer the question, or we get dose number one." He growled into her ear. "This particular dose causes vertigo, dizziness, and maybe even vomiting. But I could be wrong." He whispered to her with a cunning smile on her face.

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Rosen didn't hear the man move around in the midst of her own speech. It wasn't until her collar was grabbed and she felt the syringe near her neck did she become aware that the first dose was about to be administered. Could be wrong? She let out a shaky breath as a cold sweat formed on the nape of her neck. It was either answer the questions now or suffer the consequence over and over until she divulged such information. "The ol'fellow mentioned that light is something meant to pour between others," she muttered and looked down. The glow from her pink eyes reflected off the metal near her neck, giving her an even clearer understanding where she was at. "A light demon needs to be 'tied' to someone else in order to unlock themselves." She turned her eyes to her left ankle, though she couldn't see it herself. "There's a reason I wear metal around the inner part of my ankle. If a light demon is branded with the name of the person who branded them, then they become tied together until one dies. A light demon has much control over themselves still, they just are unable to kill the person they are tied to and can't be separated for large amounts of time. A small price to pay to unlock enormous amounts of power." Another shaky breath spilled from her. "When I learned the information, I planned to return home and convince my parents to tie fates with me, but they had been killed before my arrived."

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"Oh, he won't like that news at all I guess." He muttered to himself in the darkness as he listened to her.But as she finished his brows arched "Oh, he might like that after all." He said with a cunning smile. "It turns out you may be exactly what my employer needs." He teased as the restraints on her wrists became a bit looser. He found himself watching her curiously, she seemed put off, or unsettled. Normally, he didn't care to notice any reactions, only responses. But this time was different. "So, your employer doesn't care for you, just uses you. You have no parents, any family at all? Anyone I should watch my back for when you go missing?" He asked curiously, he wouldn't admit it but her story wasn't completely unlike his. He was certain his only value to his employer was what he could produce, not who he was. He had grown up mostly homeless, and once taken he was tortured, abused, molded into he weapon he was. But there was always a soft spot in him for abandoned vessels.

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Rosen opened her mouth and then closed it soon after. Flipping through pages of the limited knowledge she had gained. "I became an assassin to kill the person who killed my parents," she breathed. "And, I did it. Now it's just a job. No, I haven't anyone to return to, nor would I have anyone to look out for me." Her position felt a whole lot more comfortable with the loosened restraints, and somehow, that translated to her being more willing to let out information. "You see, the more a demon bonds with the person they're tied to, the longer and further they can be apart. The more the two do not get along, the closer the demon needs to be. That would mean I'd have to be at the hip of your employer until one of us dies. There would be no way I could bond with him. I find it cowardly that he'd send someone to capture me, I'd only think about how I could convince someone else to take his life so my chains would be broken. If that's the case," she lifted her chin until she felt her head gently touch the cave wall behind her, "it'd be best if you ended my life here. And if you don't, I will. If I don't tie with someone, my life is heavily shortened, so I might as well, right?"

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He watched her curiously. "Ended your life? hah no thanks, that would surely be the end of my life." He said as he began thinking. His mind was churning and turning in different directions at the news of her conditions. "I mean I could brig you in, he would bind you, or try to. Then you'd essentially be shackled to him. That isn't my problem, the job would be done, and hell I might even be free. And let's face it, all nobles are cowards. That's called job security, it's why we exist." He said still lost in thought. But there was a small piece in his mind, and mostly ion his heart that felt for her plight. He had learned to shut emotions out and down on the job. But this is the first time he's actually had to talk to a target like this. A high priority target that he wasn't allowed to kill. Anyone else he could pretty much kill off the minute they decided not to cooperate. But here he was beginning to dig into a psyche much like his own and he was not sure he could deal with it.

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Without worrying about the consequences, Rosen used the wall behind her to stand herself up even with the remaining restraints. "Of course it isn't your problem," she heaved a sigh as she spoke. "And given your circumstances, I can understand that you wouldn't want to provoke a noble." Rosen bit her bottom lip and paused for a few heartbeats. "I wonder if he has known about the branding all along. I wonder if there have been countless people he has attempted to tie with, only to learn they aren't light demons. How many people died for his egotistical ways." She pulled on the restraints behind her back and ankles, they were far looser than before. "A branding cannot be overwritten until the one who did the deed is dead. And, I wouldn't be capable of killing him. I never understood why someone killed my parents, perhaps it was to make sure I wouldn't tie with either of them. Well," she opened her jaw, launched forward and attempted to bite down on Shade, even without being able to see him.

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He watched her carefully as she stood herself. Contemplating her words, he turned from her and took a few steps. "You know nothing of what I would or wouldn't want to do. The amount of people that have died at my hands is..."He looked down at his own hands in the darkness. His sense told him what was happening, the shadows around him instinctively jumped out and held her in mid-air. Her teeth were bared and her eyes seemed to be full of a desperate rage when his eyes met hers. She didn't know where to look, but he could see her clearly. "That was a nice try, really." He said as he got closer."I warned you about biting didn't I?" He asked her teasingly as shadows slithered up to hold her mouth open. "You just don't want to listen, or maybe you were hoping for me to lash out and strike you down in my defense? I told you, your death means mine is close behind. He needs you alive, by any means." He said as he stepped up to her pouring a dark purple substance into her open mouth. "Don't worry, it wont kill you. But you will definitely feel disoriented. Double vision, vertigo, and a bit of a burning sensation in your stomach. Those are the usual symptoms when dealing with shadow essence. I can't wait to see what happens with a light demon."

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The shadows halted her attack the instant she tried to lash out. She furrowed her brows as they suspended her in the air. She planned to bark back at the man, but was unable to say anything as her mouth was held open. The whites of her glowing eyes grew as she felt a liquid pour into her mouth. It was bitter, she just about choked on it and coughed out what she could. Rosen attempted to kick her legs and squirmed in the shadows. Her breathing filled with fury. Now, not only was she surrounded by darkness, out of her element, but if the substance what he said it was, then her situation would become even more critical. The light demon purposely began thinking of her ambition of getting out of the cave. Over and over she thought about it in order to help balance out her mind that would soon succumb to the liquid he poured into her. She jolted her head one direction, but regretted doing so the moment she did as the room began to spin. Was it already taking effect that fast? she thought and kept her neck still.

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"Go ahead, struggle. Panic, get the toxin coursing through your body faster." He could see the panicked look in her eyes. "Don't worry, it isn't made of darkness. It's just a name, dramatic name but a name alone. It's made from a special flower. The real darkness, I keep close at hand, that isn't for games." He assured her as he came around to face her. "Since you don't want to play by the rules, there's no point in playing is there? I'll just deliver you and collect my reward. I have no further questions, you just use them to try and escape. Not that I can blame you, it's just that I was really going to give you a fair chance to get away." He explained as he sighed heavily. He picked her up in his arms and slung her over his shoulder. A nearly quiet laughter could be heard in the distance. "It's about time..." A low voice said out in the darkness.

The dead woods carried on for miles, thankfully the cave wasn't too deep in. They had made it just in time, following Shade and his current catch. Rio was sure that shade knew they were there but he would do nothing to stop them. After all, Rio was the one that usually acted as backup. Overseeing most missions as extra security. It wasn't ever needed, but this time their employer would risk nothing. He had been watching the mouth of the cave entrance for a while. A loud bang, a bright flash of light from within, and some shouting. Now here he was to investigate, and sure enough Shade had not failed. Not yet, but he seemed to be acting out of the ordinary. As if he were toying with his target, as opposed to keeping it strictly business. This wasn't good, this was dangerous. The one thing the master liked was that he was completely and absolutely predictable in his pattern for work. Find target, kill target report collect payment. He made it to the cave entrance, and finally into the corridor. He caught the last bit of conversation that Shade was having and he didn't like it one bit. He decided to step in now, and make sure that the job got done. Hell, he might just be feeling like it's time he got a promotion. He walked out of the shadows, deciding to meet Shade before he left the cave. He wouldn't want too make too much of a mess outside. Besides, he was one assassin. What could he do against Rio and his 6? All of who were slowly making their way into the cave now. Surely the stories are exaggerated, nobody could really control shadows.

Shade stopped dead in his tracks and smiled into the darkness. "Good evenin' friend." He called to the man walking into the darkness of the cave. "I'm good here, no help needed. It isn't ever needed, yet you guys manage to tag along each time." He said to him as he watched the man. Through the shadows Aeryn could see him perfectly. Him and the other 6 people that were sneaking about. Making their way silently into the cave. This didn't bode well, Rio and his group were scavengers. Always looking to steal hits, trophies, loot, anything that would get them more coin. "I gotta meet up with the boss now. So if you'll excuse me..." He began to walk once more before Rio put a hand up. "Not so fast buddy." He said in his snide almost nasaly voice. He let out a chuckle and took a few steps towards Aeryn. "Why don't you let me give you a hand? I'm sure you could use some rest, let me carry it for ya, and you can walk beside me. Don't burden yourself anymore tonight." He suggested while giving him a fake smile. The moonlight was peeking in behind him, making his smile look all the more twisted, revealing a hooked nose, and pointy chin. "No thank. I said I'm good here." Aeryn responded, his voice growing more annoyed now. "Oh, but I insist...SURELY" He shouted the last word, as if on cue, 3 shadows emerged from the wall. The 3 shadows stepped into the light to reveal 3 of Rio's henchmen. All sported dark clothing, glinting daggers in the moonlight, and murderous eyes. "What happened? you don't trust me to finish my job?! Or you just got so greedy you lost all sense of reasoning?" He questioned as he took several steps back into the darkness. Once they were in the shadows he dropped Rosen and dropped to one knee. "This isn't going to be fun, and these guys will probably try to kill you just because. They're stupid like that. Giove me a hand and I promise to give you a second chance at running away. One more chance to escape, after which I will still chase you down, or you die here now." He said to her as the shadows around her limbs loosened

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Rosen could only grit her teeth as she was put on his shoulder again. Not only due to the humiliation, but also due to the fact that it made the dizziness occur again. "At least be kind enough and..." she snapped but was interrupted by Shade speaking to, what appeared, someone besides her. At first flares of fear conquered her mind, as she figured that it must have been the person who hired him.

But then, everything twisted. The conversation was aggressive and the more Rosen listened, the more she became aware of what was happening. And, for the first time in a while, she saw an actual shadow from the person who had waltzed in on the two. There was light somewhere. Before she had anytime to think or do, Shade stepped back into the darkness and she was dropped. She grunted at the pain and took some heavy breaths from the world spinning once more. Rosen explored each of his words and took heed to the situation they were in. Once she felt the shadows loosen, she made no actions to attack him, she but cradled her head.

"You fool," she hissed. "Do you realize my condition? You've put me back in the darkness, I haven't light. I am not a full demon who can conjure light on a whim. Well, not often. And, what's more, my head feels as if it may burst from all the motion I am feeling. I can only imagine what my vision is like, but I am unable to due to, once again, darkness. I can't see a thing." Her breathing was jittery and labored as she paused. "I haven't lashed out at you after you let me go because I can't when I'm this disoriented. What makes you think I can help you with the load of them?" She gestured in front of her as if the people that were after the two were there.

Rosen folded her arms, grabbed at the cloth of her sleeves and squeezed it between her fingers. "I'll be sure to never let you poison my body like this again. I would help, if I could."

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He watched her for a second then watched the people that jumped out. He absently pulled a vial from his pouch, held her mouth open and emptied the contents. “You’ll be fine in s few seconds. I’ll get you into the light, don’t you worry your pretty little head about it. Just know this, if you betray me, you will wish I took you out.” He had turned his gaze to her, the grim finality of that promise was evident in his eyes. “You’ll know when to make your move.” He said as he melted into the shadows. There was a look of surprise on some of the henchmen’s faces when Aeryn popped out from the cave wall behind that man. He had long black hair, all he managed to do was make a quick shout before he found himself flying through the air, tumbling into 2 of the initial 3. They rolled around in a jumble of limbs making their way into the darkness. Opening up a small path to the mouth of the cave.

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After all that was said and done, another liquid was emptied into her, she downed it and was ready to bite back, until she heard that she'd be fine. And, sure enough, her dizziness was fading. Had she known he had some sort of antidote, she would have gone for that instead. But, now wasn't the time to think of such things.

Shade's presence disappeared from beside her. She heard noises and the outline of a figure being thrown through the air. She rocked to her feet and twisted her neck around to be sure that the previous fowl thing he had forced her to drink was gone away. The world didn't spin, she didn't feel sick and, as more light entered the mouth of the cave, she poured into a sprint.

A breath of fresh air was the best way to explain it as she felt the light from the moon pierce her skin. She thought about going on and on, escaping right then and there and leaving Shade to battle them on his own. From her perspective, he seemed to be doing just fine against the men in there. Her assistance wasn't needed, right? She could go travel back to where that old geezer was who taught her about light demons. She could go and back to her country and hunker down as a villager for a while.

She could also stay and fight.

Rosen stopped, turned around and looked at the cave. She pointed her fingers, pulled an elbow back and aimed at the top part of the cave. The star that formed was itty bitty, just enough to give off some light. Rosen let go of the star, it shot forward and the light cascaded on the figures inside the cave. She let it carve into her memory. The height of the people there, what they were wearing, the way they stood. Every detail counted in order to make sure she didn't unnecessarily hit her captor. Once the light faded, she pulled back her elbow again, but this time, the star was significantly bigger. She aimed it at a place she remembered two of the figures being and let go.

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Aeryn paused at the suddenly illuminated cave. Everyone inside was visible to everyone else, including him. Two of the men turned to him and started running st him as the light faded. He wasn’t too worried, now that darkness returned he would be able to slip back into the shadows. But he didn’t have time, as a moment later the cave was illuminated again, this time an intense ball of light shot in his direction. The two assailants running at him paused to look back. Envelopes in a ball of light, screams of agony reverberated around the cave as they were consumed in light and fire. Aeryn winced before slipping back into the shadows. “Don’t be a coward!! Come out and fight me Shade!!!” Rio screamed from the mouth of the cave. Aeryn ignored him as he popped out from the cave ceiling. Dagger in hand he dropped behind one of the remaining four assailants. He was standing alone, but not for long. A sick squelch as the dagger ripped into his target’s shoulder and he buckled under the weight of dagger and body. “Three left Rio! You made a huge mistake!” He shouted before slipping into the darkness. “You made the mistake freeing the girl and betraying the master.” “I betrayed no one!!” aeryn countered. “Not the story the master will hear! I promise that!” He shouted as he ran outside of the cave, making a getaway attempt.

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Rosen had been generating another shooting star as she watched someone leave the cave. The figure quickly entered the trees, making the target tough to shoot at. Instead of letting the star go, she took it into her mouth and raced that direction. Her movements were slower than usual. Likely due to all the commotion that had happened that night. Rosen weaved between the trees. As usual, she wasn't a quiet fighter. Each footfall cracked twigs and crunched leaves, pounded the dirt, making her presence clear and obvious.

Her nostrils flared as she saw the figure. She hopped up, grabbed a branch of a tree, used it to slingshot herself in the air and thrust out her arm to punch the stranger down as she fell back to the earth. The other guys in the cave appeared, well, not too great. Considering that Shade and her didn't have much issue, even while she had a blind shot. This man though, he was better.

The maiden's fist met with dirt, leaving a crater in the ground. She twisted her head to go and attack him again, but was met with a knee to her jaw. She stifled a yell of pain to keep the star within her. She put her weight on her hands and kicked upwards. Her feet hit him hard enough for him to stumble back, that was about it and that was fine, it gave her enough time to stand up. The shadows of the trees made the man tough to identify, but for once, she could trace his entire frame, even the depths in his face.

She thought she should try to land another hit, but in her sluggish condition, it probably wasn't the best course of action. Thus, she opened her mouth. The star hadn't much time to sit and grow, the size was about the same as when she formed it. But, it'd at least throw him off guard. The star flung out and she pulled back her elbow to shoot one more.

The explosions they made were loud and bright. Once both had dissipated, she lifted a brow, upon realizing she had never heard a yell. Just like she had done at the cave, she made a tiny star and used it to light her surroundings. There wasn't anyone around. "Must have vaporized him," she muttered, pivoted on her heel and made her way back until she stood at the opening of the cave. Preparing to battle whoever may be left.

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Aeryn watched as Rio sprinted out of the cave. His attention was brought back to the remaining three enemies he had to face. His brain registered rosen giving chase to Rio, and that was all before he heard the shouting of one of his attacker. The man had a sword raised and was running at him. Behind him an arrow was flying in his direction. He only sighed before gripping his dagger by the blade and letting it fly. It sailed right past the swordsman, split the arrow and kept moving. It landed with a sickening thud as it buried itself into the eye of the bowman. Aeryn slipped into the shadows before the swordsman reached him and jumped up where the bowman had fallen. He pried his dagger free as an axe came swinging down in his direction. He rolled out of the way to meet his third assailant. "You should have brought more. Honestly, I feel insulted by this." He claimed as he rolled back towards the axe wielder, slicing at his leg. The man dropped the heavy axe and clutched at his leg, falling to the ground in a grunt of pain. Aeryn closed in and slit his throat before using the same blade to finish the swordsman who was closing in. He threw it and watched as it lodged itself in the mans chest. He slumped to the floor in a dead heap. Aeryn closed in and picked his blade up, walking to the mouth of the cave as Rosen approached from the outside. He sighed as he watched her. "Is he dead?" He asked cautiously, watching her and waiting for the answer.

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Rosen tsked at herself as Shade walked up to her. If she had known that he'd take them down so quickly, she would have kept sprinting in that forest. She took several steps back to create distance between herself and her previous captor. Rosen didn't dare make eye contact with him. She either gazed at the ground or toward the celestial stars in the sky. "Of course," she muttered, yet, she couldn't help let a slip of unease shatter through her words. She never saw him dead, but she also never saw him alive after her shooting stars were let loose. It had obliterated the surrounding area. The thought of him surviving such an attack baffled her, and if he had, then he would have had a trick up his sleeve that she as unaware of.

She took a few more steps back. "Great, teamwork, I guess. Sorry, my state still wasn't the best, but it seemed as if you would have done just fine without me."

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He watched her with curiosity before noddiung. "For both our sakes, he better be." He turned to face the dead in the cave."Honestly, they know me, I was expecting at least 10 of them." He shrugged after speaking. "Oh well, their stupid mistake I guess." He said as he turned to face her once more. "My job still stands, I have to bring you in." He said quietly to her. "I appreciate your help, and for that I will give you a head start. At the end of the day, I am a man of my word." He said as he watched her.

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There came the question. At the root of it all, she was supposed to capture him as well. If she ran away with her tail tucked between her legs, then her capture would over, at least, for that night it would be. The longer she stood in the light of the moon and the stars, the more she felt her energy return to her. She still wasn't at her best, but at the moment, she wasn't at her worst. "You still have the advantage," she said and smelt the air. "You know this place, and darkness still will consume this land for quite sometime, but..." she pivoted on her heel and took off into the forest. She didn't know just how long of a head start he planned on giving her, nonetheless, she figured she could at least create some sort of trap. A way to flip the board.

The light demon jumped up, grabbed a branch and just like she had done with the man, sling shotted upwards. Except, rather than punching at the dirt, she studied her surrounds and sniffed at the air again. Surely, there was water somewhere. She dropped down and caught herself on another branch, using its bowing tendencies to shoot up once more. This time, from the shine of the moonlight, Rosen spotted a small pond. She aimed directly for it and crashed into the water.

Water reflected light, causing double the amount of absorption. She lay out in the water, floating and taking in something that was equivalent to a meal. Now that she thought about it, all the action was starting to make her hungry, even after eating the sweet rolls in the tavern. She heaved a sigh, and ducked down in the water, doing what she could to hide her being.

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Aeryn watched her spin and take off. He smiled to himself as he watched her shoot into the sky. What was he doing? Why was he allowing her a chance? Well, above all he was a man of his word. He didn't have much to hold him to anything, but his word. It was in his nature as part of the fae. He sighed as he went back into the cave. He grabbed a few things from a side room, checked to make sure his cloak was fastened along with is belt and then took off at a light jog towards the forest. It didn't take him long to reach the depths of the forest, the dead of night bringing an eerie silence to the air. But the electricity of anticipation was there as well. Making every moment tense, and full of unknown anxiety. She wasn't just running for her life, she was also supposed to be capturing him. He made sure to remember that as he placed a palm to a nearby tree. With little concentration he was able to slip into the world of shadows. Connect with many of the shadows around him, he was near omnipotent in his senses. Every bug, bird, or animal otherwise moving in the shadows he could feel with clarity. He came out several hundred yards away, at the entrance to a small clearing. The clearing gave way to a rather large pond, and there she was in the m,iddle of it. "So you're going to spend your last minutes as a free woman taking a swim? My you reall are ambitious aren't you?" He asked jokingly as he walked out of the shadows. He knelt by the larger than normal body of water and let his hands down. Allowing the water to touch his fingers he watched her.

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"Well," she breathed and paused for an awkward amount of time, "at least I'll be rejuvenated before my capture. Right? At least I'll have that." She swayed her arms slowly, feeling the water move between her fingertips and push against her body as she kept herself afloat. "You know, I used up all my knives. Not like they'd do much to a toxic user. I still have my white one. A shame I can't make myself fly with it...yet. Even then, it gives me only a few minutes to fly. I'm my own blacksmith, but I'm no good at it. Perhaps if I honed that skill, I could have escaped."

Rosen reached in her inner pocket of her coat. "You know, we both have such lousy nicknames. Meteorite, a woman who uses burst of lights, similar to a shooting star. I could even make a nova if I had the strength to. And Shade." She pulled an item from out of her pocket. It was an item that was slightly smaller than an eye. It glistened in the moonlight. Its many edges refracted the light in prism cascades. The more she extended it between the moonlight and the reflecting pool of water, the more it appeared to glow. She could only afford one of these a year, though, if she captured Shade, perhaps she could get much more. "Shade," Rosen repeated, "a man who cowers in the shadows. How tacky of us to choose such obvious nicknames, aye?"

With that, the light demon gave a toothy grin and dropped the item in her mouth. A diamond. The sharp teeth were made for something particular. To shed through gems. The clearer the mineral, the better. The more light that reflected off it, the more power would fill her being. She had been saving it for a long time, and while she wanted to use it far sooner, there wasn't remotely enough light to make the best use of it. Ideally, she would have liked the sun and a body of water. This would do.

Her entire body flashed, filling the water with a spectrum of light before fading back within her. A semblance of horns and tail formed near her head and tailbone, but disappeared soon after. She sat herself up in the water, and pressed her hand against the liquid. It acted as a solid, and she climbed out, standing atop the water. But, only capable of doing so in places where the moon reflected most. "Are you ready?" she lifted a brow and smirked.

andujarprime andujarprime

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