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Fantasy Magical Assassins

Rosen didn't know how long it had been since she had been out cold. She woke up, what she assumed, was on a shoulder. Bound, blind, unable to speak. That didn't matter much. Her body felt so numb. Almost like an out of body experience. The way she was bound almost comforted her, reminding the light demon of being beneath a blanket at home, or drinking a cup of hot chocolate. While she felt filled to the brim with light, it was as if she wasn't able or allowed to access any of it yet.

Her hunger had vanished. During the time they traveled while she was awake, her stomach never rumbled and she never craved anything. She felt full. Likely do to the butterflies literally filling her body. It took a strange amount of time for her to realize just who was carrying her. Even when she heard his voice, it didn't fully register. And, she hated to admit it, there was some sense of relief when she learned that it was Shade. As if being alone with a complete stranger was more daunting than being caught by an assassin. But, he was an assassin she had some sort of familiarity with.

The fear of being handed off to some unknown aristocrat did not sink in until Shade mentioned, 'turning her in." Her body tensed up and all she could think about was her left ankle. She had no way to protect it. And, now she feared the light demon within her. While Rosen knew she had to become a full-fledged demon eventually, especially due to the fact that her life would probably only last a few more years without accessing all her powers, she worried about her body acting as it had again. She never wanted the butterflies come from her body again.

She didn't know what time of day it was, all she knew was that she was propped against something faced away from any source of light. As if she didn't already have enough inside her. Rosen wanted to vomit, she wanted to cry. She didn't know what to do. So all she did was starve herself and tremble, thinking of all that could happen to her.

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He heard her moving around, so he knew he wasn't just talking to himself again. He pulled her blindfold off and stepped back. Allowing her eyes to adjust to the darkness. The stars and random bits of moonlight were the only sources beneath the trees. "Good of you to join us. You hungry yet? I think you should eat, get some kind of energy because after tonight....I don't know what you'll be allowed to eat or drink honestly. Or how often for that matter. You won't exactly be an honorary guest, or in pleasant company either..." He offered her a small piece of dried meat. Placing it in her bound hands and removing the gag from her mouth. He brought her hands around to her front and retied them quickly.

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Not only were eyes not glowing, they also appeared more dim than at their restful state. "No," she mumbled in the quietest voice she could let out, fearing that if she talked any louder something bad would happen. "I'm not hungry. I haven't an appetite." Rosen dropped the dried meat to the ground and rested her head on the tree behind her. "It's like a cocoon," she gestured with her eyes at what bound her. "As if I've eaten tons and just need to rest now. I feel so sick though. You'd think after absorbing so much light, I'd feel like the most boundless person in the world, yet, something just is wrong." She hesitated a moment and did what she could to trace Shade's frame in the dark. "I must be going insane to tell you all of this. Maybe I still want to play the game, my body just won't let me though. I'm sorry."

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"Well, let's hope you continue feeling full then." He said in a low voice. He frowned at her though. "Sorry lil Meteor. We ain't playin a game no more. Not one you can win anyway..." He said his voice trailing off with his thoughts. "I feel for ya, I really do. As a last token of sympathy I'll let ya take this pit stop with me. I have something to check up on. And I'm in no rush to turn you in. Yer already caught so..." He picked up the piece of dried meat, brushed it off and took a bite. "We head out in a short while..." He walked a short distance away and sat beneath another tree. closing his eyes for a little bit.

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"Lil'..." she murmured and even in her strange state, managed to scowl at the guy as he picked up the meat and walked off to a tree. She rocked her shoulders against the tree. Just a way to test how well she was bound and as well to check her body. She attempted to use the tree as leverage to stand on her own, but to no avail. Her ankles felt twisted, even though they clearly were not. The ol'man light demon never told her exactly what the butterflies did, but it confused her.

She let out a sigh and relaxed her muscles. "Feel for me, aye? Sympathy." Rosen wasn't sure if he could hear her or not, and she didn't much care. "How humorous for you to say such lies." With her hands still in front of her, she weaved her fingers with each other and continued to use her index finger to tap her knuckle. Over and over, she let the nervous tick consume her as a way to get her mind off the entire situation. But it only made things worse. It only made her anxiety heighten and fester. "I'll get away..."

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He opened one eye to look over to her. "Lies? What lies have I told ye? What reason do I have to lie to yeh?" He asked in a low, irritated voice. "You've spent all night insulting me, and I've been as up front with you as I possibly could be given my contract. My kindness is about running short. We fae don't lie, and our patience isn't as long lived as most humans. Be careful.." He warned her. "You can't escape, You won't escape. I've made sure of it. Do you need me to drug you again? I thought we got past that already..." He said loud enough for her to hear

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"No, no more of your toxins," she gasped, bounded forward only for her face to plant itself in the dirt below. She wrinkled her nose and pursed her lips, doing what she could to prevent the dust of blush from forming on her cheeks from the sheer embarrassment, though, in the dark, it was likely tough to see. Rosen stayed there, not having much movement due to the restraints and the lack of connection with her body. "You're a fool to think I won't escape. The longer you take to get me there, the more likely I'll be able to get out before you make it. And, even if you do drop me off at your client's place, as long as I get away before I am marked, then I say that's an escape. I will get away." She opened her mouth to say more things, but shut it right after. She was talking. Quite a bit too. She hadn't the energy to even try until then. The man riled her up so easily, that both bothered her and made her grateful for making her feel normal for just a thread of time.

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"You're the fool to think you still have a chance. Foolish if you haven't learned anything over the past few days quite frankly." He said with a shrug as he closed his eyes once more. "Now let me rest, once we arrive I need to have all my wits about me. I've got a weird feeling." He said the last part mostly to himself, but he didn't care much if she heard him or not. For the past 2 days, since he'd been getting closer to home something felt odd. He couldn't quite place what it was. But his gut was telling him something wasn't right and he wasn't one to ignore his gut. He shrugged to himself as he let the night noises wash over him. Taking it all in, including her breathing. He was in familiar territory, and this should have dulled some of the edge he was on but it didn't.

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Like before, Rosen opened her mouth to protest but closed it after she heard the tail end of his comment. "A weird feeling?" she whispered, mostly to herself as she propped her body back against the tree. Shade was quiet. He didn't utter another word and, for one reason or another, she sealed her own lips. For him to say that... well, it made her feel uneasy. He may be her captor. Shade may have beat her up, stolen the light from her being and made her use a precious diamond. That was just it, he pushed her this far, for him to say that he had a weird feeling, made it seem like someone was telling her that their world is about to collide into another planet. It didn't make sense.

The little moonlight that crept between the leaves and branches left a thin outline of Shade's frame. He had stopped moving. Whether or not he was asleep, he was at least a tad more relaxed than she had seen him thus far. It was a peculiar sight, even if she only saw licks of it. And, as she scavenged through ways she could escape while he slept, her conscious left her all the same. Her mind filled with dreams. Dreams that distracted her from her current situation. She never woke, never squirmed, only devoured the moment of sleeping ease.

Sleeping had the worst consequence. It was nice, until it felt like it was only a few minutes long. With her eyes still closed, she began to gain awareness of her surroundings once more. From beyond her eyelids, it was clear that no sun had risen yet. That was a shame. Having the light would do her well in this situation. The critters and birds chirping in the forest told her that daybreak would happen soon though. What's more though was her stomach. She had almost assumed that a cow had been dying beside her as she heard a low, long rumble come from her torso. She was hungry. Rosen didn't want to wake yet. She but lifted her knees against her chest, at least, the best she could manage, and attempted to hunker back into rest. The more she tried, the more her stomach screamed at her. "Would you shut up?" she demanded, showing that spurts of her personality were returning.

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"Oh, look who's got her fire back?" His voice came from right above her, and full of amusement. One could practically ear the smile on his face. "And her appetite I suppose has joined us?" He teased as he held a sweet roll out to her. It was a bit stale, but still sweet, the cloth he used to preserve his food was enchanted. "Eat up, this is the last bit of our journey into town. Should be there by nightfall. Ye haven't ate in two days no, well a bit more than two. You gotta be hungry by now. At least that's what your stomach is yelling." He said before laughing. He sat down beneath the tree next to her. He had no fear of her escaping, or attacking him. He was in full control of the situation and wanted her to understand the same. He held out two sweet rolls now as he took a bite of a piece of dried meat. The bit of sunlight that was filtering through the thick canopy of the trees was more than enough light for him to see by. And he could tell that she was struggling, whether from hunger, or exhaustion still he wasn't sure. "You can't still be tired, you been sleeping for over two days now!" He exclaimed. "Hurry up and eat before I change my mind."

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Rosen's eyes snapped open as she heard the man coo from above. She had presumed him to still be asleep, as he had wanted to be sure and gain plenty of rest, due to that strange feeling he had. "My fire back?" she questioned and cocked her head. She wasn't sure exactly what he was referring to, likely due to her still groggy state and hunger. The scent of the somewhat preserved sweet roll snapped her away from tiredness. Saliva within her churned as her stomach practically pleaded for one of her favorite foods.

He laughed and sat next to her. He laughed, and she didn't feel as if he had ulterior motives. Well, besides capturing her and bringing her in for wealth. Nonetheless, she was still taken aback. With her being restrained, and the game coming to a close, she presumed there was no need for him to tiptoe around her.

Before she spoke, she took up the sweet rolls the best she could with her bound hands. "These better not be laced with anything. I'm trusting you. Just this once," she hissed and scowled at the man for a time before chomping down on the rolls. Though, slightly stale, her body thanked her. She had consumed them so quickly, Rosen could have almost sworn they had vanished. "Of course I'm still tired after days of sleeping. Until my body absorbs this food, it likely won't change. I already feel better..." she sighed as she glanced at the fae. It was the first time in a while she had a clear look on his face. "Wouldn't consider letting me go, would you? I'll even let you off the hook and tell my client I was unsuccessful." The light demon smirked.

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He raised an eyebrow in curiosity at her offer. "You hit you're head in the night? Cuz I made extra careful not to bump you too hard carrying you." He asked jokingly. "I'm going to let you go, giving up my freedom, for what? So you can scamper home, claim to be unsuccessful and then come after me again? Yea, no thanks. Don't forget word play belongs to my people." He said as he continued to eat. "Besides, you couldn't capture me this time, next time, when I'm expecting you, you won't even have half a shot." He boasted after swallowing a mouthful of his breakfast. "I'm not letting you go, I'm bringing you in and getting my freedom." He said grumpily as he turned away from her. "So easy to forget this ain't really a game." He said in a low voice, looking off into the woods. As if deep in thought, but his senses kept him grounded to the here and now.

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"Freedom?" she breathed, raised a brow and leaned forward. "That could mean a multitude of things. But most wouldn't use such a word for pure wishes of gold and treasure." She studied his face for a time. Curiosity rang between her ears until she remembered how a captor shouldn't be pondering about such things. Rosen cleared her throat and pressed her back against the bark once more. "And, believe it or not, I...probably wouldn't hunt you down again. Maybe. This experience has taught me why a light demon must search for someone to tie with. Not only because of the short lifespan, but also due to your client. You and I both know that more have suffered from the hands of your client, more than we know. I'd rather go after them before you. And then, maybe after you once more. If you're still around. Who knows how long it'd take. Perhaps--"

Rosen continued to ramble. Droning on and on as she watched the sun's light gradually open up to the world. The more she stalled, the more light she'd gain. Thus, the odds of escaping would rise.

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"That's cuz it aint just gold n treasure for me lil Rosen." He sneered, seemingly insulted. "It aint likely that you could catch me even if you did decide to hunt me again. But that's neither here nor there, I been watching you. Studying you, and I think I figured out how you work...Kinda." He said as he grabbed her arm and brought her to a standing position. He focused and the pieces of cloth wrapped around her wrists tightened. "Yer not getting away, so just enjoy this last chapter of freedom in what could possibly be a pretty short lived life." He said begrudgingly as he pulled her along. Keeping to the shadows beneath the immense canopy of leaves. "Besides, what he does with his possessions, his own business. Not mine. Not like anybody ever cared what happened behind closed doors." He said aloud, a sour look on his face. " Ain't nobody care when it came to me anyway." He mumbled this last bit underneath his breath as he kept walking. He kicked absently at random rocks and loose branches along the dirt floor of the woods. Bit by bit, the noises of nature began to fade. They were now entering a deadzone. The woods was rife with them. Patches of wood where plant life didn't flourish, barely made it into maturity. As a result, lot's of animals stayed away from these patches of dead atmosphere.

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Rosen wrinkled her nose as he used 'lil' again and hoisted her off the ground. The shadow restraints around her wrists tightened. figures. Of course they were tightened before the sun had fully come out. What's more were the leaves above the two. Nonetheless, the amount of light that cascaded between the leaves was enough for her to filled with light again. In a way, she was confused about herself. One would presume that she had tons of light forced inside her, yet she thirsted for it again. He tugged her with him, that too bothered her. Now that she was awake and aware, the engulfing feeling of being trapped rattled her even more. "Care when what?" she inquired as she heard just bits and pieces of his last bit. She understood that he'd likely not answer, but she was caught up in her own mind to care much.

The light demon couldn't stop mulling over freedom and treasures. She couldn't say much about herself. She generally wasn't a ruthless person. If someone who wasn't supposed to be involved with her assassinations got in the way, she'd do her best not to kill them. But, in the end, all she was aiming for was some good money. Ever since she avenged her parents, she saw no real reason to kill unless it was made to help add to her pockets. "Thats..." she muttered to herself, "sort of despicable of me." Rosen wasn't all too worried if he heard, it wasn't like he knew what she was thinking. "Didn't you say there'd be some sort of pit stop?" She raised a brow as they entered a spot where vegetation and animals were sparse. "Mind telling me why and where?" She stifled a smirk. The more time away from the client, the better everything would be.

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He watched her from the corner of his vision. Ignoring her first prying question. "We're on our way to that pit stop. Just on the other side of this dead patch. I just gotta check on something is all." He explained, out of courtesy more than anything else. It didn't really matter if she knew where he was headed. It wasn't anywhere she would have been to before. Certainly not anyplace she would be able to visit without him. "What's despicable of you?" He asked curiously still looking around at their surroundings. Soon the sounds of nature, and the colors of the forest seemed to be dripping back into the world.

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Rosen did what she could to absorb every bit of light before nature trickled in again. As she heard his question, she couldn't help but let the corners of her mouth slide up into a mischievous smile. She had to bite her inner cheek just to stifle a snicker. "From your point of view, what Isn't despicable of me? Hm?" From her perspective, she was sure he'd say everything. She had no just reason to kill. She was a demon. She was the first to approach Shade, even though they had both been after each other. Rosen killed a mass amount of forest and critters. There wasnt much good to say about her. "Do not worry, what ever you say won't be nearly as bad as the fate you're bringing me to."

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He sighed thoughtfully. "I don't know you, much if at all. The only despicable thing I could say about you is your complete disregard for life. Well, nature in general. Otherwise I don't know you. My actions towards you aren't based on hate or any feeling in general. Not negative ones anyway, that's the only reason you haven't been turned in yet and still walking actually." He responded matter of factly. He pushed her ahead a bit faster, eager to get into the embrace of the dark forest and be surrounded by nature again. After what seemed to be about another hour, the forest had become noticeably thicker. They had to walk single file as the tree trunks were wide, and brush had become overgrown. The sunlight was at a minimum here, but the bit that did filter through only accented the green above and around them. As if they had walked into a world of green shades. "Almost there." He said aloud as rustling began from all around them. He didn't try to hide his smile as soon the rustling was accompanied by a low growl. "It's alright!" He called out. "It's me, relax!" He continued, the rustling became concentrated directly in front of him, and the growling was now accompanied by loud, short barks. He stopped them both and knelt down on a single knee. The underbrush before him parted a little, Bright green eyes peeked out from the darkness. Followed by a smaller pair of green eyes of a different shade. Then blue eyes somewhere else in the underbrush. Soon there were several pairs of eyes from all around. The first pair of eyes moved forward, a fuzzy green snout preceded them in a snarl at first. Bone yellow fangs about as long as a finger, within powerful jaws made their way closer to him. "I said chill, Kira." He said to the very large, very intimidating fae wolf that pushed its way through. It was similar to an ordinary wolf, differences in color, and size. It was several shades of green, with blue markings along the tips of it's body. Even it's tail. In terms of seize, standing up it came close to Aeryn's chest, it's body about double the size of his in girth. It let loose a growl that shook the underbrush. The hidden eyes winked out into darkness, but then the sharp barks returned in exuberance as a multitude of wolf pups ran out and attacked him with nips and barks and licks. He was laughing, and genuinely smiling for the first time anyone had ever seen.

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Rosen's eyes flicked about as she heard and saw different creatures in the forest around them. With Shade acting so comfortable, she figured it must have been his client ready to take her away, along with some backup for extra measures. But her worry was quickly replaced with surprise as she saw the large wolf move past the brush and a fleet of pups followed suit. They attacked Shade. Not how one would expect though. They were friends. And, she was taken aback as she saw him smile and laugh. Her eyes widened as she stood in a stupor, watching the scene unfold to her. No, they weren't friends, this was a family.

She hadn't realized her own smile had turned into something more authentic as well. She loved canines and felines. They were capable of growing bonds with humans. Unconditional love woven into both the animal and human was something true and real. It wasn't something that either of them could fake. For a while, the light demon continued to watch Shade, the assassin, be adored by the little pups. A blush dusted on her cheeks, a form of comfort consumed her. Rosen dropped to her knees. Getting a better look at the pups, attempting to get closer without bothering the family. "Why hello," she cooed a swoon of gladness. And, unknowingly, beads of tears formed in the corners of her eyes. "You all seem like grand buddies."

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The great fey wolf quickly turned it's attention from Aeryn, shifting into a predatory stance. It's shoulders hunched and back arched with it's hair on end and fangs bared. He began growling once more, stalking around Rosen. Assessing her, smelling the air around her, still sneering. "It's alright Kira." Aeryn said once more, standing between the enormous wolf and his captive. "She ain't gonna do much ta nobody." He reassured the wolf, who seemingly backed down even if just a bit. "They're family. My family." Aeryn said to her in a low, dark tone. "Don't make any sudden moves. Or I can't promise ye'll make it in one piece." He warned her as he turned back to face the other pups. "You guys doin alright out here?" He asked the large wolf as he hugged and ruffled to smaller blue pups. Kira nodded and let out a small whine then turned his attention back to Rosen. Eyeing her suspiciously. "He don't seem to like ye much." Aeryn muttered to her.

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"Aye," she breathed and moved back a tad. She rolled her eyes to the ground and weaved her fingers together, binding herself even more to keep her body from approaching the majestic beast. "Seems about right. I'll be sure to keep my distance. The thought of causing stress to..." she held her tongue. A pit formed in her stomach as she thought back when she ate the diamond. The animals. The critters. She had likely killed all those who couldn't get away in time from her own body doing what it could to protect her. A hypocrite. Whether or not she had a choice in at the time of the event, Rosen could never deny that she had removed the light from living things. "What if those butterflies had taken your life? What if I had captured you?" Her eyes widened as they flicked back to Shade, her irises pulled out the brightest luster of pink before fading back to normal. "They would have been without you. If you had died, if the butterflies had eaten your light, you would have never returned here. I--" she bit her bottom lip to attempt to quiet herself. She was an assassin. Rosen hadn't ever cared about families before, especially after her own was taken. Fathers. Mothers. Uncles. She had taken the life of many beloveds. Assassins were strained, refined, made to not care about such frivolous things.

"You play with them," she muttered, veering away from the topic she had previously been on. "You fiddle with my emotions. Make me unsure with myself. But, I have never seen such raw happiness from an assassin before. I would say it was a form of tormenting my mind if I hadn't watched you smile. Not a smirk. You smiled. Something I've since forsaken to do. That's unfair. That's cheating."

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His hands still wrestling one of the wolf pups, the other gnawing at his leg as he sat there. He looked up to her. "You couldn't take my light Lil Rosen. You tried to capture me and it didn't turn out well." He chuckled a little at the thought. "It's, they, they're my reason. My why. The reason I always return. Why I always make sure to be on point." He said with a sigh before turning his eyes back to you. "Cheating? I'm not cheating, I'm being myself is all. I made sure that no matter what, I wouldn't lose myself. I couldn't lose myself, for their sake." He said in a low voice as his attention turned back to the pup.

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The light demon pulled her knees up to her chest as she sat fully on the ground. She continued to study the situation. Here she was. Bound. Captured. Tied up, ready to be whisked away by a stranger who, for one reason or another, wanted her caught. Even in the moment where her life was on a tightrope of choice, she had a wave of serene comfort. It didn't make much sense. It only added to her stew of curious, confused and denial. "Yourself, aye?" she inquired and rested her chin on her knee. Taking in the moment. She was near sure it was a fantasy. A dream. For, as far as she knew, Shade was one of the best. A killer and a scoundrel. Yet, she had the brief chance to witness that to not be true, at least, not entirely.

"A reason," she said out loud but whispered to herself the rest. "I forsook that long ago didn't I?" An emptiness was gradually returning to her. The same feelings she had after the butterflies swarmed and stole. Her stomach failed her, her eyes shut off, she didn't notice it had happened again, or that it the lack of such emotion came about when it appeared the light had lost her.

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"Yeah a reason." He started saying as he looked to her. Suddenly a few sharp barks, branches snapping and several whines. Kira snarled, a savage growl escaping his throat. He turned first to Rosen eyeing her suspiciously, Then he looked around into the shrubbery. The runes on his fur glowed dully, menacingly. "What the hell?" Aeryn jumped to his feet, pup still in hand. His eyes shifted at first to Rosen. She seemed lost in her world, her hands still bound. There was a maniacal laughter and a small sound of explosion followed by whining pups. Kira turned to bound into the forest. "Na uh!! Stay where you are!!" A familiar reedy nasty voice calls from the forest. "Tell that nasty mutt not ta move!!" Rio stalked out from behind a large tree. A wicked looking dagger held in one hand, and a helpless pup in his other. The pup whined as it dangled by it's scruff. Kira took a step toward it as another mini explosion went off behind them. At least 10 more men stepped into view of the small clearing. 8 of them with small animals in hand. The other 2 with small dark globes. "The boss really, really wants his package. Since you decided to turn on us, yous a packaged deal now." Rio sneered in a sick delight. Chuckling, amused at his own machinations of the political handlings of their underworld. His henchmen joined in in the snickering. "Whadderya talkin bout Rio?" Aeryn asked suspiciously, though in his mind he knew exactly what had happened. A low rough voice cut into the atmosphere as a shadowed man appeared from thin air. "So it's true then? You've betrayed me? Betrayed your order? Given up on your freedom?" The figure asked in a menacing tone. Kira turned it's attention now from Rio to the dark figure as well.

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Rosen hadn't noticed her hair standing on end when she heard the voice from beyond the vegetation as she delved and scavenged her own mind. Though, the dimming of her light only lasted until she heard the whining of a pup. She lifted her chin, straightened her back and wrinkled her nose. Her body revved animosity toward whoever was causing such strain a the little being. It wasn't until she studied the situation far more closely that she noticed a familiar face. Her blood ran away from her. The light demon's skin paled as she watched the situation unfold. "I killed you!" she belted before a rumbling voice vibrated through. This man, the one she had sworn she had killed, he seemed to be nothing as the unfamiliar figure stood there. Hidden by shadows. Finally, the light demon heaved herself to her feet and bared her teeth. "Betrayed you? Who ever you are, he clearly isn't--" Rosen knew she shouldn't be defending her captor, she didn't even know who this man was. If anything, she could take the moment to get away. But, there sat the animal. A young one. And, if Shade did loose this 'freedom' the figure spoke of, then the family would be broken. "Leave!" she belted, as if she had any right to say it in Shade's territory.

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