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Fantasy Magical Assassins

"I don't think any kind can heal just from a little sleep," she muttered to herself, but felt a sense of warmth when he thanked her as they approached the gates. Rosen let the fae lead and walked in silence behind him. Taking careful steps. Once they got close, she was, to say the least, skeptical when she saw all the guards. Aeryn peeled off though to the left toward the woods. And, much to her surprise, she saw a door. "Anyone who's friends with someone here could get in with this door lying around. You'd think Ellswyr would patch that up, aye?" When they got closer, Rosen fell silent again. She gathered the interaction between the two, seeing as this man thought highly of Aeryn and appeared to respect him, her faith in the situation grew. In fact, the man was happy to see Shade. "She's with me?" Rosen questioned as she stepped behind Aeryn through the doorway. "What a thing to hear after you attempted to kidnap me." A slight snicker escaped her lips. What an interesting time it had been. While much fear and dread dwelled within her, she couldn't help but feel as though the little game of tag was fun. "Perhaps adrenaline," she snickered some more.

andujarprime andujarprime
Serum chuckled at her mention of sneaking in. “Anyone trying to sneak in would be swallowed up, stuck on a spit then tossed out into the woods.” He responded chuckling then finishing his conversation. When the man nodded and turned to open another door on the inner wall of the city. He smiled “well i did catch you, so yes you’re with me aren’t ya?” He teased lightly before stepping into the daylight. His cloak hood up and covering his features, he stepped into the foot traffic of the town. He held a hand out for her to take as the townsfolk kept pushing past him. It was a busy time, Nd the crowd was building. “Hurry and take my hand” he said to her shaking his hand impatiently.

AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite
"You wouldn't have caught me if I hadn't partaken of my expensive jewel," she cooed. "It made me faint after that, well, episode. I would have kept running otherwise." Though, Rosen overlooked the other times he had caught her and let her go. When they stepped into they light, she took a deep breath, feeling the rays of sun feed her demon self. She took a quick glance behind her shoulder. Surely the wolf would be okay until they returned. She sighed before hearing him speak and whipped her head around to gaze at his hand. "What?" she hissed. "The game was fun but now isn't a time to play around like you did away the tavern. Please be reasonable, we are-," she cut short as several people bumped into her, already causing the man to disappear some. She shoved the bodies aside, bounded forward and snatched his hand. "Sorry...I didn't realize how busy it was," she blushed as she remembered that she had told him that she didn't know much of this country and should probably listen without question. "Let's just say this time I caught you. So, we're even."

andujarprime andujarprime

(Written on my phone. Sorry if there are errors.)
Arryn chuckled “sure, if that’s what you want to call it. We just need to get out of the middle of the street.” He said in a low voice as he pulled her close. Looking down at her “don’t weigh me down. And watch your footing.” He said to her, a mysterious smirk on her lips as he took off pulling her behind him. He wove through the crowds, the street turned here and there, then inclined up. They ran through the crowd, turning at several different alleys, actually running through a few different doors into shops. One shop, an elder lady jumped back momentarily puzzled. Screaming and dropping a basket. When she made eye contact with Awryn she smiled only nodding as he stopped to help pick up the spoils of cloth in her basket. “Sorry!” He called as he ran out the back door into a dark alley. “Okay, now keep up!” He called as he let go of her hand, and began scaling the wall in the alley. There were rough pieces of stone sticking out like footholds and handholds. Anyone not looking for them wouldn’t be able to identify them. There were several other walls in other alleys, several rooftops they ran across before finally coming to a lone corner of the city. In this area, to the north most of the homes were built into the large trees as opposed to stone. “Here we are, catch your breath we got a bit of a climb.” He said as he sat in the shade of overly large leaves

AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite
"Do you really think I'd weigh you dow--!" the light demon yelped as she was tugged behind him. She attempted her best to be as nimble as he was, but it was never in her style. Her bulky steps just barely grapevined through the hordes of bodies. To say she was taken aback was a far cry to how she actually felt when ever the busted into a shop. Keeping a low profile was but a faint flame by that point as everyone knew they were around. Except, she didn't feel worried... In fact, she had sworn that she had seen an elder lady smile at the great assassin Shade. Sure, there were those who were fond of the makeshift sport, but an elder wasn't usually in the normal crowds that did.

"Now keep up?" she breathed as he scaled the wall. It wasn't something little ol'Meteor couldn't do, but how she felt and the speed at which he climbed was beyond her own. Nonetheless, she followed as hastily as she could up the wall. Studying his hand and footholds before rooting her own. Toward the end of the climb, there was a clear spot where she'd need to bound and leap as she was shorter than him. Usually she wouldn't fear it. Usually she would do it without hesitation. And, after a moment of consideration, she took the short leap, hooked her fingers into the hold and felt a shock swarm her back and shoulder. Rosen bit her bottom lip, enough to pierce blood with a single one of her sharp teeth to stifle a yell. She took on speed and finished the climb. Catching her breath was an understatement. She simply hugged herself and walked beside him, doing what she could to keep her back still and attempted to not give such pain away. "You know people here, don't you? Far more than just fans. They seemed to care..."

andujarprime andujarprime

(Hey!!! It's been awhile, but I finally have life sorted out and can return! Hope to see you soon! -- Yes this section is also posted in the OOC.)
Aeryn nodded “The people here. They, some of them helped me. When I was little. They did what they could to make sure I didn’t end up dead. Before I was found, I lived here on the streets. Now I try to help them...When I can.” He says in a low voice as he turns away to watch the rest of the city below them. “we’re almost there. Come on.” He says as he grabs a hold of a nearby vine. Swinging from the edge of the tree wall, over and around to the rear of a house built into a tree. Grabbing up another vine he uses it to propel himself upwards. Climbing further upwards and towards the back. Until he was out of the sun and in the shadows. Beneath large wooden branches and dark green leafy canopy. He placed his hand in a secret spot as a piece of bark rolled up and left an opening. He awaited her there at the entrance*

AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite
"They, helped?" Rosen panted and watched Shade grab hold of a vine and practically broke gravity as he ended up in a place where she couldn't see him. She gazed upon the city, eating up the view. Studying the people and buildings. Somehow, it made her angry to see it all. People who could have possibly helped him. Supported him. Everyone in her town knew there was something different about her, and due to the stigma of fantasy beings in her country, they kept a distance. Even after her parents were killed, not a single soul reached out. More and more frustration brewed. Churning and tinkering with her emotions, prodding at her heart and raking her soul with edges of fury. The wolves and now even some of the people. He had so much more to live for and here she was. Here was lil'Rosen who could have just gone with the men who attacked them at the cave, not a single pup would have died. While she was wrapped in envy, the light demon also felt flicks of utter depression. "I have to make it right," she muttered and looked at the vine. Though, another part of her just wanted to attack everything. Lay waste to the world. The side of her that was created when she saw her dead parents. And, after seeing what she could do has a partial full-demon, she wondered, for the merest of moments, if she could just destroy everything.

Finally, she shook her head and grabbed the vine, bit her bottom lip from the pain and swung along. She went around until she saw the other vine, grabbed it, yelled a tad and propelled herself as well. She climbed and went to the shadows she saw him disappear to, only to find him waiting at an entrance. "Seems as though my country isn't the only place that has secret areas placed throughout it. Does the person who leads this country know of these," Rosen panted and kept her shoulders inwards and she walked past Aeryn, unwilling to even look at him.

andujarprime andujarprime

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