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Fandom The Messed-up Ones (Slick and Reverent Au)

Ziggy seemed a bit surprised at the mention of Slenderman, tensing "Flesh.....human flesh."He muttered "you know of him?"he spoke, his tone a bit less grumpy
“Know of him?! Hell, he’s a pain in my ass.” He complained before pulling out a jar.

“Do organs work?” He hummed out showing what looked to be a kidney thrown inside the jar he held.

Oddly calm about Ziggy’s choice of food with me judgement in his tone at all.
Ziggy narrowed his eyes yet again, suspicious but lends out his hand calmly taking it "for now"he mumbled "thanks....."he muttered silent for a moment "is he after you?"
“Nah… I help his cannibal medic sometimes. Those proxies of his are my real problem.” He shrugged letting Ziggy take the jar.

Stretching out his arms and starting to walk off humming. Taking off his jacket again to get back to sewing the tears back together.
Ziggy furrowed his brows a bit shocked and offended, not on his behalf though...
Slowly and hesitantly he began to follow "which ones exactly?"
“Masky and Hoodie. I like Toby well enough. And any of the others.” He had stopped deepening his voice now.

The effort having been difficult to keep up with. Plus if Ziggy used it against him he could handle it. Civilly of course.
Ziggy relaxed a bit letting out a hum "fucking hate those two" he muttered "....I'm still new to all of this"he admitted, glancing at the kidney in the jar, trying to figure out whether he'd puke or sickeningly enjoy this
“Oh. So you work for Slender then?” Slick sounded confused looking back at Ziggy.

Trying to figure out if he had possibly seen him before. Uncertain if maybe he had simply forgotten. Shaking his head a little after a moment.
"yeah.....that son of a bitch"He grumbled, seemingly more agitated by the thought "I hate him so much!"he spat with venom, before taking a breath "....it was sort of against my will."
“So the normal. Are you and Jack buddies?” He asked.

Trying to figure out how Ziggy had escaped his attention while at Slender’s. Sure there were lots of people, but Slock could have sworn he had gotten most of them.
"no.....I'm not really buddies with anyone there."Ziggy mumbled not having trust anyone enough for that kind of bond "I was introduced.....by a friend, but he reminds me of someone a little too much"he muttered sighing "are you friends with him?*
“Errr, somewhat? Not really. More so… an assistant. Who's your friend?” He asked bluntly.

Hopping over a few stray logs as he went. Drawing closer to the mansion now. Since he assumed Ziggy would be okay there since he worked for Slender.
"do you have any friends?"Ziggy asked bluntly, not answering the question asked
He seemed a bit more stiff as they walked the familiar path. Strangely enough Ziggy walked moreso behind the smaller one, not really wanting to lead the way, and feeling that they didn't know eachother well enough to walk next to him
He made a so-so motion with his hand sighing. “I suppose Rev would count. She’s the only one I really like hanging out with. Inside of Slender’s anyways.”

Slick didn't seem to notice the distance Ziggy had taken. Before he stopped walking and looked back. A low hum left him.

“Ah, my bad. Here you can walk closer. No trouble at all. You being that far makes it as if I'm only talking to myself. And I already do that enough to be cynically insane.” He dug through his bag and pulled out his notebook again.
Ziggy seemed immediately surprised and confused, somewhat walking next to him "...Halo"he mumbled under his breath thinking "you're friends with her? Ho- what's with that darn notebook!??"Ziggy huffed confused and slightly bothered by it
His eyes squinting, not in suspicion but instead of one with genuine blunt confusion
Slick clicked his tongue at the question and opened the book. Starting to doodle a little picture on the page beside some notes.

“It's a failsafe. Plus just because you remember things with a clear mind doesn't mean everyone does.” He shrugged a little.

“You know Rev?” He seemed to study Ziggy closer.
"fair I guess mumbled silent for another moment "grew up with her"he muttered more quiet, and rather a bit soft.
He fixed his throat coughing a bit "Slick"he muttered wondering if she's mentioned him before, but that woman is so horrible at remembering names it's criminal.
"She's mentioned you before.....I think, some chemist I believe, right?"He questioned
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He let out a small hum of surprise. “She mentioned me? Er yeah, that's me. Are you two childhood friends then?” He prodded out of curiosity.

Stopping as the mansion came into view. Looking around to make sure it was clear before continuing on. Wondering if Rev was at the base at the moment.

He assumed she would probably be out doing things for Slenderman or taking down the people she disliked though. He found that she didn't like sticking around the base much.
"yeah, a habit of hers when she sees something that reminds her of the person"he huffed softly "and pretty much, met her around.....when she was 9. Knew her older brother a bit"he muttered thinking, his tail swishing side to side

He glanced at the base, the mansion looking as if it was withering by the second. He let out a grumble, already annoyed at the sigh of it "do you live in this shit place like most?"
“Oh… heck no!” He shuddered at the implication of living in this place.
“I live far into the forest well away from this place. Plus there’s a lot of hostility toward the unaffiliated groups. Considering I'm not actually working under Slender people use it as an excuse to be assholes.” He shrugged.

“Anyways, I think it's nice for her to have past ties I guess… she’s pretty cool. I kinda wish I knew her back then.” He ranted as he traipsed onto the rickety porch steps.

Wretching open the door that creaked on the hinges. Again looking around before passing through the threshold. Popping each of his knuckles individually as he walked on.

Navigating the place as if he owned it. Headed straight toward where the infirmary would be. Being sure to pace himself so Ziggy wouldn't have to jog to keep up.
Ziggy let out a small hum, easily able to keep up due to his height. "You can go faster than this if you'd like"he spoke, seemingly a tiny bit more calmer than earlier, glancing around. Silent about Slick's statement, knowing very well it breaks his heart at the thought of the person his good friend used to be "she's the one who got me into this mess yaknow"he sighed
His wings stretched wide subconsciously as he yawns, his jaw opening longer than what a normal person's jaw would allow
His fangs momentarily lengthening. His stomach grumbled, he had realized he hadn't ate the kidney yet, glancing at the jaw and opening it, pulling out the organ. His mouth watered a bit yet he almost gagged, a knot stuck in his throat
“Ah, yeah that can be rough. But hey you had each other.” He shrugged very indifferent to how joining Slender could be.

His gaze landing back in Ziggy when he heard the gag. Tilting his head a tad. Letting out a small hum before entering the infirmary.

Peering around to make sure it was clear before stepping in. Carelessly going through the drawers until he found what he was looking for. Leaving each drawer open as he went.

Making it down to the mini-fridge next and pulling a few more jars of kidneys out and putting them inside. Making sure the door is closed before facing Ziggy again.

“Is this… new to you? The eating people. Or are you just still not used to it?” He asked while pulling out his notebook once more to write down his response.
Ziggy furrowed his brows yet again at the little notebook before letting out a small grumble. " It depends. Is eating a fucking organ new? Yes. Force to be some killer? Yes. Finding out your best friend was alive for the past four year? Yes. It disgusts me. All of it. I've seen some sick shit but doesn't mean I'd like to be apart of it"he spoke as he took a bite of the kidney, trying to ignore that it once belonged to someone, trying to imagine that sweet metallic taste was sort of new dessert or jello-anything but human flesh.
Despite his disgust in it, the other part of him, the part that didn't belong to him but a whole new beings, enjoyed the meal, greedily wanting more.
“Ah… so you have morals?” Slick let out a soft laugh standing up again.

“Also nobody here is really… alive anymore. Some part of us has died along the…. That bastard!! I told him that this had to be organized by color not whatever this shit is!” He snatched up some stacks of documents in varying colors and went to filing them by color.

“I swear he must be colorblind,” Slick grumbled saltily as he worked.

Finishing the task before whipping to face Ziggy again. As if just remembering the creature was there. Clearing his throat awkwardly a moment.

“Ah, can you still eat normal food to? Or is it like Jack? And now normal food repulses you.” He shoved his notebook away skipping to the door getting ready to leave the room.
Ziggy seemed confused before mumbling something Slick wouldn't have been able to hear.
"It depends on the day...most of the time it repulses me...well all of the time, I enjoy the taste of it all but my stomach rejects it"he mumbled in a hopeless manner "the only thing that doesn't seem to get rejected is human flesh....makes sense for the demon that controls me. Have a feeling it's also because Rev forced a little flesh in my mouth when she had tortured me" he mumbled quietly before sighing "adhd?"Ziggy suddenly asked looking over at Slick curious

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