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Fantasy Magical Assassins

"Silence!! Animal." The voice practically hissed at Rosen. "Rio, the package." Rio was busy laughing. "Killed me? Girl you wish you could even come close to killin me!!" Rio boasted, his bravado faltered only slightly as he remembered how close he came to being erased. He shook it off almost immediately as he shook the small animal in his hand once more. "I didn't betray you!! Rio lies!!" Aeryn countered,,, his voce beginning to crack in disbelief. " I wouldn't just give up on my freedom, my family." He exclaimed as his reality began crashing around him. "I was bringing her to you!! As contracted!" He explained before the dark figure raised a hand, effectively silencing him. "I've had enough of your trickery, little assassin boy." It's voice was filled with disgust and malice. "Now you've lost it all. If you really were doing as I asked, why are you hear? Hiding away? Hiding your new friend away? And look, she defends you? HAH What have we got goin on here? Newfound interest?" He shadowy figure threw the question out, curiosity lining his tone.

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Rosen glowered at the figure and shot her eyes back at Rio. The way he spoke, it wasn't nearly as threatening as the man who was shaded in mystery. She didn't mind him, even if her attempted attack on him hadn't taken his life. She'd mull over that later, it was a mistake to think his life was taken. And, as she listened to the figure converse and silence Shade, a second blunder had been made. Defending Shade sure did sound like other motives were being established. "Are you blind?" she belted. Unfazed by him telling her to be silent as well as the lifting of his hand. While she was uneasy about him, she didn't know who he was, what he could do. Any proper terror that should have existed, simply didn't. "Can you not see I am bound? And as for defending this man. Whether or not you believe we are on the same side, you and I both know that I am defending his family first. That there," she jutted out her chin to gesture at the pup. "That isn't right. That is cruel, even for us assassins." She shot a single glance to Shade. He had gone silent. The more she spoke, the more graves she may have been digging, but the assumption was outrageous. Standing by only irked her. "Leave the family alone," she hissed. "I'm sure he'll hand me over once you do. That'll show you, right? That will show where his emotions lie."

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Another whine and a sharp bark of pain. Aeryn snapped back from his despair. "Leave them alone!!! I didn't betray anyone!!!" He yelled, Kira didn't bother with threats or false motions. His eyes were trained on the dark figure, and the sound of pain coming from his pack triggered an animosity in him. The runes on his coat flared once as the wolf pounced. He went from the far side of the clearing sailing through the air towards the shady figure. But instead of connecting, and crashing into him with a thud Kira sailed right through. Instead crashing into a tree nearby. "No betrayal?! What do you call that??!!" Rio sneered as several of his henchmen cackled. "That's called proof!!! There ya have it boss!! He just tried to taske you out! I'll bring ye the girl, and his head as well!" He shouted./ The dark figure turned to look at the wolf getting back up, then turned it's attention to Aeryn. "Pitiful, and downright disappointing. After everything I gave you, and taught you. This is the thanks I get?" He sneered as the figure started to fade away. "NO! NO! This isn't! NO!! How did you expect him to respond when you-" He was cut off as the man hissed once more. "Bring me his head!!!" Before the figure blinked out of existence. Rio began cackling as the circle around them began to close in. Aeryn stood there, in utter shock. Kira was up again, beginning to stalk around them, his eyes on the circle that was beginning to close tighter around them.

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Rosen stammered as she watched the wolf slip through the figure and into a tree. Was the man not there? Boss? Was this him? The one that Shade was meant to present her to. And, as the figure began to fade away, she couldn't help but take a step back. That wasn't a normal client. At least, none that she had yet to serve. Sure, there were strong ones who could have possibly done the bidding themselves, yet, she wasn't even sure this boss was there at any point in the conversation. The light demon pondered if he had similar power to Shade. From what she could remember, there wasn't an instance that just Shade's shadow appeared before her. He would slip into them. By far one of the most frustrating things she had endured.

"His head?" She widened her stance and flicked her eyes between Shade and the circling men. With the large wolf, Kira, along side Shade, the three of them could likely take them on. Considering how weak the previous ones were, even if she hadn't managed to kill the one who got away, taking them down would be a breeze. The issue was Shade though. Whatever the freedom thing was and why he was working beneath such a daunting client was beyond her. It didn't sit well either. "Shade," she spat and shot daggers at the fae. He didn't seem all himself. Well, as far as she knew from the amount of days she had the pleasure of knowing him. "Your light is fading, forget what he has said and unbind me. We can figure that out later once we've taken down these guys." She said as one of the men sprung forward. "Let me go! Now!" And, rather than attacking back or caring what Kira may do to her, she dropped her body over one of the pups, using her back as a shield.

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"Your light is fading..." Everything around him seemed to be crumbling down systematically. His heart had jumped into his throat as Kira lunged at what he knew to be a magical projection. His skin prickled all over, in cold dread. "No, no, no, no...This can't be happening. This isn't happening." He muttered to himself, as everything moved in slow motion. The world seemed to slow down. Encompassed in an aura of surrealism. Everything was moving in slow motion. Even sounds, words didn't seem to come across as normal. Out of the corner of his eyes as he's turning his head to face Rosen. Hearing her plea, he sees her drop over a pup. One of the henchmen leapt forward, a club like weapon in hand. The weapon came swinging down, connecting with Rosen in a sickening thud, followed by the pained whining of the pup beneath her. That whine snapped him to. His blood rushing to his head, through his ears as adrenaline rushed his body. Adrenaline, and rage as the connection he shared with his family was triggered. Kira's fur was ablaze with fey energy, especially the runes on his fur. Aeryn felt like his blood was on fire as the rage flowed through him. "NNOO!!!!" he screamed as he lunged forward. His daggers instantly appeared in his hands as he fell upon Rosen's assailant. Burying the blades into his shoulders, dragging them down and eviscerating him. Blood gurgled up from the man's slack jawed mouth, then from the wounds. He turned his seething anger towards Rio. Rio's confidence seemed to wither beneath his glare. He raised a dagger pointing it at Rio. "Yoouuuuu" He let out a growl, with a thought the shadow bindings holding Rosen's hands together. "You weak, insignificant, slimy waste of space." He growled as he began stalking forward. Small explosions started going off as everyone erupted into action, the underbrush erupting into chaos. Rio visibly cowered then shook the pup in his hand and held his wicked looking dagger against it. Aeryn paused, frozen in place as Rio sneered. A cry rose in the air followed by a sick, wet rip as blood spurted through the air followed by an arm. Kira howled then growled and jumped back into the chaos.

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"Shade!" she belted once more as she was over the pup and before the club hit. Her breath was instantly knocked out of her as she wailed in pain. Even as the battle commenced, Rosen stayed hunched over the pup gathering herself. She had been hit many times before, hurt, cut, but usually she'd dodge, usually she'd block. It wasn't normal to the full brunt of an attack.

Eventually, the light demon lifted her head. Her sight was hazy. Sounds muted. She wobbled to her feet and didn't quite realize that the shadows had been removed from her. Rosen continued to study, absorb and observe. One could almost say she was in awe as she watched Shade and Kira battle. As if it was a performed dance around her.

And then a yell sounded behind her, far louder than anything she had heard since being hit. She swung around, pointed her fingers, bent her elbow and let out a shooting star moments before a man attacked her again. She could hear herself breathing now. It was heavy, heaved and loud. As the man flew back, Rosen was surprised by the distance he went. Almost as if her stars had become more powerful since the butterfly incident.

She grabbed at her shirt, near her chest and attempted to gather her bearangs again, before sprinting into the fold.

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Aeryn leapt once more, leaving the bloody mess on the floor. Rio shook the pup again, bringing him up short. Kira ran behind him, attacking a man who had tossed a small globe into the air. The man yelled in surprise as he disappeared into the underbrush. His screams cut short by a sick wet ripping sound. Aeryn looked at Rio and took a step back, then another. Rio nodded with a smile. Aeryn lifted his hands in the air, in a harmless motion and dropped to his knees. He dropped the daggers to the floor. “Leave her!!! She’s innocent!! She’s just a pup!!” He pleaded, distracting Rio as the knives sank past the floor and into the shadows. Rio laughed obnoxiously. “They’re dumb animals!! It doesn’t matter what they did! They mean something to you. And for that they pay with their lives!!” He was near shouting now. Lifting his other hand ready to stab the pup. The shadows beneath Rio twisted and stretched. Two twisted hands and arms rose up, with Aeryn’s daggers in hand. Slashing at a very surprised Rio. The managed to cut as blood spurted from his hands. The wolf pup yelled and dropped to the floor. Rio screamed and clutched his hands as two fingers dropped to the ground and rolled a short distance away. The wolf ran into the underbrush, the shadow hands sinking back into the ground. Rio scrambles back on his knees as he watched Aeryn stand with a rage in his eyes. “STOP IT SHADE!! You’re nothing anymore!! The master has seen your colors and he will have your head!!” He stammered as he crawled into the underbrush. Kira appeared from behind him then took off after the pup that ran away.

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On Rosen's side, there was just a single enemy left. She dodged a swing and glanced at Shade. There was so much blood around him as Kira attacked a man who tossed some sort of globe in the air. Rosen ducked as the man attempted to punch her again. She had shot a fair amount of shooting stars and was saving energy just incase she needed to do so again for an emergency. "Could you just stop?" she spat as she slid between his legs and popped up on the other side of the enemy. She bounded forward, latched on his back and sunk her teeth into his shoulder. It didn't taste great, but the yell that spilled from him proved it to be effective. Rosen use his shoulders to lift herself up and rammed her knee in the side of his head. He fell to the ground unmoving.

Sweat beaded on her forehead as she moved toward Shade to provide any extra assistance, but, the moment she began making way, she watched two fingers roll on the ground. A wince pulled from Rosen as she realized just how poor this guy was. How she didn't kill him was beyond her and it made her own bones feel uncomfortable knowing that she was the reason the pups were used as leverage. Shade was seething. There had been a few occasions that she had twiddled with his emotions by calling him a coward, but what she witnessed wasn't on the same level. "True colors?" Rosen raised a brow as he scurried into the underbrush. "I have never beheld someone so pathetic. Shade is the only person here who isn't nothing." She extended her fingers and pulled back an elbow, a star ready, but she kept it there. It was meant for extra measure, as she was sure the two who deserved the man's throat was Shade or Kira.

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“My colors have always been the same you sleazy rag.” Aeryn hissed at him as he watched him disappear into the bushes. The leaves shook and Rio grunted as he attempted to get away. Shade dropped down, past the ground and into the shadows. He came up seconds later in front of Rio as the man let out a shriek. “My family. Everything I’ve done has always been for my family. And tonight you violated.” He whispered menacingly as he stalked towards Rio. Now on the ground once more scrambling away. He didn’t get far, he backed into two sturdy, furry legs. He looked up to see Kira glaring down at him. Rio squealed, frozen in terror as spittle dripped from his long canine teeth. Blood marred his snout and rage filled his eyes. Aren’t lunges forward, daggers outstretched. He brought them down, stabbing down on his legs, pinning him from running off. Shadows rose from the ground to wrap around his bloodied limbs as Rio screamed. But that scream was cut short as Kira tore the mans head and shoulders off with a single snatch of his powerful jaws. Bones crunched with a sickening sound and the body dropped in a wet thud. Cold rage showed in his eyes as Aeryn stepped out of the brush. He viewed the scenery, blood and bodies everywhere. One of the pups lay half covered in the leaves. A grown wolf, much smaller than Kira came out to nuzzle the pup that lay on the ground. Aeryn’s rage faltered momentarily as he ran and dropped to the ground. Rosen was completely forgotten for the moment as he picked up and cradled the limp pup in his arms. “No, no, no. Not the pups, please not the pups.” He rocked back and forth slightly whispering to himself. Kira came over to nuzzle the pup as well. In the underbrush and anguished howl ripped through the air. “Nnnooooooooooopo” Arryn let out a wail, that strangely sounded like an accompanying howl to meet Kira’s and several others. Another wolf brought out another limp pup laying it next to Aeryn and Kira. Arryn began sobbing uncontrollably now rocking back and forth.

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The star withered and faded between her hands. She slumped her shoulders and took a deep breath. The attack was over. The hair on the back of her neck continued to stand as she heard Shade send an arsenal of, "No's" to her left. She knitted her brow and craned her head to see what he was doing. And then she heard, "Not the pups," and her heart sank. In the assassin's arms was a pup. Unmoving. Lifeless and gone. And, as a howl of pain consumed the atmosphere, Rosen could only put her hand over her mouth while another pup, lost of life, was brought to the fold.

While the situation reflected much of her when she stumbled upon her dead parents, there was still a stark difference. There was no chance she could have protected her parents. She was a distance away. There would have been nothing Rosen could have prevented. This, however, this situation was different. Shade was there. With all his might, he protected the wolves. And where the blame belonged was a fuzzy line, due to lack of information, but Rosen couldn't imagine shoving it onto the man who wailed.

Rosen gazed at her palm as she absorbed the misery that continued to spill from the wolves and Shade. She had seen the ol'man light demon do it before. Transferring light into a being to resume its life. Not only had she used much of her power, but it was something that had to be done close after death. She didn't know if it'd work. The thought of getting their hopes up, just to let them down, made her fingertips numb. Rosen curled her fingers into a fist and let it swing back by her side. This was sick. A number of assassin's weren't this cruel. Herself included.

She tightened her lips, wrinkled her nose and kept her distance without saying a word for a while longer. And then, she spat, "I'll kill him." She pivoted on her heel, facing her back to the pups and Shade. Taking her eyes off the scene that made rage tear into her chest. She rolled her shoulders. Her back, it definitely wasn't happy with her. But, so is an assassin. "That figure. I'll make his head roll." she hissed and stepped forward.

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The howls filled the air in a long wail of despair and sorrow. Kira's howl suddenly stopped when he heard Rosen's voice and immediately took a step towards her growling. Very defensive as it placed itself between Aeryn and her. A snarl on his face and a growl building in it's throat. Aeryn slowly let his howl fade as he put a palm on Kira's fur. "It's alright boy. She helped us, she doesn't mean harm." He encouraged, several times. Finally Kira sat back, turning his attention to the other wolf that was with them. Two more wolves came from the underbrush tp nuzzle up next to Aeryn. He looked a little calmer at having his family as several pups peeked out of the underbrush and surrounded him. They whined and mewed at the two lifeless pups. Aeryn sat there trying to console them. His voice was that of a defeated man, mostly. With a hint of rage and a promise of revenge. "You're free to go." He said, his words coming out nearly a whisper. "It doesn't matter what he wants anymore. Doesn't matter what he thinks anymore. My contract is done, I'm taking my freedom and my family. My will, and with that I will do what must be done. You can go, go back to where you came from. Find your partner and bind yourself as you see fit. " His voice was still low, but loud enough for her to hear. Filled with sadness and near emptiness. But still backed with a cold steely tone that promised pain and revenge.

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Rosen stopped. "You're a fool to think I'd just skitter back home as if none of this just happened." She gestured all around her, but continued to face away from the wolves and Shade. "The great Shade, aye? The one I've heard so much about. There are some villages that adore your name. The ones that treat assassin's like some type of game and they root for their team to win. If they found out about this, about your family, it'd be a demerit on your name. But," she turned her head just enough to glance at Shade, "others who kill see nothing but strength seep from someone who is capable of risking their life with beloved at home." Rosen bit her bottom lip, enough where a point of one of her teeth pierced her skin, causing a dot of blood to form. The amount of anger, confusion and sorrow that consumed her tinkered with her mind. Thinking straight was out of the question. Any injury she had was forgotten. "I-" she began to say and turned her head back to face completely away from them again- "I don't have a family. My home is an empty coffin of dust. I wilt there when I'm inside. So, I'll stay away from my fake home so you can stay in yours. For now, that is." Rosen stepped forward and continued to walk, even though she hadn't a single idea where she was. "If I make it and I win, I'll bring you the head. You can mount it. That is, if you're still around by the time I find that figure."

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Aeryn shook with rage. "He isn't your problem. He's mine." He muttered as he stood. "Do what you want, I don't care anymore. But he's mine, his head, his heart, his fingers." He was walking away now, he past her and began making his way into the forest. He paused "I won't stop you if you wanna help. Yer free ta do wucha want. But don't get in my way." He said quietly, looking into the trees, his voice full of rage and despair twisted into one tangled emotion.

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Rosen just about snapped back, but, as Shade stood up and walked past her she couldn't help but grin. She wasn't used to his rage, at least, in the short time she knew him. It baffled her how much of a stark difference he was from when they had been battling, and when he had to defend his family. But, well, it made sense. Nonetheless, grieving and wallowing wouldn't get the man anywhere. It wouldn't get anyone anywhere. At least, as far as she knew. People had told her that sobbing for those you love would help unwind burdens on one's shoulders. She thought it to be a silly thing and never did so herself.

She rolled her shoulders and stretched her back and followed behind the man who once had captured her. A sound of movement formed behind her, thus, she craned her neck to see the wolves again. There were some huddling closer to each other. While she believe wallowing was a waste of time, she found that revenge was even more so. Yet, she couldn't stop herself nor him. She had gone down that road and it led her down an even more bloody path. But Shade had already been trekking. Surely he wouldn't let revenge go to his head like she did. And why she followed his heels, she couldn't conjure a reason. "Shade," she breathed as they set foot further from his family. "What's your name?"

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Aeryn bristled at the question. He stopped himself from snarling, or showing to much of an aggressive reaction. He turned back to face her, looking into her eyes curiously. Wondering at the reasoning behind her question. He didn't detect anything malicious in her eyes, let alone her voice. "Aeryn. You may know me as Aeryn, lil Rosen." He said with a half cocked smile as he turned. There was a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Don't betray the trust I just lay at your feet." He warned ominously as he started up walking again. Follow me if ya want. I got some prep work ta do." He said as he made his way through the bright green of the sun drifting through the leaves. The day still seemed dark and dull, even with the sun shining. Maybe it was just his mood.

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"lil'..?" she grumbled and sped up until she walked beside him. Her eyes flicked between the two as he continued to speak. She straightened her back as much as she could with the injury there and slightly lifted her shoulders before judging her height against his. Rosen hadn't ever been on the tall side, but she never defined herself as short. While she half expected to be as tall as him, that was quickly blown to the side as she saw the difference between the two. With a pout, it finally occurred to her that he stated his name. "Aeryn?" It was, well, surprisingly normal. She wasn't sure what type of name she was gambling. After hearing about "Shade" all the while and attempting to defeat him, Aeryn appeared too simple. And, in some ways, that made him seem more comfortable to be around. Especially if she would be joining him to kill a mysterious figure. "Prep work?" she raised a brow and slowed down until she was a tad behind him again. "If we pass some kind of market or merchant, I would like to inquire if they have any jewels. It doesn't need to be a diamond," she muttered partly to Aeryn, partly to herself as she felt the lack of weight in a pouch that was strapped behind her, under her coat. There wasn't any way she could afford another diamond for awhile.

With a heaved sigh, she traced Aeryn's frame. The emotions she had compared to his were different. She could tell. While she was sad that some of his family was killed, she couldn't deny her sheer happiness of her current freedom. Rosen attempted to keep it quiet, as to not disrespect the pups. Keeping a smile off her face was tough, luckily her injured and tired state helped calm her ecstatic self. "Where do you plan to go for this... 'prep work'."

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He nodded "Aeryn, that's my name. Given to me by my parents before they were taken from me. We fae take our names very seriously, There is much power in them." He explained as he walked a little more before continuing. "Prep work...Only an idiot goes on assignment unprepared." He stated nonchalantly with a shrug. "There are markets where we're goin. We're goin...home. Or what used to be anyway. My old place, hopefully it's still there. We can hit the market after." He explained as he made his way into and through the trees. Green all around him, some of the underbrush rustled and he knew Kira was following. Only a short distance away, he made his presence known, willingly. The giant wolf could be inches from his prey and speeding through the forest and not a single leaf would shake out of place if he willed it. "Not sure that you'd find diamonds in town, or how genuine the stones ya might get. But your welcome to check of course." He offered

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"As long as they're see through and reflect light, it'll do." Rosen knitted her brows and looked over her shoulder at some of the noise coming from the vegetation, but instantly regretted it as a swoop of pain electrified up her spine. She shivered, folded her arms and rolled her shoulders near her ears while she continued to walk. "I've resorted to eating glass before when I first began assassinating. With it being so flat, it didn't do much. Just a boost of power for mere seconds. Enough to get away from those who are untalented enough to catch up." She slightly scowled at Aeryn as he had not only caught up with her after she ate a diamond but as well pulled out the super power from her, and survived. "The more edges, the better it is. I'll also have to search for some magic laced blades. I'm not good with swords and knives, at least, not compared to others, hence why I rig them with power. If we can't find any, I'll do with normal metal, though, I'd prefer not to." She froze for moment as she kept stepping forward. She couldn't help but feel as if she had opened a box of herself. Giving away information even though he could attempt to take her down at any moment. "That doesn't seem like something he'd do," she muttered. What's more, she could try and capture him now, earning piles of wealth. But, of course, her morals prevented her from doing such. Many other assassin's would hesitate. "Aeryn, who was that man? I couldn't make out his face. For what reason would he need a light demon?"

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He nodded “you need something to refract and reflect light. Almost amplifying the amount of light that passes through?” He said aloud along with his thoughts. “That’s impressive, but makes sense considering you use light, probably are mostly light.” He said with a shrug. “Magic blades in the common market are hard to come by. We can probably find something made with fragments of magicite. Y’know the metal that is made to hold enchantments. But nothing made of pure magicite.” He kept walking for a bit looking back to her now and then. He noticed a pained expression crossing her features once or twice but said nothing of it. If she wasn’t complaining, he wouldn’t embarrass her by prying. “That’s the boss. He taught me most of what I know. You didn’t see his face cuz he wasn’t really here.” He explained as Kida followed along in the brush. “What do all people ever want? Especially that high in station? Stupid nobles, all they want is power. To just sit there and run other people’s lives, not even for the better.”

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"Aye," she said in a careful tone before reaching to her side and plucked a leaf from off a bush. She picked at the leaf, using it as an anchor to contain her emotions. "Though, I've always been able to control the temporary power that comes from it. Even without binding to someone, it takes me into a full demon on occasions I use the power. When I consider how much I killed, I almost don't want another diamond." Rosen peeled off the stem of the leaf, leaving two sides in her hand. "If the enchantments are already added, that'll do."

And then, Rosen heard about who the figure was. She slowly crushed the remaining parts of the leaf in her hand. It left behind a slimy feel, provoking her need to want him taken down. "He didn't even have the decency to come himself. What a coward. Of course they want power. Wealth. They want the world at their feet. There would be no way I'd--" she began to say while she threw the leaves to the side and looked down at her ankle. The metal plate she had tied to it was gone. It had been imbedded with magic to prevent anyone from forcing a brand on her. She heaved a sigh, "I guess I can attempt to find something for that as well." Rosen couldn't gather where she had lost it. The light demon didn't move much back at the fight with the men back and the pups. Thus, it must have happened at some point while battling...well, playing a game with Aeryn. Rosen rubbed beneath her eyes. The blades and jewels were one thing, that plate was created by another light demon. It wouldn't be an easy find. "Oh well, I guess." She lifted her shoulders again to regain a comfortable position. "How much time do we have before your ol'Boss learns you haven't died?" Rosen had purposely skipped over the part where she had learned the great Shade learned what he knew from this Boss. Somehow, she figured that if she didn't believe it, it didn't happen. For it raked fear in her knowing that if Aeryn was this good, who knew how strong Boss would be.

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"We'll see what we can find. I know a few enchanters and artificers that owe me favors." He offered as they walked. " You can call it cowardice if you want. But why do the heavy work when you can pay someone else? That's how most nobles think. don't know. Not long though. He expects immediate actions, and even faster reports. When Rio doesn't check in, in a few hours maybe. He will know something is up." He explained as he began to walk a bit faster. "He can wait as long as it takes me to prep. He's already done what he could to get to me. He isn't going to make a move on his own. Rio was one of his most used assassins." Aeryn picked up the pace, soon the trees and underbrush was spread out. Receding, as they made their way out of the forest. Kira's large green form sprints out of the trees, no longer hidden as he takes up a trot beside Aeryn. "Yes, Kira I know you're coming too." He nodded as he started making his way towards town. Time had past, now creeping across the sky the mid afternoon sun. The city walls of Ellswyr could be seen in the distance.

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Rosen hung onto every word Aeryn said. She didn't know this boss, at least, not well. If she had any chance to help out, every piece of information was something to be valued and relished. Though, she was quickly hopped from her thoughts as a large wolf figure erupted from the trees. Rosen, unconsciously let out a soft, quick yelp. She jumped to her left, making distance from Kira and strode closer to Aeryn's side. This, once again, caused a twinge of pain in her back. She rolled her shoulders and raised her hand as if to become more comfortable, but was simply using it as an excuse to hide the clear embarrassment reddened on her face. "Ah," she cooed and glanced at Kira. "That's the noise I was hearing. I didn't do anything because you didn't seem worried, no wonder you appeared so comfortable with something following us." Rosen cleared her throat before studying the wolf's fur, eyes, paws, everything. Kira was simply breathtaking. A sight to behold. Her only worry now was whether or not the boss would like to have one of his own. Though, she doubted Kira would let himself be wolf-napped.

The light demon was taken aback by how close they were to Ellswyr. She hadn't much idea where they were at for the last few or so days. That meant they weren't far from her own country, being that No Man's Land was the only piece of land that separated the two. What's more is that she hadn't been to Ellswyr for some many moons, or years, and had forgotten any and all politics of the place. She had lied to him about living there and he clearly picked up on her rouse due to her ignorance. "How am I supposed to get in? There's a chance you may be able to pass through the gates, but I haven't any way to prove myself as a citizen or reliable traveler. And I refuse to wait outside these walls."

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Aeryn watched her curiously. He knew pain, and stretches, and the nuances of relieving pain. So he could see what she was doing, rolling her shoulder. He put a hand out for Kira. “What’s wrong? He asked Rosen turning his attention to her. Kira nuzzled his hand and he watched her waiting for an answer. As he waited he looked back to Ellswyr. “I know several of the patrol, don’t worry. You aren’t waiting outside the walls. Even though a lot of the city guard are on payroll. I know a few that owe me favors. We’ll get you in.” He turned his attention back to her. “Your shoulder, what’s wrong?”

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Rosen's eyes flicked between Aeryn, Kira and the walls nearby. She hadn't ever worked with someone before. Any knowledge she should have about confiding in teammates was beyond her. But, so far, every detail she said about herself, the man appeared to respect. "I haven't been Ellswyr in a long time, so hopefully I don't do anything insulting when I'm within those walls. That being said, I give you permission, just this once, to put me back in place if I act out in there." Rosen darted her eyes and repeated, "Just this once." She weighed the options she could have told him about her pain. But, inevitably, decided to tell him the truth. "When I jumped on top of the pup, one of those men used something to smack me in the back. I honestly don't remember much after that. At some point I felt like I woke up, yet, I'm sure I was awake the entire time. It's just some bruising though. I'm not used to something hitting me point blank as I'm much more of a dodger. I can't much turn my head or make quick movements. Nothing a little sleep can't take care of, right?" The light demon forced a smile. She was rattled with on continuous flow of emotions she hadn't felt in a long time.

andujarprime andujarprime
Aeryn watches her curiously. "Just a little sleep? Is that how light demons heal then?" He asks her as he begins moving once more toward the Ellswyr gates "Thank you for saving that pup. I owe you for that." He says as he moves ahead of her. It takes them almost two hours to reach the city gates. Instead of heading to the main gate entrance, where several city watch stood guard. Green metal plate over copper chainmail. Large swords at their hips and polearms held at attention. At the top of the gates the guards patrolled, longbows in hand. He instead makes his way to the left side of the wall. To a spot very close to the woods, a hidden door. A section of the wall falls back, with a shady looking man standing there. Wearing the same armor as the other guards, but not as shiny. "Haven't seen ya in a while Shade." He responds in a low gruff voice. "Not by this entrance at least. But considerin' yer names been handed in to the society I can see why." He says to him as he motions for them to come in. Aeryn motions for Kira to stay, he wines then bounds off into the woods. Aeryn nods and motions for Rosen to follow. He steps into the doorway, into the darkness. The small space is within the walls, hidden from view from both inside and outside the town. "Y'know, most people won't acknowledge yer names been given. That it's been pulled from the fire, but there's still some that were happy ta see it." He warns as he watches them step in. Eyeing Rosen curiously then lookin for confirmation from Aeryn. "Don't worry bout her, She's with me."

AEONmeteorite AEONmeteorite

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