Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

In memory Xeno stands up and looks at Raiden and they teleport off the planet and they are in Raidens palace and she fills Xeno with darkness and then the memory fades away and Xeno blinks his eyes as he's back in reality.
Xeno began to tear up and in the memory the child was wearing the necklace which he was still holding.
((Accepts the high five xD )) Hugs her back. "Im glad Im staying now... but please dont forget our deal.."
"I wont promise...but you might need to remind me if I dont leave...ok?" ((That went perfectly xD ))

Blushes,still holding his hand. She looked over at xi and nana. "Looks like it got resolved.." ((what I find funny is that we were doing a love scene while xi and nana were helping xeno))

Kazuto was gonna suggest them lying down and just to go to sleep for the night, but he heard Xeno and first wanted to make sure that they would be fine. Standing up, he wobbles a bit to a tree, glancing around it and watching.
"You saw the my memory.... Did you know it's rude to watch someone when you think they don't know your there." Xeno stands up.

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