Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Kazuto closed his eyes as well. It was weird for him because at the waterfall he never went to sleep. He hasnt gone to sleep since he was a kid. This was his first since.
Kazuto blinked his eyes open but closes them again quickly. Trying to go back to sleep again. Not being able to, he sighs to himself.
Kazuto looks over, he didn't notice that she was awake. "Oh, nothing really. But you're awake," he slightly smiles and looks into her eyes gleamingly. He leans forward and kisses the tip of her nose. "So good morning love," he whispers.
Kazuto blushed after seeing her blush and tuned away. "Ah... Go-good morning." He whispered in response.
Sky wanted to stay like this for little longer. It felt safe around kazuto, when the dark assassin hasn't taken over him.

Kazuto slid a hand to her cheek and ran a couple fingers across it, pushing a couple strands of hair behind her ear. "Your eyes told me something... They told me how much I've put you through so far, how much you love me, and how much you love being with me.... That's why I want to let you know... That I'm sorry for anything I've put you through, and I hope you'll forgive me for that. I want to let you know I love you a lot as well. And last I love being with you as well. When I'm not.... I feel like the dark assassin could take me over at any minute... When I'm with you though, I'm soothed and calm... And my heart grows ever so more." He whispers.
Sky squeezed his arm a little "of course I forgive for all things that happened. You didn't do them the dark assassin did so it's fine, kazuto" she said with a reassuring smile.

Kazuto smiles back and slides a hand into hers. He closes the gap between the two and kisses her on the lips softly.
He smiled into it before pulling away again. "Well what do we do today?" He whispered questioninly.
"Commanding much?" He winks jokingly and disappears after pecking her lips once more, the blankets side from where he was lying slowly falls to the found as he disappeared.
Sky stood up and stretched. She then started walking out of the cave and waited for kazuto outside.

Kazuto searches to find everyone but stops out of lack of remembering and boredom. He searches everywhere until comin upon a cliff overlooking a canyon. He sighs and walks to the edge. "One hell of a drop.." he whispers to himself. Taking a step forward he takes a step off the cliff and feelsnthe wind hit his face as he drops. 'Maybe I should end myself right here. Sky would never be hurt by the dark side of me. This would be it. This would save her. ..' he thinks to himself as he falls. His eyes close and his heart races as images of Sky shot through his head while nearing the rocks below.
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