Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Sky heard the door to the building open. She looked over the railing and saw the group was leaving. "They forgot me...I wonder how long it will for them to notice.." she giggled. "Ill watch from up here just in case they get too far" she muttered.

"The artifact in here will help you talk and it will make you older but this will be painful. Do you want to proceed?" Xeno was in front of a door
Wernox then began to feel a strange presence. He then went inside the building.

"Hey! Is anyone in here?!" Wernox said.
She paused and looked at him a bit confused. She wasn't sure of what he was talking about. She wasn't quite sure what was happening. She smiled regardless from her naiveness.
As she noticed the group leaving she sighed but then a voice called out, causing her to squeak in fright as she hid back behind the rock but it was already too late as they heard her voice. She slowly got up and smiled slightly,"I mean no harm so please don't hurt me! My name is Eliza Wickham!" She spoke nervously as she stared at the strangers holding her ground just in case they were with the villains.

"Then follow me." The doors open to reveal a device that looked weird "go to the device and hold still." Xeno was at the controls
Sky used her powers lifted her up in the air and place her out of her hiding place.

"Hm. Well I didnt expect to see you here......" Wernox said without knowing.

"What! How! Whre did that come from?" Wernox said shocked
She blinked blankly while hearing him. She walked to the device, as expected, began to poke at it quite violently with her sharp mantis like arms.
Xeno pressed a button making the machine activate. The device grabs the voidling and puts a needle in the creature ejecting a fluid inside the voidling and soon the voidling began to change into an older state.
"Hm, thats weird.....I dont even know you yet I acted like I did...." Wernox said

"Wait, if thats the case then....." Fantra said.

Fantra then noticed Elza's birthmark, but it was different from Sky's.
Xi'Maw screeched loudly in a blood curdling tone. She was scared now and wasn't sure what was happening. She curled up beginning to grow frightened.
Eliza yelped as she was suddenly lifted off the ground as she held her skirt helplessly but then was placed back down and sighed,"U-umm... please don't do that again..." She asked as she fixed herself and looked up at the group,"Do I know you?" She asked not sure why the stranger knew her as she tried to collect any memory of the person but found nothing as she shrugged.

"Oh that? So-" Before Wernox could finish Fantra stepped in.

"Young lady may I ask about that birth mark on you?" Fantra said
She yelped before releasing her poisonous spikes in various random directions. She screeched again before slowly turning into her second evolution. She curled up and closed her eyes passed out.
Eliza looked up at her confused,"Huh? My birthmark?" She asked as she looked at her birthmark and looked back at the person unsure what she meant,"Umm... I had this birthmark since birth? Why?" She asked dumbfounded.

Xeno was watching the voidling and he knew that soon the people of Lefora would check what's going on in the forest.
Eliza looked at the girl with blond hair and stared at her wide-eyed,"Eh?! So that's explain why I'm always attacked randomly!" She exclaimed as she stared back at her birthmark and sighed,"Why me?" She thought.


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