Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

She pouted sadly as she fell from his tentacle and landed on her bottom. She looks around slightly before crawling about and examining her surroundings as well as her evolution.
"I have no idea...I just want to rip her part limb from limb right now" she replied in a malicious voice. "But until we find her I can't do that" she said casually and yawned.

"Well in that case come with me. We were just about to leave. So lets hurry up." Wernox said

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A voice entered their minds "trying to escape again I see not this time!" The air began to shift and soon everyone's magic was gone.
Eliza stared at the person the new face and smiled,"ooh~ A new friend!" She exclaimed happily.

"Oh? Is that so? Well hate to tell ya but I gotta go somewhere important right now. Can't bother with you at the moment." Wernox said he then quickly picked up Skip and ran towards the group.

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Eliza was suddenly hit by a force and felt strangely weak as she heard a voice and looked around for the source,"Who there!" She yelled as she got ready to attack whoever the person was but her magic was acting funny as she tried to use her attacks,"W-what?" She thought trying again,"My magic is blocked..."

"Guys we have to go! Now!" Wernox said in a alarming voice.

"Yeah I can tell.....lets get out if here. My cloaking abilities should keep the enemy from seeing us" Fantra said.

Fantra then uses his shadow powers to cloak everyone.

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(Don't matter your weaker than me right now) Xeno appeared right in front of Akio and kicked him toward Wernox
"What!? You can't use your magic!?" Akio spun around, "Does anyone else here use non-magic abilities?!"
Sky got her knives out and was ready to attack. " come out and fight!" She yelled

"No!" As he flew toward his friend, Akio slammed his foot the ground, and did a backflip and landed behind Wernox. He started charging Ki as a white aura appeared around him.
Xi'Maw played with her fingers slightly before feeling that the ground below her was starting to become far away. She had been levitating. She shivered slightly not sure why she was floating. She slowly gasped as she closed her eyes and tried to move herself around. She giggled seeing that she was now floating around.
Wernox then catches Akio and sets him down. "Come on man! Are you deaf!! I just said I'm going somewhere important right now!!!" Wernox said.

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Xeno then cloaked itself again and reappeared in front of Eliza and did a front flip kick then disappeared again
Eliza ripped out her sword from her pouch as she got in defense mode even though she was unable to use her magic,"Come out here coward!" She called out furiously.

"But I guess you give me no choice. Gotta end this on fast." Wernox then pulls out his sword and emits a powerful bright light and blinds the creature.

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