Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Xi'Maw gasped slightly as her box began to shake violently. It lifted from the ground then quickly zoomed out of the hole. She gasped and closed her eyes trying to focus more. Her eyes turned white as her hands and feet began to glow with a dark indigo color. She quickly left the hole chasing after her box.
Eliza suddenly was attacked out of nowhere but caught herself as followed the group,"Ugh... my magic still blocked..." She thought as she wiped the blood from her lip.

(Dude, your character is actually fine. But can you agree that your character can have atleast one weakness and Wernox can defeat (not kill) him at one point in the rp?)

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(Oh that's what you meant okay then you have to keep fighting him because he'll start to get weaker if that's okay)
Sky stood next to eliza and tested her powers out. They seem to be working..."eliza you said your magic isnt working right?"

The box began to move through the forest with ease. It was as if it had a destination. He zoomed through the forest until finding the party and zooming right into Wernox's arms.
"Hey you two. I might have an idea. If you put your birthmarks together maybe something might happen?" Wernox said.

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Eliza nodded,"Yeah... It's like someone is blocking my magic from working.." She sighed angered by whoever blocked her from her magic,"Ugh... I feel so useless now.." She sighed feeling helpless without her magic.
"I don't use magic. I use Ki, the life force with resides in us all. As long as he doesn't stop my heart, I'll be fine."
Surprisingly just noticing the box in his hands. "Huh where did this come from?" Wernox said confused.

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Xi'Maw continued to quickly move through the forest. She paused seeing that the box had ran into some mans arms. The male seemed to be with a group. The box continuous shook in Wernox's arms.
Sky quickly sense the attack and took out her guns and shot whatever tried to attck akio.

"Oh forget it! Sky, Eliza!!! Put you birthmarks together!!" Wernox shouted.

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Xi'Maw slowly began to get out of her bush before seeing Xeno ahead. She smiled happily before disappearing in her void cloud and reappearing behind Xeno. "Friiieeeennndd~~ <3" She said as she quickly latched onto it's back and hugging it.
Sky took of her bandana and grabbed eliza's arm and put her birth marks together.

Eliza followed her signal and ran next to Sky's side as she put her birthmark together with Sky's,"What good does this do?" She thought but then something emerged from the two girls as they stood together.

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