Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

(Sorry I had to go somewhere. Appearently as it seems Akio is not online at the moment so we'll have to take the attention from his character. What will happen next is that the green bug person leaves to somewhere and the Saiyan will be taken to the clinic. Im only doing this because the people playing the two characters are not online at the moment)
(Okay) "don't worry little one I have hidden myself from the people in the village me at the forest center, I'll be waiting." Xeno then proceeds to fly toward the forest center and when he gets there he uncloaks himself
Lifor had noticed the group of adventurers a couple of hours ago. Since then he had slowly been watching them, causing Xi'Maw to turn around in circles. His motive to watching them was to see if the group were friends or foes to Raiden and his minions.
Xi'Maw blinked blankly hearing the voice. She slowly turned toward the forest and slowly inched her way into it. She wasn't sure what was talking to her but her little naive mind couldn't resist exploring.
Time had flew by the cursed Kitsune as she closed the thick book, placing it on the table. She was thinking about if she should retire for the day or simply wait till the maiden, one of her Family's servants, to come and give her something to do. She barely had any ink to draw, nor any thick paper scrolls. Sadly, she already read the books in the room over and over. Honestly, the female could easily recite any book for word exactly. Her boredom was increasing each and every second, as well as her curiosity for the world outside. Yumi longed for seeing the breath-taking sakura trees, despite the fact that they weren't in bloom at all.

"E-excuse me, Lady Yumi...? Do you need anything?"

Yumi, slowly, looked up at the new face. He must have been one of the new guards. She was about to shake her head, intill a sudden and risky thought popped into her mind. . .

This guard knew nothing of the important rules in the Ravenclaw Manor, nor did he know that Yumi was
never allowed to go outside at all. She had mentally smiled to herself, nodding her head at the nervous and timid guard. He almost looked like he came from the lower class, barely being able to hold a sword correctly. Or shoot an arrow properly without shooting some innocent person. She didn't wish to trick him, yet. . .

"Yes, guard... I wish for you to bring me my cloak in the other room without being seen by anyone, including my Mother, please."

Was all she said while slowly getting up from the floor, watching the guard nervously bow and rush out of the room. Yumi was taking such a huge risk is doing this, but her curiousity was getting the best of her completely. The guard had returned and handed her a long and heavy cloak, ebony in color. Quickly, she had thanked and dismissed him while placing the cloak on. It wrapped around her body as she raised the hood, which had hid her entire face.

Its perfect!

She thought to herself with a faint smile spreading onto her face as she opened the window, already guessing that her mother was busy. The guards were mainly guarding around the village today, as well as inside the Manor. Yet, they weren't guarding outside of the Manor today. Instead of foolishly going into the village, Yumi Ravenclaw started running towards one of the Shiroian shrine. As she did so, she couldn't help but look around in pure awe. She was hidden due to the cloak, which helped her a lot since she barely looked like herself with the cloak. Today was going great for the young Yumi. . .

For now.
Xeno saw the voidling enter the forest center and went into its mind "I'm going to show myself so don't run away." And with that Xeno lands in the middle of the clearing and says "don't worry I'm a friend."
(Okay you may make a villain. Pretty much we are on the part where we left the saiyan at the clinic. Now our heroes are talking to one another at a abandoned building)
Xi'Maw twitched her wings slightly hearing the voice again. She had a feeling that she was in the right place. "Fr...Iend?" She said while turning her head slightly to the side seeing the figure appear in front of her. "Meep...."
"One so little shouldn't be in this world so why are you here." Xeno was a little curious
(Yeah do to Akio not being active we had to move the story to something else sorry....)

"Anyways Wernox, we have to get to the Shironian shrine. I heard the prophecy was hidden there." Fantra explained.

"Well in that case lets get going. I wanna figure more about this prophecy. and what it has to do with me." Wernox said.
She blinked blankly then smiled slightly before hoping letting her wings flap about as if she wanted to fly. She turned around showing the male the box attached to her. The box glew with a warming force but had a strange aura around it as if acting like a lock.
(its alright)

"Say Kizuke. Who exactly were you planning on seeing at the shrine?" Wernox asked.

"Wernox just be patient, you'll know when you see him" Kizuke answered
Sky left the group and was currently on the rooftop of the abandoned building. She was laying on her back and look at the night sky that is decorated with stars.

"This box must be important but that's your business anyway can you talk." Xeno was a little tired of watching the voidling
Xi'Maw blinked blankly then looked at her mantis like arms. She rubbed them together slightly then smiled at him. "Talk-ing! " She said happily.
"I see that your a new-born then. Come follow me and I will show something left behind by your race." Xeno then proceeds to hit the ground with one of its tentacles and the ground sinks leaving a hole in the middle of the clearing. Xeno then proceeds to enter
"Anyways, the good news is, is that we dont need to take the injured guy along. Hes a saiyan so he should be able to catch up. But just in case ill send a guy to come stay here with him until he is healed." Wernox explained.

"Alright. Guess we're off." Fantra said.

The group then leaves the building. 
"Hey you comin'?" Wernox asked in a loud voice.
Eliza was surprisingly not from the group but her presence was unknown as she wandered around the abandon building debating whether to head in to find equipment to defeat Raiden or keep walking to not get involve with any weird situation like she usually does. She soon came to the conclusion to head on in just to make sure. As she walked inside, she heard voices and hid behind some pieces from the broken ceilings and held her breath hoping not to be found by whoever the owner of the voices were.

Xi'Maw paused slightly seeing a hole appear. She approached it worriedly then watched as the creature went in before her. She looked around a bit then followed after.

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