Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

nana feels the creature grow even angryer. she looks at the girls wanting to ask if they should help or not but she still wouldent tak because her voice might scare the child. nana just realized that she never got to know thier name. she walked next to the girls and used her staffto write in the sand next to the river what are your names? and should we help the others?
"I won't come.... I've just gotta get stronger." He said back. Akio tried out a new move. It launched a tree into the river.
Xi'Maw screamed as Terrior snatched her from the ground and absorbed her through his chest rift. He screamed loudly as he began to grow bigger and bigger. "Finally! The power of the Pandora Box is mine! This world she bow before the All Father!"
"Xi!" Xeno was really pissed off "your going to pay for that you bastard. I'm going to kill you!" And with that Xeno exploded with energy he was now glowing with a dark aura.
Eliza stared at her writing and thought for a moment,"...Not yet... but soon we will join once Akio master his form..." She said while looking at the sky,"So we must sit and watch..." She said feeling a hint of regrets and sadness.

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((What'd they know Akio can do, now? I'm lost))

"One more form. Super Saiyan form... But... It can only be achieved by absorbing energy..." Akio sighed."
Terrior's eyes began to glow as his power began to punctor the earth they stood on. Beams of dark light began to errupt from the cracks of the ground. "You dare challenge the great Terrior!"
Sky looked at where was pointing the arrow and she stood in front of it. "She is a friend"

nanas head snapped up to the direction of the beast. the beast....he...he.... nana quickly scribbled in the sand HE HURT THE CHILD!!!!! nana's face grew dark and scary though it was covered by her hood her aura turned dark and vicious. she looks to the side and sees the child pulling the arrow "iT wOuLd Be UnWiSe FoR yOu To Do ThAt ChIlD" though she tried not to let her anger show she couldn't hide it her anger distorted her voice.
"Yes i was only going to stall you but now you pissed me off so I'm going to kill you." With that Xeno unleashed a bunch of power and darkness.
Eliza noticed her writing and step in her way,"Before you even do anything we can't go now! Don't be reckless like Akio... yes i feel anger too but we can't just go in unprepared and fight that beast head on!" She said showing a sad look but with a serious tone.

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"Fool! To challenge Terrior is to challenge god himself! Prepare to bow before me." He said while raising his large claws. Metores began to rain from the sky. Xi'Maw watched from inside of Terriors rift. "No please Terrior! My friends! Don't hurt them!"
nana gasped as she realized that she had spoken while she was angry. she shut her mout shut trying to calm down. she quickly scribbled down im sorry child.... your right sky...but the other child....shes hurting.... i can feel her cries of pain.
Sky looked at eona."please...we are not gonna hurt you..." sky takes of her weapons and throw them in front of eona. "I am completely unarmed now"

On other side of lake. "I wonder how long before my plan comes together. Only one piece remains." He throws a purple ball of chaotic energy at a tree.

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