Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Sky realized what she just did and quickly put away her weapons and just focused on the sheild.

(k i quickly scanned this.)

nana woke with a jolt. she was under a tree at what seemed to be a campsite. upon seeing the deer over the fire she concluded that the people she met were close by. nana quickly rushed to it and lowered the fire seeing that the deer was close to burning then sighed as she wonder where exactly the others were at. she sat crossed legged and searched for their energies since she could now identify them somewhat. she immediately recognized xeon due to the shield she put around him to temporarily block anymore darkness. she sensed akio eliza and sky together near a river along with one aura she hasn't been around long. oh. it was the angel child. the ground shakes and nana gasps as she feels a dimensional portal open. the aura that came along with the creature seemed angry. nana open her eyes and jumped up immediately running words the river wanting to make shure that the child was alright since the other one seemed to be fine with xeon.
Eliza heard a boom and a roar, knowing it was the beast she got her energy ready to strike the creature if it touched her friends.

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Terroir kneeled down and opened its hand to the frightened Xi'Maw. "B-But....." She said while backing away.
Thanks to sky's shield no one got hurt from akio's attack. "Eliza do something about akio!!"

Mysterious voice "Son wake up what are you doing" xal "father?!?" Xandrid "yes son its me why r you out here destroying your life when ur new friends are in danger" xal "they dont need me father im worthless" Xandrid "son you must be stronger if you want to be a Templar like me"
Akio flew far into the forest to test his agility and reflexes. He quickly dodged the thick trees. He came into a clearing where moon light shone in and suddenly Akio felt sleepy and feel into a deep sleep, and he dropped to the ground.
Eliza sigh as she glared at Akio,"You want to get stronger huh? Then go train with the dragon and fight him over at the mountains..." She said pointing to the mountains where they first saw the dragon.

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just as nana got to the others she shield her face as debris flew in her direction. nana brushed it from her cloak then saw the condition akio was in. his energy was unfocused and full of anger, sadness, and determination. nana sighed as she realized that his boy could hurt himself if he doesn't pace himself and take time. nana held her arms up and looked at sky for permission to restrain him and calm his wild spirit with some of her own energy. but when she looked back he was already gone
Akio had a dream. He and his friends were facing Raiden, but losing. Akio steps forward toward Raiden but she releases a catastrophic blast of black energy. Suddenly Akio saw the world being swallowed by the blast. He tries to wake up, but he can't. "P-Premonition?" He thinks. He hears himself crying out to get stronger. He awakes in a jolt, and has a falling sensation. "Ow....."
"ur right father how could i have been so foolish, alright guys im coming" his father stops him "wait son take this power with you" Xandrid gives him a shard "what do i do with this?" he stares at it confused "place it in the missing part of my sword"

Xi'Maw shook her head. "No! I stay here!" She said as Terrior bean to rawr louder. He punched the ground in anger causing violent shakes.
The anger from seeing the world and his friends die in his dream awakened anger inside him he hasn't felt before. "GYAAAH!" A golden light fills the forest from the lake his friends were at, to the battle between Terroir and Xenom to the city Xald was at. Akio's golden hair grew to his knees, turned much sharper, and curved from his head to where it reaches his knees. It gets much thicker and wider. In this form Akio looses his eye brows, and his pupils. His eyes are pure golden. A powerful golden light surrounds Akio. When he speaks his voice sounds the same, but also a dark voice that is extremely quiet, and it says what Akio says at the same time. "So this is Super Saiyan 3?"
Eona looks at everyone and stand s as she didn't know what to do in a slight shock she takes out her bow and arrow preparing to attack
Raveg64 said:
(Guys stop continueing with out me. I can't tell what's going on when you do.)
We are at a forest and everyone is somehwere else protected while Xeon takes on a beast protecting Xi.

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