Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Eliza sigh and looked at the girl as she was catching fish,"Why are guys so full of their pride? What the point in having it if you're just gonna die with it..." She mumbled into her legs.

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"Don't you want to kill Raiden, well if you die everyone on this planet will die and they would be blaming you for your stupidity." Xeno was starting to get pissed off.
"My life is nothing compared against a planet." (Please stop Akio it's starting to get on my nerves)
Sky was starting to get pissed. "Ok the next person that refuses to leave is gonna get a beatimg for akio come here before I get super mad!!"

"We need you on our side, Xeno...."

(When Akio leaves he is gonna watch the fight. and when and if Xeno is defeated Akio gets super pissed and goes Super Saiyan 3. >XP)
Eliza sighed,"Akio I know you have a thing for Xeon but please just come..." She said in her begging voice.

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"Akio please listen I know that you don't want me to die but this is the only way." Xeno was looking at Akio with a sad look
(She'll take it back once Akio will come with them and wait till Xeon gets weak then he can do as he pleases...)

Eliza smiled,"I take my words back..." She said assuringly

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Akio returned to his normal form and continues walking with Eliza and Sky.

(Can someone tell me which one is closer to Akio's age? Sky or Eliza. Akio is 12, will be 13 in a few days in the roleplay. Yup Akio's birthday is close. Not mine, unfortunately.)

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