Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"guys i cant control it my power has gone too high its either we attack now or this power will overwhelm the planet!!!"
"Ha yeah right!" Akio teleports beside Xeno. "Listen here. I can teleport wherever I please. You're not getting me to run away!"
"You can't teleport in here Akio, Xaldarian give me your power then." Xeno was tired of their stubbornness.
Xeno hits Akio on the head, hitting a nerve system knocking him out cold then throws him outside the barrier.
(( be back in a few))

Xi cried out sadly. "Xe-Xe!!!"

The rift began to expand as a loud rawr could be heard
Sky was sitting on the tree branch watching the girl fish and stillbhad the barrier around her.

"Wanna know a secret about Saiyans?" 
"The more hurt we are.... The stronger we get! The angrier we are... The stronger we get....! This battle is like a power-plant for me!"
(Brb gonna eat) the girl picked up the fish going in the water with her bear feet and brought them to shore as she puts them on sticks and started a fire cooking them and when they are ready she starts eating
"Gahhhhhhhh!" Xeno now had more power and he then threw Akio out the barrier and said something that completely disabled Akio's power "stop it Akio don't you see that I don't want you to die just get out of here please I'm begging you."
*sniff sniff* *grumble* "NO not again UGH" *falls to the ground losing what power he had left wings going back into his back*
Eliza sigh as she watched the two idiots stand proud for what they were doing,"If you guys die don't come haunting for me!" She said as she grabbed Xi disappearing in to sparks and appeared with Sky,"Those idiots can die all they want..." She said annoyed.

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"They are not gonna die...theu are too stupid..." she whispered. She they looked at xeno." Why is he knocked out?" She asked

"Please Akio go now if you have any pride then you will listen too me so please go." Xeno was crying fake tears.

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