Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Eliza followed Sky and sighed,"You're coming with us Xeon now hurry!" She said as she took Akio and Xeon with her.

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"No he's just too powerful it's suicide to fight him plus your the heroes of the prophecy so you need to survive."
Sky follows and winces for the soreness. Still the shield around the girl. "I need rest..."

Eliza stared at Xeon and sigh,"Well just don't die okay? Akio, Xaldarian come now!! You guys are too young to die now hurry!' She said as she grabbed Akio and flew off to where Sky was.

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"Damn it Akio don't be stupid I'm trying to save your life so get out of here!" Xeno was generating large amounts of energy.
Eliza sighed,"If you die now then what the point to bring honor back to your planet?!You too Xaldarian! Why die now when you can die at your own planet with honor like your father?!" She said trying to get them to leave.

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The sky begins to rumble as a dark force filled the air. "Xi help Xe-Xe!" She said while standing at his side.
"What honor is there in abandoning your friend? If you're going to have to make me fight you just so I can help him then so be it!"
Akio sighed and teleported beside Xi and Xeno. "I won't let you die. My power is 800 times that when I'm in normal form when I'm in Super Saiyan 2."
"You don't realize how powerful he is you need to go now. Xeno then grabbed Akio, Xi, and Xaldarian and threw them at the forest Then he put up a barrier that forces them out and disrupts the energy flow of the area.
Eliza sighed annoyed by their stubborness as she got angry but calmed down,"Ugh... Fine then I guess we all fight together then... since you're stubborn to go..." She said giving in.

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