Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

A meteor fell towards Akio, but Akio just knocked it away with a wave of his arm. "Terroir." He says. The dark voice still behind it.
Wernox then found Sacky's house and saw his old but awesome car in the driveway.

"Ah!! My old cerce!!! Your okay!!!" Wernox said while rubbing the car and laying on it.
nana caught up the the tiny child. she dove and caught the child as she tucked her close to herself and made sure that she wasnt hurt when they rolled to a stop. nana didnt realize that her hood slipped off relevealing her demonic face
Xi'Maw watched from inside Terrior then yelled out when he was attacked. She could feel his pain now. Terrior smirked. "Did you hear that creature? Your hurting the very one you wish to protect!" Terrior said as he swung his arm tossing Xeno out.
Meanwhile sky was tring to keep the shield up. Which is hard because she is still weak from the last assault. "Damn it she taught"

Soon a man similar to lupin the third came up and said," well Wernox! Hows it been!!"

Wernox then remembered the voice and turned around to see who it was.
Xeno then comes up with an Idea Xeno says "fine I'll just rip her out of you." With those words Xeno goes toward terroirs chest and rips the rift open grabs Xi and flies away and puts her down.
"I could kill that one guy but I have something special for him. There's also the goblins I haven't messed with. So much chaos and so little time."
nana sighed relieved that the child wasnt hurt and held her close as she brought her back. she didnt need a light now that it was completely dark so the shades didnt confused her eyes. nana gasped when xald pointed out her demonic looks. her hood was off!!! nana shook a look of complete worry covered her face completely as she looked at each of them. they....know! no....they're gonna hurt me!!! nana started to silently cry as she tried to cover her face with her hood. now that the child was afraid of her theyll want her gone. nana took a few steps back.
Xi'Maw smiled seeing Xeno. "Xe-Xe!" She said as he led her out. She was soon stopped and began to dissolve. "A-Ah!" She yelled as she disappeared back into Terrior.
"Your destroyer." Akio's hair was golden, thicker, long, spikier, sharper, and wider. It curved to his knees. Akio's eyes had no pupils. His eyes were just blank white. His presence made a wind blow around him. His eyebrows had disappeared. Akio's voice had another voice talking with it. It was a dark voice that said what Akio said when he said it. "Listen here you giant-ass prick. Xeno isn't dying today."
"Akio stop if you hurt him you'll hurt Xi!" Xeno went back into Terroir but this time he took both the box and Xi and when he was outside he destroyed the box by corrupting it with darkness.

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