Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"An.... Gel?" Xi'Maw asked before looking at the girl. "Angel taste good?" She said before groaning and tugging at Xeno. "Hunnngrrrruyyy?"
Eliza looked at everyone and sighed,"Oh boy! Everyone is now fast asleep... " She said as she was too tired as they were but didn't want to sleep yet.

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Nana opened a eye and looked a xald. Then the child huddled to her. She didn't want to bother the people so she tried to sit up bit fails. She was too weak

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Akio slept the way a really young child does when they're tucked it. Curled slightly, and arms under head. Akio mumbles in his sleep and his voice and him seem much younger and cuter when he's not being so serious.

Xeno gets up and tells Eliza "I'm going out for a bit." Then flies off into the forest looking for some deer.
(You don't have to keep texting we'll update you once you're back!)

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Xi'Maw smiled as she looked at Xeno leaving. She turned into her first evolution and cackled slightly while stretching her bug wings.
Eliza sighed as she got a camp ready since everyone was tired. She set down the girls on one side with her magic and the guys on another. Once she got them done she went to make the.campfire.

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Sky was sleeping happily and was at peace. Although she probably won't remember saving the child because she saved herbon insticnt.

(Okay I'll do my best xD )

Eliza noticed the girl awoke and smiled,"Hello are you okay now?" She asked in a motherly manner.

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Xeno spent some time but he caught some deer and returned holding four deers saying "who's hungry."
Akio woke up when he heard Xeno. "I'm too sleeeepyy to eeeatt." Akio's childish tone was a strange way for him to talk, although Akio drifted off to sleep again.
Eliza looked at the guys and smiled but sighed when Xaldarian shouted about elephants,"Such a weird boy..." She thought as she looked at Xeon and smiled,"Thanks Xeon!" She said happily.

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Eliza giggled at Akio's protest to eat,"Pft... How cute~" She thought as she went back to tending the fire.

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