Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Nana gasped as she scenced another child. But this one was wounded and in danger. She looked around quickly and ran off a few meters to the side looking up. There! Nana grabbed the stick and slammed it on the ground flying up to catch the child.

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Nana blinked. ' What a eventful day!' She thought. She looked at the child. Then all round

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The girl was in her arms unconscious and breathing slowly as she shakes and groans in pain

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The box opened as a small yet assuring aura began to come out and surround all of her friends. "Box is happy! Happy box! Happy box!"

Eliza watched as Sky awoke and flew to save the fallen child as she came back down she ran to Sky's side and noticed the poor child was wounded,"She hurt! We need help her now!" She exclaimed as she got her magic ready and touched the girl's wounds gently.

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Nana quietly laughed. This group seemed friendly enough given the shaky first meeting. Nana looked at the child. She was tird But she couldn't let the child stay hurt. Nana closed her eyes and summons healing energy.itglowed a soft yellow as it surrounded the child and healed her. Nana opened her eyes to see a now heals child. She smiled and layed down closing her eyes and resting. But not falling asleep

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Eliza watched as the stranger healed the child but then fell to the ground as if she was sleeping,"Eh? Are you okay?" She asked worried.

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Xeno was looking at the aura and then he saw the child "I'd never thought I'd see the day, that's an angel!"
Eliza nodded as she noticed Sky also fell asleep too,"The guys better carry these guys or I'll crush them..." She thought as she looked at the girl as she was fine and fast asleep.

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