Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"thats it I'm not holding back anymore" Unsheaths his sword and starts chanting as the sword bgins to engulf in flames
Eliza shrugged,"I don't know maybe because he was the one who found us first" She said but then noticed Sky voice was soft like a whisper and her breathing was heavy,"Sky you should rest now... I'll put up my own" She said as she put Sky down back to the ground and used up all her energy on making a barrier big enough for them. The barrier then started to be surrounded by electricity of sparks breaking everything that was thrown at the barrier to pieces.

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"Well that's what you thought....I'm only doing the job Raiden gave to me. And taking over this pathetic creature's body" Enis explained.
Nana saw that xald was just as confused. As her. She chuckled. Then got serious and faced Eliza. Her voice. Louder " I can help your friend!" She noticed the sparks and redirected the ones that were close to her so she wouldn't be hurt by it. After a second thought she redirected portion for a moment so she could step inside.

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Eliza noticed the hooded person and smiled,"Really? Then help us we need all the help we need!" She said with a smile as she looked to Xaldarian and sighed,"Sorry Xaldarian just hang in alittle longer! Just take this loave of bread that I kept as lunch!" She said throwing her pouch to Xaldarian.

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"Even if this body is destroyed.....I will never die.....I will live on....even at the worlds end......HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

" BASTARD!!!!!!!" Wernox then cut Enid to shreds
Akio sensed the aura wasn't Enis's "Dammit Xeno!" Akio elbows Xeno in the face to sling him far away. Akio flies at Enis. A golden light flash throughout the sky and Akio's power raised. His hair didn't change but along with the golden aura, purple-like aura also surrounded Akio. "THIS IS THE POWER OF SUPER SAIYAN 2!" 
Akio then notices Enis is dead.
Nana looks at xald. She sighs as the guy was foolishly kneeling outside of the shield after he had charged . She sighed and reached out to pull him in. Once inside she saw that his energy was off balanced. Nana remembered she had food in her traveling pack. She kneeled by him and searched for it relising. A smell of Apple's and ale

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