Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"Alt memos justa calma holde meanoka JEROS" and he glowed a dark purple and he looked different (he looks the same just dark purple with red eyes
"He looks like he may have darkness in him now, i have just the thing everyone stand back, RADIANT LIGHT!" a huge flash of light surrounds everything
"I'm going to keep beating on you until you wake up!" Before Xeno could hit the others, Akio teleports behind, kicks him into the air, then teleports above him as he flies into the air, and slams his fist on his back, throwing him into the air, and fires a barrage of blasts at him, sending explosions, smoke, and dust high into the air.
Eliza noticed Xaldarian as he went and used his power and snickered,"Guess he not that much of a coward after all?" She said trying to keep Sky in a good mood.

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"Nevermind ill go help." Wernox then pulled out his crimsonian sword. He then rushed towards Xeno and cut one of a whole huge piece of his body off.
(He's not dead you just hit a dummy) Xeno reappears in front of Akio and kicks him in the stomach and teleports behind him and kicks him toward Wernox.
Nana had dogged as she was accidentally. In the way. She hid behind a tree for protection and dig her fingers into it. The trees near her shielded her with Thier leaves. By now nana was pale white

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Nana kept her mouth shut. Refusing to speak. But awkwardly waved to show she was friendly. She kept her face hidden.

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"Man this is stupid.....and boring....I'm done" Wernox then moves out of the way and grabs Xaldarian by the arm. "Hey Xeno...." Wernox said.
Eliza noticed Wernox grabbed Xaldarian and tilted her head,"What is he planning to do now?"She questioned as she watched for his next action.

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"Humph you still believe that I'm still Xeno you heroes are really pathetic." It was a female voice that came out of xeno's mouth.

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