Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Xeno dodged each attack and he let's go of Xaldarian and looks at Akio "Nero salvo handero canto sava."
Akio didn't care that he was speaking in spanish. "ASTEROID IMPACT!" Akio hit Xeno in the gut to immobialize him as he teleports to space and fires a ginormous Ki blast at him. Akio slams his feet into it and pushes it with flight. He says to the others with a type of energy messaging. "Take cover."
Eliza tried to hold him down by surrounding him in lightning,"Stop Xeno what's wrong with you?" She asked trying to maintain her power on him

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As they enter the atmosphere he and the Ki ball speed up. Akio flies faster and faster to keep up with the ball. Akio and the Ki ball eventually caught fire. They kept hurtling towards Earth. Akio suddenly realized he over shot the teleportation and he might die doing this. It kept speeding up. The others could hear a whistling. When Akio got too hurt from the fire he'd eat a Senzu Seed. He kept falling. The whistling grew louder and louder. A loud boom was heard as another layer of air was broken.
Eliza went to Sky's side and huffe,"What's wrong with him?" She asked.

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((I'll stop after the attack))

4 more booms were heard as the layers of air broke. The ki ball was a fire ball, or a meteor, and, however the energy did protect Akio from the flames, he still felt an amazing heat. Akio jumped off to launch the ball. Akio then teleported by it and slammed his fists down on it to send it faster and faster and did this about 5 times to where it was going extremely fast. A boom was heard as it entered the troposphere. Akio teleported behind Xeno and grabbed him from behind. "I won't let you dodge this!" 
((OK now I'll stop))
Nana continued her method of slamming her staff and releasing energy. (From the distance it just seemed that she was jumping extremly high) It seemed to help relax her in a way though she was steadily growing tird. As she went she herd a energy message of someone telling others to take cover. "?" She. Looked up to the side as she went up again. Her eyes widen as she saw what looked like a falling meteor of extrem energy. She skidded to a stop the next time she landed preparing for the impact. Nana twirled her staff and slammed it down creating a small shield.

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(Ok . I know I went over the top but that's serious godmodding.)

Akio smirked, and flipped, and kicked Xeno in the air towards the Ki Meteor.
Eliza watched as Akio kicked Xeon into the meteor,"Akio why go so far to do that?!" She thought as she looked down to Xi seeing the poor girl terrified by this. Then in the corner of her eye she noticed something not far from them in the distance, it looked as if a person but she couldn't tell as it disappeared in the trees.

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