Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Eliza took in what he said and suddenly jumped in joy,"Wait... Are you from another world? That's so cool! What is it like there? Does it has cool magical creatures different from ours? Is it hot or cold?" She gabbled on questions on the poor guy.
"My apologies M'lady" bows "and I apologize to the rest of you for my rude behavior, but would someone mind telling me where I am"
Akio sensed the boy's aura. It was positive. "Magica...... But Magica isn't in too good of a situation right now."
Akio explained to him who Raiden was. "Raiden is a devil of a women bent of the destruction of Magica. She's about as Sadistic as they come."
"Yes..." Looks down at his feet "My father The Great Xandrid Fletcher!" 
"Yes Kelcia is the evil Demon who killed my father Many years ago"
*Sigh* "I wish i knew how I got here, all i know was i was getting ready for a fight then this bright light overcame me"
Eliza looked at him and study his appearance,"Hmm... Xeon you seem to know a lot about this..." She said as she looked to Xeon.
*grumble* "huh? I guess all this confusion has made me a lil hungry, is there anywhere we can sit and get a bite to eat so i can comprehend all of this?"
"We're heading to town right now... If you like you can tag along?" She said pointing to the direction of town.

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