Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Eliza noticed Sky looked down and not knowing what to do, her body hugged her out of nowhere. Surprised, she let go and blushed,"Ah! I'm sorry! I just... umm.. you looked sad so i wanted to..." She said nervously looking down at her feet.

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Xeno noticed the smoke coming from the mountains " the battle must have concluded let's go greet our friends Xi." And Xeno then flies toward the mountains.
Sky was surprised at the sudden hug. She smiled at eliza " thank you eliza, your a really great friend" she patted her head.

Eliza looked up at Sky and smiled without a word as she followed Wernox.

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Sky takes out her guns and points at Xeno" Xi'maw who is that?"

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Eliza stopped as some guy and Xi landed right in front of them,"Xi! And who this?" She asked as she saw some other person next to Xi.

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Eliza smiled at Xi but then looked at the new face,"Eh? How do you know Akio?" She asked confused.

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Sky looked at wernox and xi'ma and puts away her guns. "Let me guess your xeno...why do you look so different?"

"Yes it's me I'll tell you why I'm different I evolved into my races legendary evolution it like going super Saiyan except that this form is permanent." Xeno was staring at everyone when he was explaining
All of a sudden a huge beam decends from the sky. when it dissapears lying on the ground is a young man looking as if he was asleep.
Eliza was shocked that it was Xeno,"Woah! You look so different!" She said as she examined his appearance. But out of nowhere a beam shot down and some guy lay there semming asleep,"What the heck?!" She said as she looked at the guy,"Hey are you okay?" She asked worried for the strange man.
As he opens his eyes to find this strange creature lurking over him he jumps to his feet screaming "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!?!??!?" as he unsheaths his sword he looks around confused "Wait a minute where am I?!?!?!"

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