Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"well seeing I have no other option I shall join your company" *grumble* " :big grin: hehe 
"sadly to say I have never met him in person, i only know of his traitory against my kingdom"
Akio starts to yawn as the sky darkens. "We can't travel at night. If we get ambushed by some powerful creature it'll be the end of us. At least here we have a Dragon guarding us."
Xeno stopped in the air and went back to the group but something was different about him he had a dark presence
Eliza smiled and pulled her sleeve up showing her weird birthmark,"Because we have one too!" She said pointing at Sky.
Sky looks at wernox "looks like we found another one" she said as she covered up her birthmark

"Xeno!" Akio knew who it was, but he drew both his katanas and powered up to Super Saiyan. His hair turned golden and spiked up and got sharper and his white eyes turned golden.
Xeno looked at Xaldarian and in an instant Xeno grabbed him by the throat and they were in the air
Eliza gasped as Xeno appeared out of nowhere and took Xaldarian up in the air,"Xeon what are you doing?!" She called out of confusion.
Akio teleported behind Xeno and punched him in the back of the neck. He teleported in front of Xeno and grabbed Xelderain.
Eliza followed behind and shot a lightning bolt at Xeno once he was kicked down,"What the hell are you speaking in?" She asked not understanding anything.

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