Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Eliza sighed as she put her shield down and collasped down to her knees next to Sky exhausted,"Putting up such a big barrier is hard..." She said between huffs and puffs.

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(We're done with the battle and Xeon is down go help him! :D )

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Nana was surprised as xald snatches the ale. She shrugged a smile playing on her lips. then hears Eliza. " I can temporarily block the dark aura to help your friend gain control"

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Eliza looked up at the stranger and nod,"Thanks!" She said as she got up to help Sky.

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Nana runs to the fallen friend and kneels. She laid her hands on him and uses energy too put a temporally shield around him. She didn't know how to remove the darkness that he already had inside but already he was temporarily free.

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(Brb keep on going without me!)

Eliza was healing Sky as she was still unconscious.

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Akio pulled out a Senzu seed. "The last one...." Akio was incredibly hurt too. But he deicded to feet it to Xeno. Akio put the Senzu Seed into Xeno's mouth
Wernox then sits down and begins to think.

(Well this is all too weird. First I meet my old enemy who was thought to be dead and now they think Xeno is still impure. Well shouldn't bother to tell them.)
Nana looked over startled that a child would go near her though her body was grown. She looks at xald and hesitated to say her name looking kind of scared

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Nana smiled at XI. She seemed full of good energy only a child could achieve. Her playfulness amused nana

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A girl was falling down from the sky as her eyes were shut and was covered in wounds her feathers were coming off of her wings and her black ripped up cape flapping around and her hood covering her head

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