Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Sky looled around. All her life she was stuck in the village now she out and is in a huge town where the streets are currently deserted.

Fantra then looks around until he finds a cone shaped building. "OK over here!!!" Fantra said to Sky.

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The two then stepped inside. "Old master. I have brought something you might find interesting." Fantra called out.

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Fantra then brought Sky over to the old man and then the old man asked,"May I see your arm?"

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Sky removed the small orange bandana wrapped around her arm, to cover the birth mark and let the man see it.

The man then looked at her arm and his eyes grew wide. "My word. I never thought I would see such a mark again in my lifetime" he said

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"Young lady this can only mean one thing. You have been given birth by the Crimsonian gods to give aid to the hero in the prophecy." The old man explained

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"It appears so. Raiden summoned that plague to kill you. It seems she knew that you were to aid her most hated enemy." The man said.

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"They are gods in which have written the prophecy themselves. But what I instruct you to do is find a knight that goes of the name Wernox and stay close to him. Currently he should be in Lefora." The man said.

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Sky thought for a minute. If the demons wanted to kill and failed to do so they won't stop coming until she is dead"...fine...I aid the knight" she also wanted to raiden pay for what she did to her village. Many innocent people got hurt and she is not gonna let that happen again to anyone else

"Good. Fantra take this girl to Lefora its not far from here. Make sure she meets Wernox." The man said.

"Will do master. Okay Sky lets go." Fantra said.

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Sky nodded and followed fantra. She was finally out of the village but .... this isn't how she wanted it... she sighed.

(Oh did I go against what you wanted. I hope I didn't.)

Fantra and sky then headed to Lefora

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((No you didn't))

She wrapped her bandana back around her arm to cover the mark. " long has this been going on?"

"I believe this prophocey has existed for years. And strangely enough I happen to know Wernox. But ill talk about it along the way. For now lets go." Fantra said

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