Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"Thank you." The creature was going to kill him anyway but he was going to let him make a few tries
Chessix himself knew this , but didn't care since he actually did want to die for his own reasons "trust me , they are badass. That energetic from the hands thing is made into a joke."
"I plan on killing the Saiyan personally just focus on the other one, I've tracked them to a village called Leferope."
Chessix does what he does best - makes a few droidekas , with the minimal tech he does have with him "I can make a few more in a couple days..." Then suddenly just rolls away sensing someone else is there (change's character)
Wernox then went up to the saiyan and poked at him. "Hey, you alright?" Wernox asked.

(Guys lets try not to make our characters too powerful okay)

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(Arch I'm just saying tone him down a tiny bit is that alright?)

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(But what I mean is that atleast make it to were someone can defeat him at one point)

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(I actually plan mine to be killed by arch's character , because these 'droideka' are really just piles of metal he nailed together into the shape of himself)
(Okay that's good but let us continue and talk about this later. Agreed?)

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Chessix rolled away before this other creature figured out his 'droidekas' were bits of metal nailed into the wall in the shape of himself
OOC: okay your characters side shall continue tommorrow. Now for Wernox's side

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Chess it rolled straight into wernox by accident "damnit , why do I always find guys who want me killed?"
He then re forms back into his normal self (the picture) and says "don't kill me! No really , do? Wait , I think I have dual personalities"
Wernox then sighs. "Listen I knew you meant no harm in the first place. But I want to ask one question. Do you know that other bug?"

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Sky was currently sitting in the room of her village bored out of her mind. She had finished her train and wanted to go out and see the world. She heard the door behing her open and saw her parent standing there. "Mom, dad why am I in this room?" She then saw the chief standing behind them. "Honey..." her mom started. "Your giing to marry the cheif's son..." sky's eyes widen. "What why?!" She yelled. "It for the good of the family pride and status." Her dad said in an emotionaless voice. "....there is no way in hell I am marrying the cheif's son. He is stuck up, heartless and wave his status around in everyone's faces." "If you done marry you will be stuck in this room with and water for a week" the chief said from behind then parents. Sky thought for a minutes the looked stt he chief "fine by me I rather be stuck here marry your brat." Sky said without hesitation. "Sky!" Her parents exclaimed. "Be more respectful to the chief!" Her mom told him. " shut up! What kind of parents use their daughters as a way to gain status?!" Shebyelled angrily. "....looks like we are done here. I will be back in a week" and he left. "I hate both of you!" She yelled at her parents. Her mom looked upset and her dad seemed mad. "Now look what you've done!" Her father yelled at her. "Dear leave her alone..." her mom said wearily. "We were going to get a better ststus and she just ruined it!" He yelled at her mom. Her eyes widened " is status all you care about?" Sky said as she looked down. "Yes" her dad said without hesitation. Sky was hurt. " lets go m" her dad said to her mom who nodded and followed. The door shut and sky was the onky one left in the room. Tears started to fall down her face.
It soon goes to nightfall and in the same village as Sky there is another knight known as Fantra. Fantra has been watching Sky for a long time and then begins to go to her window.

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Sky was sitting near the window and saw someone come towards her. She took out her guns and was ready to attack the person if necessary.

"Hey! Hey! Whoa! Calm down. Listen I only came here to tell you something important." Fantra said

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