Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Chessix chose to ignore this , but failed and said "if you don't like it stop being such a fracking egotist. I'm not backwards , either"
A voice entered their minds " you are all pathetic challenging me, you cannot comprehend the power I wield." The creature was getting closer
Chessix once more took the creatures side "listen , these guys at badass. Since I don't want to be killed , I am sticking with him. Piss-ant , find another collicoid."
Of course Wernox then sighed and slashed the creature with his sword, which then left a giant scar on the front if the creatures body.

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The scar quickly healed itself and the creature smacked Wernox back like he was nothing "pathetic"
Chessix drew his own blade , slashing twice at this wernox and the piss-ant , then rolled off since he doesn't enjoy combat "find another damn collicoid!"
But strangely enough after those blows Wernox seemed un faxed and then out of nowhere a light dome started appearing around him. "Well I guess the done of Esis really lives up to its name".

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Akio slashed at the creature, then did an uppercut, throwing it into the air, then teleported above it before it fell and sidekicked it away. He threw a barrage of energy spheres at the monster. He teleported in front of it and punched it with a barrage of strikes. With each punch he opened his Hand and released an energy wave as he threw the next punch, then did a long backflip so the enemy can't counter.
Chessix "what the hell did I do running away. Damnit , why do I always get into this. Why can't I stay a hermit"
Wernox then sees the flying creature and dashes toward it. Then he yet again attacks but this time it has a name "Crimson!!! SLASH!!!!" Wernox shouted. He then slashed the creature and made a direct hit.

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The creature splits into two creatures and they both attack Akio and Wernox with powerful and quick strikes
Chess if just goes back into wherever his hole he lives in is "I got three words for all of you -leave me alone!"
Wernox dodges swiftly. "Damn this is a great time to pick a fight. Looks like the purple guy ain't going down without a fight." Wernox said under his breath.

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Chessix breaks out the collicoid foods and watches like it's a spectator sport muttering "might as well get the enjoyment out of it@
A voice enters Chessix's mind "your not getting away." Another creature pops out of one of the two and charges at him

( Final Fantasy 7 Battle theme starts)
Wernox then uses a spell called silver dust to create a escape. He then takes the saiyan with him. And quickly retreats.

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Chessix wonder what the hell he did wrong , he took the motherf***ers side didn't he? In any case , he guess he might as well roll away again - can't even keep a good home
Chessix "trust me , I can help you. Especially if you want to kill the piss-ant. In any case , I suddenly feel like killing someone... Damn surpressed collicoid nature"
The two warriors the retreat to a village known as Leferope. Wernox then gets off his horse and rigs it up to a stand.

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Chessix "I actually have something that can beat him (probably not really since he appears to be an OP character :P ). It's called a droideka. Let me make a few thousand"

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