Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Akio placed a hand on both their shoulders, "Xi'Maw, you are Xeno's closest friend. I think it's best to go with him, to keep him company."
"Thank you Everyone I wish this would have ended differently but be careful in the mountains and you can't fly to the ruins their inside the mountains."
"If you tell me what the energy feels like there I can teleport."

*Please let there be a guardian there.*
"I don't know what it feels like." (I'll play the guardian and after you defeat it you'll fight Xeno.)
Xi'Maw hugged Xeno tightly as if saying she was going to stay with him. Her box glee a light blue.
"Damn....... I sense... a distant Hell energy... probably Raiden... So far.... I sense many positive energies..... us.... and.... a close, yet slightly distant feeling... It's positive, but... in a different way.
"Well, examples, Xi'Maw's aura is positive, in a way where you don't feel like she'll hurt you. This is different. It is dangerous feeling, but not hostile. It's actually quite similar to Wernox's blade.... not exactly, but can't be a coincidence.
"A dimension portal, Xi it's going to be alright." He began to stroke her head with one of his tentacles
(OOC: I don't know what Xi'Maw looks like. I picture her as a young girl. A cute one)

Akio gets ready for a fight in case it's a hostile being.
Xi'Maw began to close her eyes slightly. "It's the dark place. Not the dark place."

((There are pictures in my profile u know))
Nana had rested but stream near a mountain. she had been traveling for days since the last village shes encounters. nana scooped up water and looked at her reflection. her demonic eyes glowed from under her hood. nana sighed and splashed her face trying to forget her loneliness which was enhanced since the last village had ran her off because her aura and looks had once again scared the life out of the children. she shook her head and started a light skip "don't think negative thoughts nana!" she cheered herself. "your bound to find them! ...." she trailed off at the happy thoughts of maybe finding her brothers in this planet. a small smile formed on her sad face. brightening it a little.
Xeno began to fly in the air while holding Xi in his tentacles "the next time we meet it will be in the temple." And he flies off toward Raidens palace

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