Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

as Nana walked she noticed a distant dot in the sky. she stood still and closed her eyes sending reading waves of energy to it. there was a sort of darkness that seemed powerful like some of her older brothers. and right with it was a light energy.....was the dark energy kidnapping the light energy? strange the light energy didnt seemed scared of the dark one. Nana's curiosity grew as she saw the dot disappear in the direction she was mostly heading in. nana retreated her reading waves and opened her eyes continueing walking. "strange....." she mumbled to herself adjusting her staff on her back.
Xi'Maw held onto her box as Xeno began to take them off. She smiled while looking at them. "Bye bye!!" She said while giggling and laughing
nana looks up. 'hm... its getting dark now....' she thinks as she stares at the setting sun. nana ponders if she should make a tourch and continue her journy or just camp out for the night.
Raiden then manifested.

"Xeno.....Sherlot had told me you were talking and befriended the enemy" Raiden said in a sarcastically confused voice.
"I'm sorry milady but he told you something that was quite opposite I was actually warning them not to continue their quest or they would suffer the consequence." Xeno was still cringing and he entered Xi's mind "don't say a word about the heroes."
Eliza sighed sadly as their new friends left,"Wish they could stay to chat..." She mumbled softly to herself as she stretched and yawned, tired from their long battle.

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"No me!!! It's too long of a walk!" She yelled out.

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Akio looked over at all of them. "I think I'll take Wernox. Sky, fly Eliza there. Meet us. Be careful. Something is bound to guard the rest of these temples." Akio grabbed Wernox's arm and put his index and pointer fingers together and pointed them at his forehead. They both disappeared, and reappeared in the temple. In the stone was a Japanese Blade, known as a katana. Akio stepped forward. "Another being is in this room."
Pouting, she spoke with a questionable look,"But can't you just run all the way over there with no help" she asked.

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"Oh? Well then if I was mistaken I believe I told you to kill them not to warn them..." Raiden said sarcastically.
"Eh?! Ugh... alright..." She sighed as Akio left with Wernox in a blink of an eye,"Please don't go too high..." She asked with a worry look.

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Sky huffed "fine" she turned to eliza. "I am gonna do something different and fast" she grinned. She picked a few inches of the ground and grabbed her arm. "Hold on tight!" And sky ran at full speed with eliza and they arrived at the temple in 2 minutes.

Eliza gasp out of surprise and was suddenly flying past everything in a blur and in no time was at the temple,"Ugh... I feel sick now..." She said as she fell down exhausted even more.

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