Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

*Wernox sighs* "well guess it can't be helped..... Xeno....why don't you come with us?" Wernox said holding out his hand.
"I swear I am going to enjoy killing her when I get the chance to" sky said in a pissed of tone.

"...." Akio trembled with anger.

"You know what I think!? I bet Raiden destroyed your planet and used you. Your power would be good use to her! Frieza did the same thing after destroying Planet Vegeta! How about we help break her control over you?!"
"She didn't destroy my planet.... My own race did. They discovered weapons of mass destruction and they used those against each other."
"Are you sure it wasn't raidens doing...she could have filled them up with darkness...and make them destroy your planet"

"When I get a chance to.... I'm going to enjoy ripping Raiden's through out....!" 
(OOC: Rav. I found a good theme for VS Raiden Phase 1)
"No because this happened when she was sealed. She saved me by using the void." Xeno noticed Xi was awake "Xi your awake."
Xi'Maw looked around nervously seeing she was surrounded by people she didn't know. (Be back in 20)
"I'm glad you're awake, Xi'Maw." Akio looked down at her. "There's no reason to act so nervous. You won't be harmed. I promise you that."
"Do you still hurt anywhere, at all? If you do I've got magic seeds that'll make the pain go away instantly." Akio took out 5 Senzu Seeds and handed them to her. "Even if you aren't hurt now. Hold on to them for you and Xeno."

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