Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Eliza noticed Xeno and dodged out quickly and shot a flash of lightning at him as she charged her energy,"Damn... her bubble is growing..."

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"XI!!!!! Remember when you gave it to me!!!! Remember......" Wernox said.

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Xeno goes in the air and says "this ends here, CHAOTIC DESTRUCTION!" Then he shoots multiple balls of energy that explode with destructive amounts of power.
Akio stood up.... "This has gone on long enough!!!" The white aura around Akio turned gold, and his hair spiked up, and turned sharper, then turned a golden color as well. Air from Akio, a fierce wind. Akio lets out a scream as a golden flash of light shone throughout the battle field, and Akio's power grows. "I TOLD YOU. I PROMISED TO PROTECT MY FRIENDS!" Akio flies at Xeno and slams into him, then releases a giant golden explosion that flared.
Xi'Maw looked towards the male holding the diamond. "Di....amond?....." She said while looking at him confused. Her bubble continued to grow.
Eliza tried to dodge them but was hit in at,her right leg and lost her balance falling down to the ground unconscious.

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"XI....don't you see....what your doing......your hurting innocent.....people.....please.....XI....stop this....." Wernox said in a weak voice.

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Xeno rushed to sky, grabbed her, and threw her into the air and shot multiple energy shots at her
Akio teleported in front of Sky and deflected all of the blasts. "Do you even know what I am, Xeno?" Akio elbowed Xeno in the face launching him.
Sky created a shield and used her speed got near eliza and put her and her's birth mark together

Eliza awoke and groan in pain but nodded in response,"Ah! I forgot about that! " She exclaimed as she got her birthmark and got hold of Sky's birthmark.

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""Hahahaha I know what you are Saiyan but do you know what I am." Xeno teleported behind Akio and kicked him to the ground. He was still powering up his special move.
She gasped while hearing the males words. "B-But...... Xe-Xe.... is friend.." She said as her bubble continued to grow violently.
Sherlot then notices Wernox and snactches the diamond from him and shatters it to pieces.

"I can no longer allow you to get in the way..."

"Bastard.....attacking me when I'm weak....."

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"I am not a Saiyan..!" Akio teleported behind Xeno, dodging the kick. "I AM..." He fired a giant blast through his back. "A...!" Akio kicked Xeno into the air. "SUPER SAIYAN!" He fired a giant golden blast into the air, hitting Xeno.
Eliza tried to move but her right leg was wounded as she tried to fly,"Ugh... Hurry up and attack those guys!" She yelled out to the titan as it ran up to Xeon.

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As the smoke clears Xeno is unfazed "pathetic trying to hurt a crystalid with that power you are truly pathetic." Xeno then flies at Akio and does multiple fury attacks with unbelievable power and force that leave the Saiyan bleeding
"Well you know how I do things Wernox....noe time to die...."

Sherlot then puts his hand in front of Wernox.

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