Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Eliza stared in awe at the sword,"Cool! But that's pretty scary..." She exclaimed as she then remembered about the titan,"Ummm... by any chance do you know about some Crimsonion titan?

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*to Wernox only* ((by thought))

the risks are up to you. Put the sword back now and no one will find you any lesser. The curse will not activate. But there is another part I must tell you. If you are to ever use that sword against someone of pure heart, your entire body will shatter, and you will be cast into hell for eternity.
"As I was told by legend I believe so. But they are for only certain who are meant to be in Wernox's army" kizuke explained.

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"We're nearing Ravenwing it's time To end this." Xeno was fired up and he got a major power boast and soon they were over the village
*to all*

Yes. I know the crimsonion Titan. Why else would you have come to me? However, I must tell you. If you go to slay the Titan, you will need weapons like the one Wernox wields. Three more exist in the world, scattered across the land. I will lead them to you if that is your wish. I am bound to be keeper of this blade until the wielder dies.
((Back through thought))

Well I don't mind carrying this sword. As long as Raiden is gone I will continue to fight....

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Xi'Maw held onto her box as well as hugging one of Xeno's tentacle. "Make the bad people go away Xe-Xe...." She said as the box began to glow black and open slowly. Xi'Maw's eyes began to glow as well. "Make all the bad people go away...."
Eliza heard Akio's yelling and got ready for action,"Who could be coming this way? She asked as she followed Shy's lead.

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Xeno was suddenly changing (because of the box) and he transformed into a more badass version of himself.
Everyone ready to fight came outside only to see Xeno, and Sherlot.

"SHERLOT!!!!!" Wernox said.

"Well it has been a long time Wernox. But I will not be your oppenent this time"

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