Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Yes Kizuke, it has been. Far too long. But now is not the time to catch up. you must follow me now. Floating up the stairs, Mink knew what was going to happen next, and he hoped that this small group would be able to face it.
"They wish to hurt my friends." Xeno was now gaining speed and his power was incredible right now soon the heroes won't know what hit them.
Soon the group made it up into a giant chamber. And there was a sword in which was stuck in a rock. And there was a huge wall with writting on it.

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"Sword! I can use it!" Akio dashed toward the blade and looked at it. ".....Does anybody else think this might be a trap?"
"Sherlot you take care of these two." Xeno then shows a mental image of the two girls with the birthmarks.
"No this isn't a trap. That is the Crimsonian Sword. Said to be crafted by the crimsonisn gods themselves." Fantra explained.

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"Only the hero of true light can pull out that sword." Fantra said.

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"Oh.. Then it must be powerful!" Akio placed one foot on the stone for leverage, and put a firm hold on the sword's handle.
(Wernox has to have the sword. And there will be other crimsonian weapons as well.)

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"You may fight but I want you to focus on any other humans or guards that try to stop us okay." Xeno wanted to keep Xi safe
*Akio gets a Katana then*

When he tries to yank the sword from the stone it didn't budge. "How can a stone be stronger then a Saiyan!?" Akio complained. He yanked once more and tumbled backwards, and fell to the ground. "Ow... I got King Arthur'd...."
(Yes a very powerful katana.)

"Let me try." Wernox said.

Wernox then grabbed the sword and somehow managed to yank it out.

Fantra: what?" Fantra said confused

"See now worries. (Seems like I'm the hero again. Man how many times has this happened? Wernox thought to himself)" Wernox said.

Soon the wall in the back lit up and the words became more clear.

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The words say.

Thou hero has pulled thy sword. With it thou can defeat thy strongest of all. And now must prove to thy gods of his worth. For thy hero in return will be rewarded with thy army. And agast Raiden will stand no chance.

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so you are able to pull the sword. Good. But I must warn you, that sword comes with a price. By wielding it, your soul becomes damned. If you are to ever use it against friend or foe, your soul cannot leave this world and will be doomed to roam this land for eternity if you die. I will acompany you until then, so I can return this sword to it's place for the next hero to find.

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