Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

She paused slightly unsure of what to do. "I couldn't possible ruin your being..... Nor can I make it return from the dead for a short amount of time.... You will be more safe in the hands of my mind. Then you may live on and still be with us."
"You have chosen to put my conscience with your then you must insert the crystal into your head and then everything will be transferred."
She lifted the crystal up then closed her eyes. "As the All Mother, I ensure your being will be most comfortable in my head. Those memories I saw through yours. Your family. Your kind. They all await you." She said as she placed the crystal to her head.
((Sorry was gone for a bit.)) the power from the crystal entered Xi's mind and soon something began to manifest inside her as it finished a transparent voice appeared it was xeno's and it sounded like it came from inside the room "so you chosen to put my conscience into your mind."
"You have been through so much for me and the ones your love. I felt placing you in a world where this time no can care for you will be much better." She said with a smile.
"Very well then let's go introduce our selfs to the others then since they don't know who we are right now."
She nodded as she began to float out and towards the others. "Please so make yourself at home. I tried my best to recreate your loved ones and species so I hope I did well."
"I rather that you didn't do that because I don't want to relive through those nightmares of memories just allow me to see through your eyes and you can summon me for a short while like three hours at most."
"It's very lovely but those memories cannot be forgotten and seeing my family an species alive in front of my eyes would make those memories a living hell."
Kazuto squinted his eyes open and looked around, he smiled as he saw Sky sitting with her feet in the spring.
Kazuto snuck up behind her and sat down, wrapping his arms arounvd her stomach. "Yeah you are." He smiled as he whispered.
A voice ruins the mood "hello there sky and Kazuto." It sounded transparent but it was xeno's voice. The voice didn't have a source.
Kazuto rested his chin on her shoulder and said aloud. "Go away Xeno. Im glad your back and all though I was upset I didnt get to fight.. but please go for now." He said grumpily.
Soon Xi'Maw appeared at the place and looked upon their friends. "Hello you two. I am happy to see you both are safe."
"If you tried to fight the All Father you would have died.... I sacrificed myself so that you wouldn't have gone through the pain I went through Sky." The voice had no clear source.
Sky got up and hugged xi " xi I am soo happy your back!!" She looked around "where is xeno? I hear him but I dont see him"

"He speaks the truth. My father has killed many men and conquered many planets. In a way, Xeno is the savior of this one."

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