Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"Xi'maw we cannot for we do not exist. We are part of the void.... We die in it...... We become part of it." Xeno looked at Xi'maw then at the All Father "I believe that she has earned the right to become the All Mother, since you are dead All Father grant her your power so your species can still grow."
Xi'Maw gasped as she looked at them. "W-What?...." The All Father closed his eyes as he began to smirk. "No voidling may control this power. Especially at such a young evolution. She is a mere child. The world would be in more danger if i gave it to her."
"You don't understand her..... It's destiny to become the All Mother, you may not have seen it but I have for the gods have shown me." Xeno walked up to Xi
"Then I grant her my power for then she will mature." Xeno began to transfer his power to Xi and soon she had enough in her to evolve.
"Don't worry Xi I'll be fine." Xeno finished giving his power and he soon saw Xi evolving into her mature form.
"Now All Father grant her your power." Xeno became transparent but was still there since he had part of his DNA and power in the crystal.
Xi can feel the power that her father was giving her. She began to grow more sets of arms and began to float.
"Now Xi I have placed a purple crystal in my sanctuary and a data pad with notes in it go find them and read the data pad." Xeno walked away toward the All Father.
Xi nodded as she heard him. "I understand." She said as she began to glow. Soon she returned to the real world. "I shall do it now."
Sky woke up I was night time and she rubbed her eyes. She look around for a bit. She got up and decided to dip her feet in the spring.

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((The notes gives Xi a choice to destroy Xeno forever, revive him, or transfer his own conscience into her mind and guide her.))
The data pad made a beep noise and it showed Xi "if your reading this Xi then I'm dead. Inside that crystal is my power and DNA. I'm giving you three choices, one is to destroy the crystal and me with it. Two is to revive me using the containers but if you do that then I will die again for I only have another year to live before I go join my family in death, and three you can transfer my conscience into your mind so that I can guide you on the right path and you can summon me for a short period of time. The choice is yours. From Xeno."

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