Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Elsa watched the sky as the dark presence vanished leaving her alone once again. She was use to being alone. But she often wondered what it would be like to have friends. People who weren't afraid of her.
((Your are with people at the spring. Akio took you there...sorry about moving your charecter around without permission...))

(It's okay I don't mind I'm just glad I know where I am :) )

Elsa remained quiet as she watched the others. She sat by the others unsure what to say.
He smiled and said," yeah," quietly. He reached his hands to her hands and pulled them to his face, placing each on either cheek.
Kazuto sighs and closes his eyes. "I dont... I dont know... but I will try my best to keep him away... he wont take us apart anyways..."
Sky gribs his hand, with a worried look on her face. "...isbit true that an assassin cant have any emotions....doest that only apply to the people you assassinate?"

Kazuto opens his eyes and pupls her hand down, catching her lips with his, but he could only see her chin as she was pulled over him. "It doesnt matter because, he would never be able to pull you and I apart. I proved that today. Our love is to strong for anyone to break. "He whispers after the kiss.
"True..."skin smiled and kissed him back. "You know you should also get your forehead checked too..."

"Hell no, I love you too much to leave you" sky caught the senzu bean. "Here eat this" and put the bean against his mouth.

Kazuto ate it and smiled, it probably looked like a frown face to her though because of their current position. His energy was refilled and he felt mu h better. He kissed her again. "I hope thats true baby." He whispers.
Elsa looked away, wondering what it was like to feel loved. Her family had loved her before she left. She sighed.


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