Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"It gets in the way!!! It destroys the assassins thoughts and kills him! Thats how!" The dark assassin of Kazuto yells, his tone starts to sound annoyed and irritated.
"Emotions dont get in the way!! They make people stronger!! What gives you the right to say that?! Kazuto's emotions...what do you know about them?! Your just something he tried to lockup inside his body!!!"

"Exactly why I should know about his emotions! Ive been locked up inside of him because of you... I will erase any memory of you from his head!"
Sky's eyes widen then her bangs cover "....fine...just... don't kill him...."

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Sky clenched her fists amd stayed silent. She didnt know what to say. She wasnt strong enough to stop him and if she tried to she would get killed amd kazuto would blame himself for it. She felt so usless. She cant even protect the one she loved....

"Well, now what are you going to do?" Asked Kazuto. "Will you let me do as I... ahh whats this feeling... ahh I cant... what... " Kazuto goes silent for a moment as he holds his head in hands. "Sky!! I dont know if you can hear me... but run! And if you cant, and if something is to happen to you. Ill kill myself. I love you.... I... uh... I love you Sky! So... kiss me already to let... this fool.. know what emotion.. is... gah!" Kazuto drops to his knees, lying there as he shakes his head.
Sky eyes widened. She used her super speed got in front of kazuto and kissed on his lips. 'Please come back to me'

((Xeno teleported elsa couldn't have followed him and xeno sacrficed himself to defeat an enemy))

((What I read, xeno teleported elsa outside his sanctuary. Then he let go and teleported himself to where the enemy was))

The dark aura shot down into the ground and up into the sky. Kazutos body flattened to the ground. "You will not defeat me!!! Im here! Im always here!!!"
His eyes closed for a moment and the dark aura was gone. Finally he flickered back open his eyes. "Who... who are you?" Asked Kazuto while jumping back.
Sky looked shocked. Her bangs covered her eyes. "No one....I found you passed ....out on the seem fine best be on my...way..." she held back her tears. She looked at the new girl and akio. She walked over to the new girl. "Come with meet the rest of my friends.." she then looked at akio. "Akio go back to the group near the fountain! Take this girl with you!! I need to go back a get nana!!!" With that sky flew of to go and get nana.

Sky was already to far away to hear him. Like a waterfall tears were falling down her face. The only thing she concentrated on was getting nana.

Kazuto remembered, from the swelled up tears in her eyes she came back into his head. "You damned dark assassin... the last time I let your ass out." He quickly ran to Nana and waited for Sky from behind.a tree.
Sky was looking for nana. She estimated where she was and she ran of too. Tears were still streaming down her face. 'Ok so the mountains...we were there and I ran at least 3000 miles so we should be...' and she sees nana. She wiped her tears and went to nana. "Sorry...about leaving you here......I'll explain things later...come on lets." She started to lift her up and fly of.


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