Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"Wow!" Sky balances herself. She was very worries. 'Akio can handle him...' she went and continued to read the notes.

Sky sighed. She seems like this is for xi. "....she disappeared..." she decided to go back up to the surface and see how things are.

Notes: if any of you are reading this I'm dead but I'm sorry for this content can only be viewed by Xi so she has to touch this data pad for the contents stored within.
Akio teleported behind Kazuto and kicks him to the air. He teleports above him and fires a powerful blast launching Kazuto into the ground like a meteor
Sky's eyes widen 'thats going over board!!!' She know that not kazuto but thats his body!. She wanted to make a shield but know that she shouldn't.

Kazuto stood up and smiled. "God... I thought that Might've been more interesting." Kazuto sighs, drawing both blades. He appears behind Akio and slashes downwards sending Akio flying into the ground and into the trees below.
((kk)) Kazuto lands on the ground and waits for Akios next action. "What the hell am I even doing here..." He begins to walk away.
Kazuto sheathes his blade. "I will destroy this boys love for you. So be ready for the end." Said Kazuto as he continued walking.
"An assassins emotions blocks his true intentions." Kazuto says while smiling. "Thats why this boy needs none."
"Its the assassins code. Why do you think he was on his own on this time. Up until he met you, I was always open. Then you made him laugh. Then you made him smile. Then you made him love. Hell you two even kissed! What the hell? It doesnt matter now though, cause ive returned."
"Give him back! There is nothong wrong with having emotions!! That code only applies to people he assassinates!!!"


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