Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

"I can only be Kazuto! Lets just say..." He begins to dissapear and appear everywhere. He appears once more with his mouth to his ear. "the dark side of him has appeared..."
Xi'Maw opened her eyes as she looked around. Her soul had drifted off to the void. She wondered why she was brought here. The void was dark and cold but she knew her way around it very easily. She began to float about trying to find answers.
Akio charges to SSj3 and loses the tired look in his eyes and obtains a new serious look. His hair, thicker, and golden, curves down to his knees and spikes, becomes much sharper. His eyebrows disappear and his white eyes turn golden and his pupils disappear. His aura is golden. "Alright. No problem!" The dark voice returns, but sounds louder then before. "....Darkness has taken him... Probably the work of Raiden... It always is..."
Kazuto jumped from place to place until he dissapeared and appeared about 30 feet away. He swung his sword downwards and the force of it caused his body to fly upwards.
Kazuto stares at the person then reappears with his blade to the persons neck. "Now who the hell are you."
Sky just stared at kazuto worried if he'll be ok. She looked at the 'sanctuary' xeno refered and went inside.

"Low life?!" He reappears ahead of them and begins to charge, the dark aura getting thicker and thicker around him.
Akio stands, unfazed by the sudden charge. He just released a shockwave of energy with a flick of his wrist to throw the assassin away from him.
Sky went inside and saw the containers, notes and the dark. She did as xeno asked and read the notes. 'This is the least I can do to help a friend...'

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in midair he dissapears and reappears on the ground. "Ill show you low life!" The ground begins to tremble beneath their feet. Kazuto swings his blade down and a giant slash penetrating even the ground heads towards Akio.

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