Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Xeno walks in and looks at all of his machinery and goes to a counsel and types in a password in his language "Xila and Verona." And soon the machines begin to power up and soon Xeno powers up into his Chaotic form and everyone feels a Dark presence as well as the strange one coming from the chamber xeno's in.
Xeno then walks toward another room and is met with glass containers and a green liquid was inside them.
Xeno walked over to the glass containers and touched it. He was sad but the hostile presence was still up.
Akio drew his Crimsonian Katana, and turned to SSJ3. *Must I say the description again?*

(I gtg to bed, my Uncle's being a bitccch)
Kazuto quickly slid by everyone with his speed and to the bottom of the stairs. "Guess I should be the one to find out what it is..."
Kazuto ignores the warning and heads in while drawing his short swords, he kicks open a door and begins to head through the rooms until coming upon Xeno. "Shouldve known this was your doing, bastard."
Xeno steps away from the containers and looks at Kazuto "Milca veneros antra nol mindras." Xeno glared at him with hostile eyes and went into a protective stance around the containers. Also the containers are the 15 feet tall.
Xeno glared at Kazuto with hostility but he wasn't going to attack he couldn't risk the project he's been working on.
"Guy, calm yourself and think. 'Can I really beat the guy in front of me?'" Kazuto resheathed his blades and raised his hands up. "Look, completely defenseless."
"You're the one who barged into my Sanctuary so I have a right to keep my secrets." Xeno didn't move an inch.

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