Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

((Xeno is trying to awake you and Wernox came over with his friend Sacky and we're gonna go on some mission for an item also Xeno had a mental breakdown because he remembered how his planet was destroyed and how his family was killed.))
The fox that lied on Akio's chest as he slept before ran up. "Oh, hi there, friend." It jumped on Akio making happy noises.
Raze finds himself in the spring. He wakes up. "Damn crap!!! Where the heck am I? ", he shouts as he struggles to get out.
"Eliza is still knicked out cold..."Sky then heard raze she went over to raze and hrlped him "and I wanted eliza ti give you cpr" she sighed.

nana finally burst out laughing. remembering who actually gave him un needed cpr. though it was a wierd laugh and this was the first time she full out laughed in front of the group. she curled into a ball as her stomic hurted
"...I'm going go train...." Akio said to Sky. Akio flew away, as he elevated through his 3 Super Saiyan forms. "One... Two..." Akio's hair was thicker, grew down to his knees with a curve, was spikier, turned golden. His eye lashes disappeared. His pupils disappeared and his white eyes turned golden. "Three!" A dark voice that spoke as Akio did and said what he said was behind his voice. Akio flew through trees, and then released an explosion, that, instead of a normal explosion that throws fire everywhere, Ki flared from Akio's body in a sphere around him, carving a large half orb in the ground, and destroyed a lot of trees in all directions. Dust flew up, as Akio flew away farther to keep using trees as training dummies.

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