Magica a land of Adventure [Inactive]

Akio noticed three shimmering, orange, orbs on the ground just a little bit off. Akio flies over and picks them up. Three shiny orange spheres, one had three yellow stars, one had 7 yellow stars, and another had 4. "Some of the Dragon Balls!"
As Xeno was walking he began to talk. "Xelos antravis noc alta brnas." He chanted those words out and the ground opened up into a large hole with stairs leading down, it gave a strange presence.
Akio, being the one who can use Ki Sensing, had a strange feeling. Strange feelings always meant a fight, so Akio teleported in front of Xeno.
Sky smiled "your the right man and you haven't done anything to upset you feel a strange presence?"

Xeno stopped and turned to look at Akio "this isn't a place for you." Xeno glared at Akio with hostility.
"......I'm still coming, good luck trying to stop me." Akio retorted. He seemed like he wasn't going to go back up until he saw what was down there.
"This place is my sanctuary undisturbed by no one else.... This is where I keep my most sacred memories...." Xeno finished and added "you must respect my privacy."
"Tell the others not to come down here...." Xeno then continues down and opens the doors and enters and the doors closes but as they close everyone feels the strange presence with more intensity.

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