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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

Olivia didn't dare knock, this is was just one more house and more people she had to deal with.She had a messenger bag thrown over her shoulder and her hair tied back with a bandanna, A loose fitting cardigan covered a half cami top she had on and followed with short jean shorts and black combats books. She sighed as she slowly mad her way around, trying to be unnoticed. Maybe if no one noticed the new kid she wouldn't have any problems. There was an empty room for her around somewhere. When she found it, she sat her back down and sighed.

Her hands grazed over her face while anxious thoughts rushed through her head. Her thigh tattoo was showing and her eyes were fixed upon it. "I am not lost." She whispered quietly to herself. "Fucking, life." She sighed. With all the shit going down, she really didn't want much to do with anyone. But if someone were to come in, she'd have to problem addressing them. She didn't know how the house itself worked or how everyone inside of it was, all she knew was that she needed a little happiness in her life.

Her bag was fully unzipped and onto of her bed she sat crosslegged, with a blunt wrapper on the pillow and ground up cannabis to the side. She slowly made a trail and rolled five blunts, one right after the other. She wiped off whatever was left on her pillow to the floor and carefully placed four blunts into her bag for later. Reaching around she found a lighter and pressing the blunt to her lips she lit the end and inhaled, removing the stick from her mouth and exhaling. The pure smell had to be drifting down the hallway. "God I love dank weed." She pushed the end of the blunt back into her mouth.
Benjamin grunted in agreement and scooted closer to Ava, and grabbed her hand.

"Remember, we'll stick together no matter what." He said.

He smiled at her and closed his eyes and laid against the window. He was suddenly jolted awake by the van coming to sudden stop and the New Life Center stood outside.

"This is it? I hope the owner is nicer." He growled.

Flashes of memories with Michael flashed through his mind as he thought about the time he first came to Sunny Brooks. He hoped it wouldn't be like that.
Ava patted Ben's arm. "I'm sure they are," she said softly, then kissed him on the cheek. On the outside, she seemed fine. On the inside, she didn't want to go inside. It was another whole group to get used to. I'll just stick with Ben and Jodie. She thought, brushing the thought from her mind.
Benjamin smiled and held his hand out for her to grab.

"Shall we?" He asked, with a smile on his face.
Ava nodded and took his hand. "Let's blow this joint!" Her face turned red as she realized what she said. "That sounded way better in my head..." She laughed, shaking her head.
Benjamin laughed out loud and shook his head.

"You're amazing, you know that?" He said.

He lead her into the building and looked around.
Ava stood close to Ben as she looked around. It seemed like a nice place, nicer than Sunny Brooks it seemed. "Where is everyone?" She asked quietly, feeling totally uncomfortable.
Benjamin looked around and shrugged, he turned to Ava with his boxing gloves bounced against his chest.

"No idea, but it's super creepy." He said.
"Maybe we should take a look around..." Ava suggested. "It's going to be our new home after all..." She let go of Ben's hand and started to wander about carefully. Her nose scrunched up at the smell that was in the air. "What is that smell...?"
"Hey, that smells like weed." Ben mused.

He raised an eyebrow and looked around.

"Who'd be smoking weed in here?"
Meanwhile, Olivia was back in her room, halfway through a blunt. Her eyes had glossed over and pupils had dialated. She was laying back with her feet in the air and her head hanging over the edge. She was moving her feet back and forth and coming up to do crunches. "Sixteen" She'd inhale hold it for five seconds and come back up and exhale, holding it. "Seventeen!" She screamed. She laughed for a bit.
Isadore inwardly breathed a sigh of relief, glad that his roommate was still...well, everything was the same as in Sunny Brooks. He wondered if this stagnancy in their relationship should have been a matter of concern. I guess it's good that he's not trying to run from me. Isadore tilted his head down and followed Nick's gesture at the carpeted floor. But it's also bad that he's not trying to run from me. Attempting to humor the other boy's request, though Isadore was pretty sure he hadn't dropped anything, he leaned forwards a bit more to look closely at where Nick was pointing. "Hm? Well, I don't see anything..."
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The instant he caught Isadore looking down at the ground, the boy's expression lit up in amusement, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. Nick burst into laughter, all smiles as he sat back up. "You newb! I bet you've never even played The Circle Game, have you?" Without any more stalling, he pulled back his arm and swung his fist to punch the other boy roughly in the shoulder, then guffawed some more. Why hadn't he thought of this before? He's like some pranking virgin, if those were a thing. Nick's mind was racing wildly with ideas now. He probably didn't even know the thing about Mustangs, Beetles, two for flinching, nothing. He's a gold mine and he doesn't even know it. The possibilities are endless.
Isadore sat there, stunned. I...why...punching me? He could feel his ears turning red, though he wasn't even sure what he was supposed to feel embarrassed about. And that made the situation even more embarrassing for him. He struggled to respond to to Nick's laughter. "I...what just happened?" No, that's not right. Squirming a bit, Isadore tried again. "I mean, why did you hit me for looking at your hand? Is this some sort of game?" The burning of his ears was becoming unbearable, and he reached up to cup his hands over them. What is going on...?
The boy's laughter died down, unable to ignore how stupefied the other boy was for long. "What, you serious?" Even if he hadn't ever played the game before, he was sure Isadore had at least heard about it. What type of rock do you have to live under to not know? Nick almost felt bad to such an extent, he was able to give the other boy a smile, his forehead creased and eyebrows tilting in a pitying manner. "Yeah, it's a game. Lemme' show you how it works. It's real easy." Nick slid forward so as to swing his legs over the side of the bed. He made the same circle with one hand and lifted the symbol to show to the other boy. "What you do is make this circle and try to get the other person to look at it, but it has to be below your waist, like this." He dropped his arm such that it was just aligned with the mattress. He's gonna' fall for it again, I already know. "If the other person looks, you get to punch them, okay?"
Madison was laying on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. It was a time she could be alone and reflect on what had happened.

It seemed to Madison that the new kids were OK, though she could hear more people downstairs. She got up and left onto the hallway, but immediately she could smell a strong scent of weed. "Weed?"

The smell brought back memories of some years ago when her Mother would come home from those parties, how the scent brought back the pain she once felt, helpless, unloved.. Sometimes she felt as though it smelt of home, because the aroma would linger in the house constantly. As she grew up, she learnt that the smell was drugs, back then she would have dismissed it as the smell of her Mothers alcohol.

She suddenly felt a sinking feeling in her heart, though she tried to brush it off as best she could.

She ran downstairs and to her surprise, 2 new people, as it seemed, she hadn't seen them here before.

She looked at them for a second to see which of them were smoking, but neither were.

"Oh." Madison said as she slowed down. "Sorry, but, is it only me that can smell weed?"
The Headmistress sat in her room, filling out the remaining pieces of paperwork for the new kids. She knew there was going to be trouble; but she was prepared. She had had the children scrub the house from head to toe the day before and she was ready to transfer any kids who were too much trouble. Everything was going to plan so far, Jamie had showed the kids inside and then-

"Something isn't right." She said, standing up and rushing out of her room. She could smell something. A smell that she knew to be cannabis. Her breath was quickening with anger and she went to the bottom of the stairs. "MEETING TIME-THE LIVING ROOM." She made her way back to the living room "NOW!" ]

Jamie heard the Headmistress call. He didn't need to be shouted twice. He took one last look in the mirror and walked out of his room. He guessed the new kids didn't know what a meeting was, so he decided to inform them. Besides, it was a way to get to know them. He opened the door next to him. He saw two guys together, lying together. I'm uncultured. "Hey, you might want to come downstairs? Headmistress doesn't like to be kept waiting." He stood at the door waiting for them to respond.

@Pine @Trignome
Aaron tapped a white piece of paper with a three little triangles on it on the front of his door. He didn't notice that he drew the Triforce until it was tapped on the door. Jamie said that all the rooms with decorated doors were taken, so he thought that he had to decorate his door too. When he wanted to close his door he suddenly heard someone yelling. He did as the voice told him and went to the living room.

When he got there he saw a woman in her mid-thirties standing there. She was probably the boss here. ''Good day, miss'' Said Aaron as polite as possible with a smile that said.. Basically his smile also said 'Good Day'. Was this a daily thing? Or was there something wrong? Aaron suddenly smelled something weird. Maybe this meeting is about that smell? Whatever the smell is anyway.
Olivia now pressing the end of the first stick against the wall listened as what she assumed to be the authoritative person in charge scream that everyone should come down stairs. "Well shit." She answered. She rolled over, grabbed another one that she'd rolled and walked yo a mirror. She fixed the little bit of make up that shed messed up and stared at the now glassy reddened eyes. "Fuck.." She shrugged it off.

With the now second blunt in her hands, she lit it and proceeded down the hallway. If she was to get in trouble why not just go ahead and have fun with it? She walked along the wall, dank weed was not always the best for moving. Getting down the stairs was another thing. She took her time and eventually made it to the living room where she sat down on the couch, grabbed another hit and exhaled. "IM DOWNSTAIRS, YA HAG." She called, laughing.
Madison was already in the kitchen when she heard the Head call. She turned around and headed towards her, Jamie and a Boy called Aaron were already there.

Suddenly, a girl walked passed her, smelling strongly of the weed from earlier.

Madison walked after her over to the Head and sat down in the corner of the leather sofa, with her knees curled up.
Isadore glanced down at Nick's hand. "Okay, so...if I look at this, I lose." What is the point of this game? Before he could ask, the shrill cry of a banshee echoed from outside the bedroom. Meeting downstairs. Isadore got up from the floor, but not before prodding Nick's hand-circle. "This game makes no sense. How about Poker. We could play Poker." He chuckled a bit. "Get it? Poker? And I'm poking your hand...?" Shrugging sheepishly, Isadore looked over at the boy that was standing in the doorway. What's with that odd expression of his? "That's alright. She can wait."
Marcus put down his pen after a long essay about Greyhounds. To write and sketch about dogs made him very happy but when the headmistress called.. He frowned. Marcus stood up, fixed his hair,tie, and he dusted off his pants. Marcus then casually walk down the stairs, trying to ignore the new people.

Ruby was still in the garden, somehow she fell asleep. She sat up straight when she heard the headmistress call. Grass was in her hair and some leaves as well. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and yawned. She was used to the leaves and grass so she ruffled her own hair as she saw leaves fall out. This is a con if you sleep in a garden... She started to scratch her arm. That is another con... Bugs biting you.. She sighed and tied her hair up, so it didn't look messy. Ruby put on her best smile, and nodded her head toward the Headmistress, not making eye contact. "Hello Headmistress." She said quietly and waited quietly for everyone else to come down.
He's too easy. Nick curled his fingers to punch the boy again when a shrill cry from downstairs claimed his attention instead, distracting him enough to let Isadore off easy. Mercy for the first timer. It's not like I won't have plenty of other chances More importantly, what's this about a meeting? Nick glanced back down, furrowing his eyebrows at the other boy poking him, before proceeding to deliver a most God awful pun. "You're an idiot," he chuckled lightly, rising to his feet as well. He was about explain the significance of the game when a boy came into their room, prompting them to hurry along. Who is this kid? Oh, that nose ring guy from earlier? Why is he dressed so heavy? Is he allergic to air conditioning or something?

Nick attempted to keep the disdain from his face, which was not too hard, because in the next instant, his face was plastered with a wide grin as, yet again, inspiration struck. Okay, maybe a demonstration. "Come on, we should probably go," he prompted with a wave of his hand. Psych. Nick walked up to the other boy but came to a halt before passing him in the doorway, tilting his head to the side as he glanced down at the boy's boots. "Hey, do you even know how to tie a shoe?" The boy made to look like he was pointing once again, but quickly formed the circle. Surely someone here knows they're getting punched.

- - - - -

Marcus had spent a good amount of time preening himself in front of a full length mirror, particularly after discovering an eyelash had fallen into his eye. Even after he had rubbed it over to his tear duct, in which he pried it out, he could still feel the stinging that demanded him to blink and rub his eye constantly. He groaned a little, decided he had to at least make an effort to ignore it. The boy threw on a light, gray hoodie over his black tanktop and zipped it up partially before he suddenly recalled what was far more important than making himself look presentable. Bacon!

The boy burst out of his room and ran down the stairs, anticipating the sizzle and pop of bacon frying over a stove, but instead only inhaled the scent of... weed? Marcus went straight for the kitchen, but rather than seeing Madison, he was confronted with an empty room, the bacon still lying on the counter uncooked. Any resemblance of a smile was instantly wiped off his face, instead replaced by something horrified in his dismay. I feel so betrayed.

After resolving that he would have to be the unfortunate one to cook his own breakfast, he was about to cross over to the stove when the headmistress for a meeting. A meeting? Why would... oh, new kids. Marcus crossed over to the living room area, picking a nice spot of wall to lean on as he waited for the others. He cringed when he saw a girl coming down the stairs, drug in hand, sleazy in outfit and calling the headmistress a hag. Oh, no no no no no, you can't do that. That's what this meeting is for, isn't it? He knew he was at least partially right, and with the girl slumping on the couch, he knew he had to try to save her from as much trouble as possible, though this girl had already dug a horribly deep hole for herself.

Skipping out on his customary greeting of Marcus upon his entrance, he hurried to the back of the couch, leaning in so as to better whisper to the girl. "Don't make this any harder than it already is," he began to advised in a hushed, almost panicked tone. "Don't raise your voice at her, don't call her a hag, and throw the weed away right now."
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"Excuse me, but who are you young lady?" The Headmistress looked at Olivia. "I don't recall seeing your file on the list of children coming from Sunny Brooks. And if it was you letting out that preposterous smell, I suggest you listen up." She straightened up in front of the army of children. "I am the Headmistress. You will call me that-And only that. Not Lady, not Ma'am. Not Miss." She glanced at Aaron. "I am here today to list out the rules. I have taken the liberty of writing them out on a piece of paper. You do what you will with them-put them on your walls, copy them into a book; all I ask is that you don't forget or disobey them, and if you do-you are out." She paced the room, slowly, her hands behind her back. "If you disobey the rules once, I will count that as a strike. If you disobey them twice in one month, that's 2 strikes. If you disobey them a third time in a month, you are out." She turned to them and handed out the rules.

Jamie looked down at the piece of paper in his hands. He had read these 3 or 4 times before. He had never seen the Headbitch get this mad before. Maybe it was because that chick was smoking weed. She seemed cool, at least her thigh tattoos did, he could see them sneaking out of the bottom of her shorts. The rules read:

1.) No alcohol or drugs inside your room

2.) Females and males must sleep separately.

3.) Absolutely no one enters my office unless asked to.

4.) Chores must be completed.

5.) No swearing.

6.) No using the shower after 8pm.

7.) Curfew is 9pm.

8.) All homework must be completed.

9.) Personal items are your own responsibility, if you break them you must pay for the damage.

10.) No using the house phone without permission.

A breach of any of these rules will result in confiscation of personal items such as mobile phones and computers. Also, it could result in the television and wifi being turned off for the rest of the house.

Yours sincerely, the Headmistress.

Jamie laughed. He didn't have to stick to the rules. I mean, some of them were obviously stupid, but completing his homework was not a priority.

"Thankyou, you are dismissed. Except you, I want to speak with you." The Headmistress pointed at Olivia.

Fliss was a little intimidated by the Headmistress-No, scratch that. She was a lot intimidated. The stick straight white hair, the expressionless face, everything about her screamed authoritative. Fliss didn't want to be within an inch of her, in fear she might be told off for being to sloppily dressed. She stood up and walked back to her room, her rules in hand.

Jodie crossed her arms. Who did this woman think she was? She was being rude to them on the first day. She stood up, a frown on her face. She knew what she was going to do when she got back to her room; she was going to rip up those rules and throw them away. She didn't need these rules. She would do what she wanted. If she wanted so vodka, she would get some. If she wanted a boy in her room, she would invite him in. She knew how much fun she was going to have here..
Madison listened hard to what the woman said, but still she wanted to question them, but she wouldn't dare speak in-case she came across rude.

She stood up after another girl, who was new, but she hadn't spoken to her yet. She seemed nice and someone maybe she could get on with.

"Hey, you, what's your name?" Madison pulled the shoulder back of a girl, she thought her name was Fliss, but she couldn't exactly say for sure because she'd never heard that name before.

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