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Realistic or Modern Mad House.

"Hm" Madison shrugged. She knew that the siblings didn't want to talk, but she still, as of her strange personality, pushed herself up and sat on the counter to talk to them. She thought that she had never really got the chance, and now she had already started then why not?

"So.. You don't like the idea of having new people here, you know..." Madison swung her legs back and forth with a smirk, like a little girl. "I mean, before it was just so lonely, and now it will be the opposite." She continued to her attitude. Madison was trying to say "You won't be able to survive this place with that tone." But she knew that it would only scare them away. After all, Madison tried to be nice whenever she had the chance.
Upon to Maddison's own words to them before the striking heavy atmosphere the big brother delivered, they just simple ignored what she said, like what they do to most people, but somehow slightly more regarded.

"...We're not the ones who needs to survive..." A whisper...Belle just gave her a smile before she hid in her hood and before Marcus had entered the Kitchen.

Zainier just simple kept quiet, not paying attention to Maddison's words at all, just noticed Marcus's entrance..


[For the sake of Maddison's reply ^^ just an insert]
She suddenly stopped caring about the troubled siblings and turned her attention to Marcus. Madison looked over at him, staring with no expression. What does he want?

She had never really responded to his attempted charms, only by giving him a mean look or frowning at him. Today she was feeling kind of rebellious, and her favourite game was playing hard to get. She decided to stop 'new people thing' and walk over to him.
Uh, this guy is messed up. He could already feel an aura of strangeness around Aaron. "Well, you guys can go and pick a room; there are plenty. If you want to bunk up, you can bunk up. The doors that aren't decorated are empty, and feel free to decorate your door once you get in." He nodded and put his hands behind his back, walking over to Belle, hoping he could steal some breakfast from her.
The bloody moment when Zainier spotted Jamie walking over to his sister, he grabbed a knife and stabbed it down the remaining bacons on his place and went over to his sister we a darker growl that could rival a black lion. Zainier's voice was lower than the usual men around here, which just makes him sound more like a demon, He stabbed the table and it actually cracked through, with the bacon just there. And pushed the remaining eggs on the plate to the knife and grabbed his sister, glaring darkly at Jamie, his ashen grey eyes looked like mists that could just poison up his throat and choke him with acidic sulfuric air.

He grabbed hold of his sister and she frowned, "..Zaine it's al-"

"We are going back to the room..." he said sternly, and without a further adieu, he walked out of the kitchen with his sister, his aura ever evident to tell everyone to get the fuck off his path... he's just that pissed and protective.

And off they went..
"Hey, I won't bite your sister Zainier-unless she wants me to." He ate the rest of the bacon on the plate and coughed as he realised there was still newbies watching him at the doorway. "Off you go!" He smiled but he was really trying to hurry them along. He looked over at Marcus Uno and Madison. Uh, just kiss already.
...There was no gun...

..No gun in sight..

..How Zaine wishes there was... he could've brought out an anti-tank rifle to Jamie's head.....

But no.. there was no gun...

it wasn't.. safe.. they said...
Marcus looked back at his real target, seeing as the girl was blowing off his compliments as usual. That was fine if she didn't want to talk. As long as he got one piece of bacon. One piece. That's all he asked for... Then Jamie thought it was a good idea to approach them directly. No, no, that's not how you do it at all! It's like you don't even live here! The boy flinched when Zaine's temper flared before Jamie had even done anything. "No," he whispered, making quiet sobbing noises as he saw the bacon disappear before his very eyes. "Jamie you ruined everything," he whined, ignoring Madison to mourn the loss of his true love - food.
Aaron nodded at that and went upstairs to the rooms. He walked into room of the first undecorated door he saw. A smile formed on Aaron's lips when he saw that it was a one-person bedroom. He placed his suitcases under his bed and changed quickly into a green hoodie, a pair of blue jeans and black sneakers. As careful as possible he hanged the suit in the closet. When he was finished with unpacking his suitcase placed his schoolbooks on his desk. Looking in his suitcase he saw that he still had the files of the companies, he placed the files into one of the drawer of his desk.

His backpack was filled with N64 video games and the N64. Aaron decided that he could just leave them their and use another backpack for school. He hang the backpack up in his closet and decided to just read a book in his room.
Madison just stood there staring, thinking whether she should leave or not. "Umm..." She turned around and saw Jamie had finished off the bacon, precious, precious bacon according to Marcus. "Ok... we have lots of bacon." Madison went over to the saddened boy.
Marcus slipped into a deeper state of self pity, his shoulders slumping as he looked absolutely crest fallen. "But Madison, you don't understand... that wasn't just any bacon..." The boy stifled a whimper. "That was cooked bacon." And I missed Telemundo for that... and going to dress nicely for the new kids, but Telemundo more importantly.
Marcus Nirva was shocked. No one came to befriend him! Not even a passing glance. "Scumbags!" He growled, shaking a fist. He went in, trying not to look at anyone, into the kitchen, bumping shoulders and scoffing at all of them. He grabbed a green apple and left the kitchen, and stomped up to his room and sat back down at his desk. Still writing about greyhounds. He took a huge bite out of the apple, then swallowing and muttering the words he furiously wrote.

"The Greyhound is a very old European breed of dog, a sighthound which has been historically bred for coursing game and latterly Greyhound racing Since the rise in large scale adoption of retired racing Greyhounds, particularly in North America from the end of the 20th century, it has seen a resurgence in popularity as a family pet..."

He then threw down his pen and closed his eyes, rubbing his temples with his index fingers.

Ruby had sneaked over tot he garden unseen, she laid in the soft fluffy grass she took care of. She felt at peace. It was very beautiful, butterflies roamed her flowers she grew herself.

"Oh butterflies. I wish I was as pretty as you. I especially want wings. To fly away from all my problems.." Sighed, rolling onto her belly, watching the insects. But she giggled. "But that'll never happen..." She sounded happy but there was tint of sadness in Her voice and eyes.
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Madison sighed. "I know, I know." She grabbed his arm and dragged him to where the oven was. She got the frying pan and some bacon out and put it down on the counter. "Right, do you want some bacon or what?" She smirked and played with her hair.
On the trip there, Nick had not deviated far from his original plan. The boy was fortunate enough to keep the seat next to him free. Upon the orphanage zooming into view, and it did look a lot better than Sunny Brooks, he was already shuffling his things around and throwing his legs into the aisle in an attempt to get off quickly. He had succeeded in being the first to get off, but he hesitated upon seeing a pair of kids waiting outside the door. Welcoming party. Not a fan. He squinted at them, his perception of them quickly transitioning from ambivalence to distaste. Is the a nose ring? You don't dress formally with a nose ring.

As a result, he stepped off to the side, allowing the party of kids to form and get away from him, which didn't take long. It was probably better this way, however. If he wasn't a part of the grand de la tour, he could easily just pick a room to settle in. Nick followed after the group but kept his distance, looking around and not paying attention to anything they were saying. And who's the red head, anyway? Any concern he had for all the kids vanished upon seeing the stairs. He broke off from the group, making his way up the stairs as quickly as he could with his leg the way he was, lifting his suitcase up from the ground, as well as his gravity tugging on his backpack, desperately wanting him to fall over.

It soon became apparent that the orphanage was somewhat more organized, as all the rooms with the doors swung open were seemingly vacated. As far as he was aware, all of them had two beds in them. I'm not sure if that makes things easier or more complicated. Still, as though for nostalgia's sake, Nick ventured to the end of the hall where one room was still available. Unlike last time, there was actually a pillow for both beds. Oh, don't spoil me. He slipped off his backpack at the foot of the bed, producing a loud thump, and deposited his suitcase next to it. Unceremoniously, he threw himself on the bed, shutting his eyes and trying to organize his thoughts. Wow, you can hardly feel the springs on this mattress.

- - - - -

Marcus slumped further against the table, stretching his arms across it, managing to make him look dejected even further. He set his chin on the table just in time to see the other Marcus enter the kitchen. "Oh hey Marc-" Marcus Dos had already left the room. Oh, what's he upset about? Did he hear about the bacon, too? I guess I'll just have to make it myself... However, in the next moment, he found himself allowing Madison to drag him to the oven. His eyes instantly lit up at the offer. "Yes! I fucking love you!" Without hesitation, he reached to throw his arms around her shoulders in embrace.
Marcus made her jump, but Madison just blushed and accepted his hug... well it seemed a quick squeeze really.

"It's fine... I mean... You can have bacon whenever you want." Madison smirked. "But it stays between me and you." She whispered.

It really didn't matter, but she was the type of girl to find anyway possible to flirt, even if it meant doing it over bacon.

He sure loves bacon.
Isadore was peering up at the building that the van had arrived at. Everybody else had already gone inside, and he was very much fascinated by the fact that the building was sliding down the street. Isadore blinked, realizing what was happening. That's right. I'm still in the van. He hummed to himself as he unlatched the back doors and stood precariously on the edge. Ignoring the frantic shouting of the driver, Isadore shouldered his backpack and leaped out, relaxing his forearms in front of his face and curling up for the impact. Before the van's driver could stop and check on him, Isadore shoved himself off the asphalt and ran for the front door.

Checking the handle, and realizing it was unlocked, he grinned maniacally and dashed into the house. So many friends to make, so many people to...list. Waving to the strangers in the kitchen, Isadore took the stairs slowly, allowing his pulse to stabilize from his little escapade earlier. As he walked down the hall, the soft sound of footsteps on carpeting echoed faintly just above his own breathing. Is it one of the Sunny Brookers? Padding silently down the hallway, he peeked into the open door of the last room on the right. Isadore's cautious expression immediately brightened.

"Nick!" He walked across the room and over to the other boy's bed. He poked Nick lightly in the ribs. "Hey...hey Nick." This feels awfully familiar...Shrugging, Isadore ruffled the boy's hair. "Hey...hey Nick." Then he started playing the drums on Nick's stomach. "Hey...hey Nick."
Fliss walked out of the van a few seconds after Nick, but before she could escape, a boy leaped out in front of her, flailing his arms shouting for Nick. She froze and laughed. It's like he's in love with him. She dragged her case behind her and walked inside. She found a guy and a girl hugging and a boy sat at a table eating bacon. I like it better already.

Not more of them! Jamie threw his last piece of bacon back onto his plate and groaned as he got up. "Hi!" He said too enthusiastically. "If you would just follow the rest of your buddies upstairs and find a room with out decoration blah blah blah...BLAH!" He went back to his bacon.

"Oh, and Marcus-That's exactly how you do it. See, I even got you a chick who'll make bacon for you you." He stuffed the last rasher in his mouth.
The boy broke off, all smiles. Well, yeah, but I didn't feel like cooking it for myself. Too hungry for that. He leaned in, as though to better hear what she whispered to him, nodding in understanding as he made sure his back was to the other boy. "Yeah, Jamie can't have any," he whispered back, tossing a feigned glare over his shoulder, hoping that he could make it look like they actually had something to be secretive about. Then his features lifted into a grin, waving shortly as a boy run past them. Looking back at the girl, he spoke up, returning to his normal volume. "Well, I'm gonna' go change. Sorry, but if you want to watch, it'll cost ya'." Marcus delivered another wink at her before removing himself from the kitchen. Passing by the other boy, he chimed, "You wish," before racing up the stairs to his room.
Madison smiled at herself as he left.

"Hey you, Mr innocent eating bacon in the corner. What's this about anyway?" She pointed at Jamies outfit.
"What do you mean, I always dress like this." He smirked and wiped the grease from his hands onto his pants. He picked up his book and looked at his watch. "But I suppose it has been long enough strutting around in this atrocity so-Imma go change." He held the book under his arm and jogged up to his room. It had minimal design. Pure white bed sheets and a few posters hastily stuck to his walls. He opened his wardrobe, folded his formal clothed and put them back in. He changed back into his jeans and moaned that he had already changed his clothes twice in one day; far too many times. Still, he looked better in this

, it suited him more. He realised the nicey nicey approach wasn't going to open up these kids, he had to get down to earth. He decided he would tell them that every time someone new arrived, he was paid to do a tour in that ridiculous outfit. He knew some would buy it, but not all. Perhaps the Mayor kid would.
Nick had hardly come to a conclusion about everything, save for how he needed to check his e-mail, when he heard Isadore calling his name. In the back of his mind, he supposed he had been anticipating it. After all, he had selected the room most reminiscent to his last... and with Isadore having originally laid claim to the room, he was just asking for it. He supposed his suspicions for the other boy perhaps wanting another room was all for nothing. The strange thing was not so much that he wasn't displeased by this development, but more that he feel some degree of relief. Humans were creatures of habit, after all, and having a new roommate would be just another thing to adjust to... or he was just making excuses.

Either way, he waited until he felt confident that Isadore was done with his greeting, or whatever it could be called, which he was beginning to suspect was habitual. Oh, but not the hair... Nick automatically caved in his stomach a little when he felt the fingers tapping on them, but with him laying on his stomach as it was, it was hardly noticeable. Finally, he lazily cracked his eyes open, finding the task to be surprisingly difficult. Five hours of sleep is not enough. "Yeah?" he finally answered.
Isadore knelt down and propped his elbows on the mattress. He said nothing, just stared at Nick impassively. There were so many things he wanted to ask this guy. Why did you pick this room? Did you know, it coordinates with my old room's position at Sunny Brooks? Was the choice intentional? How come you're not trying to avoid me like everybody else? Are you stupid? Isadore blinked, dark eyes still revealing nothing but a mild curiosity for the person lying on the bed.

Can I be your friend?

Frowning at himself, Isadore shook his head, dislodging the last question from his mind. Of course not, darling. The Inquisitor hovered just beyond his vision, patting the boy lovingly on the shoulder. You don't deserve friends. Brushing the bony fingers off his shoulder, Isadore tilted his head and smiled at Nick. "I just wanted to know if you're asleep." He laughed a bit, as the ghostly hand slipped away. "I guess I have my answer now." It was a dumb question, anyways.
Aaron sat behind his desk reading one of his books. When suddenly a thought popped up into his mind. Why did no one take this room already? Are there so many rooms? Or are there not that much children? Or is this room haunted? Dun..dun...dunnnn. Aaron smiled at his dumb thoughts and continued reading.
Nick stared back at the boy, becoming increasingly disconcerted in the silence, leaving him alone with his thoughts, subtly distancing himself a little from Isadore. Why are you just staring at me? Are you thinking of what to say or what not to say? Did I properly call dibs? I'm guessing you want to room together again, right? You won't kill me in my sleep, will you? Why haven't I discussed all those things with you yet? Why do I even want to deal with you? He blinked, suspicious that he would never actually ask any of those questions. The boy sucked in his lips, trying to keep how unnerved he actually was from registering in his expression. He was moderately successful, almost reflecting Isadore's deadpan stare.

Oh, wait, he just wants to know if I was awake. No, wait, he's lying, isn't he? Nick sat up finally, propping himself up with his arms. "Dude, we haven't even been here ten minutes. Of course I'm awake." Trying not to read too much into why the other boy would even say that, he quickly swapped topics. "Whatever. I was just thinking I want to figure this place out, but..." He lips tilted in a partial frown. "I don't even want to deal with these people yet."

Nick was silent for a moment, attempting to think of something more interesting he could say. His gaze dropped to the carpeted floor below. Inspiration struck. Oh, he's so going to fall for this. He fought to keep the smile off his face, instead focusing on a particular knot in the carpet that stuck up among the others. He pushed himself up from leaning on palms, instead curling his spine forward enough to drop his arm over the side of the bed. "Hey, did you drop that?" he asked with trained sincerity. The boy made to look like he was pointing at something, but in reality, he made sure to drop his hand below his waist and, between his thumb and index finger, he made a circle, watching for Isadore to look down in his peripheral vision.
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