Mad House 2.0

Ha...ha...I'm beyond out of shape...speedwalking down hallways already makes me tired...
You dishonor your famiry!

Me too, haven't been able to work out since I broke my leg. :(
i don't- pfthh- under- pfthh- your language- pfthhhhh

too bad there's only two games left

or two weeks?

some of my old soccer player-ness came out

like the one where i would get in people's faces

(but then i would get knocked over because all those girls were freaking huge and i would get nose bleeds all the time lol

but it was okay because i was a tough little shit)

but like

i was tired just practicing before the game even started LOL

and guess what?


AND i neglected to bring water
i had knee problems, and even had to do like physical therapy exercises

but i havent done ANY sort of exercising since required gym ended last school year lOLOL O LO L O L AHA ha hah AH


im so out of shape


and with online school im basically laying/sitting in diff positions most of the day

unless im required to go somewhere

or get to do things with my friends

but i like my friends

well MAYBE if you watched more anime like a real fan, pie ptthhhhpplplbplbpb

omg pie that sounds like torture
Pine is boss.

I broke the very top of my tibia, and there was bone splinters floating around in my knee causing it to lock up, and stuff, and I had a cartilage defect. All thanks to exercising. :) Go martial arts, now I need to get back into it. I like working out, makes me feel good. I do it for thee sore feeling the next day.
oh frick i just remembered i agreed to my mom to do kickboxing
okay well i speed walk to my classes so i'm not that bad lol

and i sometimes walk around the dorm for fun

idk i just thought i would do really bad

but considering i was playing defense and the ball was on our side seventy percent of the time

i have my pride

did i ever tell you guys how i'm super competitive

and a sore loser

so like after they scored that first goal i was like grrrrrrr

the second goal only got in because it bounced off the goal post crais

it's okay though i really enjoyed myself in spite of everything

and back then i was SUCH a tom boy i felt so tough every time my nose bled lol

and here i am

never having broken a bone

and i'm still bragging about my injuries

wiggle ur so tuff
i used to do sports

i was terrible at it but i intimidated the other children ahaha h

now in gym i do the minimal stuff

and conserve energy when the gym teacher wasnt looking

but that was also because my knees arent 100% better

freshman year was really bad

i spent most of my time avoiding the gym teacher so i wouldnt have to move my legs any faster

i havent broken any bones either and wow i am glad

my whole body is in tip-top shape (save for you know the out of shape part of it all lol)


i fractured my arm before

like we were playing some sort of hockey that wasn't hockey

like hockey stick + a styrofoam ball (except it wasn't actually styrofoam it was heavy and it hurt...?)

and we were wearing shoes (possibly because we were band kids lol)

and i fell on the ice

and thought it would be a good idea to try to catch myself with my left arm

(hint: it wasn't)
my whole body is out of shape lmao

eeeeegh that sounds painful
I loved boxing, and all sorts of martial arts, when I first started training I lifted weights too, then I just started doing boxing because I loved it. Then I fractured my hand twice, one in a fight and the other time because I punched something that was stronger than I was, dislocated my shoulder a few times and then my knee. Balls to the wall, man. I always hurt myself though, I kept my brace, bandages and my pain pills from my surgery because I knew I was going to do it again some time, lol. :(

On,y bad thing about doing comat at sports like that in high school is all the jocks or tough boys wanna fight you to prove they're better than you, lol. I laughed at them.
it really wasn't

i had to have a pseudo-cast with a spoon


i think i can understand being a little more prone to injuries when



martial arts

stuff lol
oh wow yeah id hate only being able to type with one hand

i used to do karate

but it was crappy karate america stuff

and then after i became a blackbelt i quit

i hated all those stupid forms

im never going to use forms in a real fight

i guess if my mom forces me to do kickboxing, i'll get to punch people?
my sister took tai kwon do

idk how it ever happened that i didn't

idk if i was just not interested or doing soccer or...?

but my mom keeps telling me to take a self-defense class whoops

her dad was a cop and so she told me some of the things he told her and like

it's all just terrifying

but she got to like flip him over her shoulder which is p cool lol

or kick them that works too

i should sleep because idk what i'm even doing being awake rn lol
You won't use the forms in any fight, they're there to teach form and technique. When you're in a real fight, you'll just revert to your punches, kicks, and basic blocks. I always revert back to boxing when I gets into a fight. Boxing, kickboxing, and Muay Thai are good for self defense, and anyone who says BJJ is good for that is stupid, don't want to be on the ground when you're being attacked. Especially if the guy has got friends. Or you could carry a gun, ain't no one going to attack you when you pull a gun on them, unless they're a crazed drug addict. BJJ is still a fun sport though.

You'll get to punch and kick people!
So I think a common time for us all to be online when the role play starts would be pretty cool.

What we have in mind for the role play is like several posts a day, but not quite to the extent where it's overwhelming (though factors like that are difficult to control for obvious reasons).

In any case, I was thinking that we could start at approximately 11:00 AM EST on Saturday.

Do you guys think you could be online at that point?

We can adjust the time by a few hours or even push it to Sunday, so please just let me know!

@Wiggle @Ghost @Trignome @LifeNovel @king5ter

We'll make another announcement once the time is finalized, jsyk.
i usual y wake up around 12 - 2 central time lol

i have chores on saturday like i said

im going to have so m much homework to od


i have so much work nad ij ust keep getting more and i feel like sick

why cant i be apathetic like i walways am
freaking role players never waking up at six in the morning like me

/comforting pat

would maybe one on sunday work better...?

Wait, dang it, isn't it supposed to be daylight saving time soon or whatever?

need to do some calculations with that ugh ugh
i dont know i have so many projects and they keep assigning ore i dont know
hmmmmmmm m

i shall meditate on this all then -w-

we could possibly wait even longer than that idk

good luck with projects and things and stupid online school ; w;
idk i mean i dont want to do only school

id rathe rrp than school

like im going to do my school?

but taking a break to post, i can probably do that, id rather do that
alright, i'll just see what everyone else has to say, then ~

no worries no worries pets u <3
having breakdowns and figuring out the chemcial formulas to ionic coumpounds at the same time, just everyday stuff ill be fine
like breakdowns of chemical formulas?

/nervous laugh

(uproarious laughter from the audience)

comforting pat they're their

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